Saturday 25 November 2017

Meet the Ambassadors {Part 1}

My dear Friends!
As you know for the last few weeks we've been saying hello to amazing new members of my Creative Team. Today I'd also like you to spend some time with another special group in my art life - my Brand Ambassadors.
This beautiful bunch of super creative Artists kindly agree to represent my brand and share their Art, their know-how and countless possibilities of my products.
I'm so very grateful to be surrounded by these people - I'm sure you know and love them already!
Today we have a very special post for you - instead of another project/tutorial I asked my Ambassadors to share a little glimpse into their artistic worlds.
I'm sure you'll love learning more about the creative process of your favorite Artists - please, enjoy this fabulous presentation and get ready for more coming up next weekend! :)

The task was to pick 5 objects that best represent each of the Ambassadors, things that are meaningful or inspiring in a special way.
Maybe a pair of favorite scissors? A family photo or an inspiring poster over the desk? A cup of tea? A beloved old brush? Here are their answers:


These are the 5 things I gather around me every time I create. In very different ways they soothe, motivate, inspire, excite and relax me.

1. Incense… My favourites are Sandalwood and Pachouli which seem to stimulate and calm at the same time.
2. Music... There is always an eclectic mix coming from my studio.
3. Pattern... It will be included in some way in every thing I do; often with stencils and stamps but also with paper, fabric or hand drawn.
4. Collage and image transfer are my two favourite techniques and Art Basics Soft Matte Gel is perfect for both. It lives on my desk. Art Alchemy Sparks acrylic paint has also become a favourite as a final highlight on projects and also lives on my desk.
5. Journals. What can I say. I love them. Each page is a new opportunity for expression, for exploration, for storytelling, for recording a memory or for just some playful arty fun. Big, small, bought, recycled or handmade, for me, they are the perfect place in which to create.
More images and info on my blog.


I have always had one item on my worktable I cannot live without - a pick or an awl.
I own several so I can always be sure to find at least one. They are all worn and decorated with paint.
I use them to apply glue, wrap wire, poke holes, move ephemera around, position stones and flakes, and scrape marks.

The other items I use all the time are Art Alchemy Metallique Paints for color and shine, 3D Matte Gel (best glue ever), old brushes to blend and add texture, and black and white pens to accent. {Linda's blog}


It was an interesting challenge to think what 5 objects could represent me. And even harder it was to narrow it to just one photo for this post! So I went with a detail of a project that actually tells a couple of things. Sneaky of me, right? :)

It's from an altered painter's palette I did. It's here to show my attraction to bibs and bobs and gathered ephemera.
The big bird is a Christmas decoration, there's a clock face, bottle caps and plastic juice caps... I currently have two drawers full of items I can alter or add to assemblages. I try to go through them once a year so that the amount of stuff doesn't become overwhelming.

The picture also shows a clock face which represents the time. I'm a total night owl and would go to bed around 2 or 3 am and sleep until 10 am if that would be possible. Instead I try to be bed around midnight as I need to get up at 7 am.
If you'd like to see the other four, please come visit my blog as I'll post the whole set then!


When I was told I had to pick 5 objects that represent me as an artist I was stumped. How could I pick just 5? It's nearly impossible! :)
One of the things I love about Art is Mixed Media and Mixed Media is actually the combination of many products together so It would be so hard to narrow it down to just 5.
So in the end, I chose 5 elements that represent me as an artist, that I love and often use in my projects.

1. One of my favourite elements is a butterfly. A butterfly speaks right to my heart both visually when flying among the flowers but also when I think about their metamorphosis before they fly.
2. Birds are another element I love using in my art. Their freedom to fly always makes my soul soar.
3. I love trees as they’re so majestic. They are grounded but always reaching for the sky.
4. The fourth picture represents my faith, stars like the star of David and a little boy praying just really speak to my belief in God.
5. Finally, the last picture is a dreamcatcher. I love their shape and meaning. However, my favourite part is the feathers and in this case the flowers. I’m definitely a flower girl.
I’m so honoured to be part of the Finnabair Ambassador team. All the projects below show my love for her products. 
To see more of my work and get to know me as an artist please visit my blog.

I’m always working in my studio, just look at my studio table in the background! I thought that my works in progress would be the perfect backdrop to share with you my five "must haves" that are nearby when I’m at work…
1) photo of my son sitting at my studio table;
2) my box of embellishments and found objects;
3) a few of my detail tools that are used on most projects (yes, some of these are dental instruments!);
4) flush cutters – perfect for trimming metal embellishments and well worth the money!
5) long #15 beading needles.

Although I might not use these in all of my projects, these are my essentials for being able to create art in my studio and share with you my finished works of art! Be sure to follow me on Facebook or on Instagram with ArtNewWave to see my latest projects.
 *   *   *   *
You have to admit that these tiny glimpses above are absolutely inspiring!
How about you play with us and collect your own personal 5 objects that are always near you while you create?
What makes you feel good when you make art? 
Do you always have fresh flowers on your work table because of their color and beauty, because they bring you a sense of calm?
Do you have any go to medium you can’t imagine creating a piece of work without?
Can you only create with some heavy metal music playing in the background? Do you light a candle every time you are about to start a piece of work?

These are just some examples of what artists do, or have as part of their art vibe or always love to include in their work. We'd love to see what your art world rituals like!

Feel most welcome to go right ahead to our Finnabair & Friends Open Studio facebook group where you can share your Take 5 photo and tell us a little about those special little things that help you create.
See you there!
Finn & The Team


Phoebe Tonosaki said...

I really LOVE this post. This tells us so much abt the wonderful artists and I feel so much more closer and connected with them in the world of making art.

Especially love John's part. Someday I wish to see his secret weapon the dental tools (but dont use on me please lol) and the pic of his son speaks a lot to me.

This is such a wonderful touching post. Thank you

Melina Dahl Minas kreativa said...

Wonderful post and brilliant artists 💕 //Melina

Natassa Blazaki said...

We 've been watching your art work for so long! You are all so amazing and great source of inspiration for all of us!!! Thank you!!!

LucianaW said...

I'm so glad to see my friends here! Congrats to all!! xoxo

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