Friday 28 September 2012

Sizzix Friday: Klimt inspiration!

Dziś mam dla Was coś, co naprawdę sprawiło mi bardzo dużo radości - wpis do żurnala Urticy, inspirowany kobiecą postacią wziętą z historii malarstwa. W moim przypadku, po długim namyśle i trudnych decyzjach padło na Gustawa Klimta (chyba nie zaskoczę Was, kiedy powiem, że jednego z moich ulubieńców) i jego "Portret Fritzy Riedler", choć w pewien sposób można też zobaczyć tu echa innych jego obrazów:)
I've got today something that gave me lots of fun and pleasure during creating: pages in my friend's - Urtica - art journal, which should be inspired by a female character from some famous painting. My (hard) choice was Gustav Klimt - one of my favorite artists - and his  "Portrait of Fritza Riedler", but you can see some inspirations from his other projects here too!

Inspired by Klimt - journal page
text: My heart was beating like mad. I was thinkig. The idea was crazy.

Nie da się ukryć, że tekstury, detale i kolorystyka jego obrazów jest absolutnie niesamowita - ja wpadam po uszy, dodatkowo zwabiona bardzo intrygującymi  charyzmatycznymi postaciami kobiet na jego obrazach. Jak dla mnie - inspiracja w czystej postaci!
I can't hide that his textures, details and colors are totally amazing and mesmerazing to me: I can't stop wtching his works especially that I adore his strong, characteristic female characters presented in his art. For me - he is pure inspiration of the best kind!

Oczywiście - już tradycyjnie zapraszam po więcej szczegółów i zdjęcia "krok po kroku" tutaj, na bloga Sizzixa - polecam zabawę z floderami do embossingu... nie wspomnę już o metalicznych Distress Stainach Tima Holtza. Ostatnio nie zdejmuję ich z biurka:)
Of course - I'd like to invite you to see this project done step-by-step here, on blog! I'd love to convince you to use more embossing folders techniques... not even mentioning the new Tim Holtz Metallic Distress Stains... I don't even try to take them off my table:)

pozdrawiam serdecznie!
sending warm hugs!

Thursday 27 September 2012

Magicznie - Magical - Prima

... dziś tak troszkę właśnie...
... just a little bit today...

My Magic - Prima Firefly

Scrap powstał głownie na kolekcji Primy "Firefly" - która można zakupić w moim ulubionym sklepie "" - o tutaj! Więcej prac z tej kolekcji znajdziecie na blogu Primy - zapraszam!
You will find more projects based on this collection on Prima blog here - enjoy!

Prima products:
Item# 845179 - FIREFLY - Aglow 

Item# 845131 - FIREFLY - Fireflies 
Item# 562649 - AU NATURALE 
Item# 562052 - LYRIQUE - WHITE 
Item# 559663 - METAL CHARMS and TILES- ZEPHYR 
Item# 560591 - SIIC 18PC/ SHEET 
Item# 560263 - SIIC SWIRL X3 - RONDELLE 

Pozdrawiam serdecznie w biegu pomiędzy boską Barceloną a nie mniej emocjonującym Scraptasticem w Belgii - będzie się działo w najbliższych dniach, oj tak!
Sending best wishes inbetween the run from beautiful Barcelona to super exciting Scraptastic event in Belgium... it is going to be a fun, crazy time in the coming days!

Friday 21 September 2012

Sizzix Friday - stemplujemy - stamping!

W zasadzie czy ktoś kiedykolwiek powiedział, że wykrojnikami Sizzixa nie można stemplować? Jeśli nawet - to nie słyszałam...
Did anybody say that you can't stamp with Sizzix dies...? If it happened - I didn't hear anything like that at all...


O procesie powstawania tego jakże męskiego, "charakternego" scrapa można dowiedzieć się oczywiście na blogu Sizzix. UK - o tutaj. Dodam tylko od siebie, że zdjęcie pochodzi z domowego archiwum i przedstawia mojego tatę (pierwszy z lewej) wraz z dwoma kolegami ... typowy dzień chłopaków z warszawskiego Żoliborza - ponad 30 lat temu:)
To learn more about the process of creating this "cool" and masculine page visit Sizzix.UK blog - you will find lots of photos and information:) I'd like just add that the on the photo you can see my dad (first on the left) with his 2 friends... typical day for young guys from Warsaw - more than 30 years ago:)

Materiały: Prima: Papiery Tea-Thyme, Romance Novel, kwiaty z płótna, spinacze, Tim Holtz - wykrojnik Cargo Stencil Numbers (Sizzix), taśmy, Ranger - Archival Jet Black, Distress Ink: Walnut Stain.Dodatkowo stare papiery, serwetka, nieco herbaty i kolorowych sprayów...
Supplies: Prima: Tea-Thyme and Romance Novel papers, canvas flower, wooden clips, Tim Holtz -Cargo Stencil Numbers die set (Sizzix), tissue tapes and metric ribbon, Ranger:  Archival Jet Black, Distress Ink: Walnut Stain. Others: some old papers, a doily, some tea stain and colorful sprays...

Thursday 20 September 2012

24.11.2012 - Singapore, here I come!

I want to share with you this amazing, super exciting news - on 24 November 2012 I'm visiting Singapore!!! I can't believe it is true - that i s a huge adventure, right? How lucky I am:)

Here is more information about  the event - I'm teaching 3 different classes:
a canvas collage, paper layout and Mixed-Media canvas album:)

To learn more, sign up and be a part of this wonderful event please follow this link - you will find all the needed information:) I hope to see you on the classes - it's going to be great, creative fun!

Tuesday 18 September 2012

A little bit of teasing... Internationally Inspired class!

... why not? :) How about some pages from my mixed media journal?

Inspired? I hope so!
You can get more, and more...and my step by step video class with a bit of good music;) ... and 4 other classes by amazing teachers: Donna Downey, Cari Fennell, Nat Kalbach and Birgit Koopsen signing in for Internationally Inspired class!

Sunday 16 September 2012

W brązach i czerniach - in Browns and Blacks - Prima

Powrót do wąskiej palety barw czyli moja zabawa z Primą oraz kolekcją autorstwa Marion Smith - "Romance Novel". Sporo herbaty się tu rozlało...
Back to the narrow palette of colors or my project with Prima's "Romance Novel" Collection - designed by Marion Smith. There was a lot of tea, poured on this layout...

Perfect - Prima Romance Novel Collection - CHA 2012

A tutaj detale - here are details:

Prima: Materiały - Supplies:
  •  Item# 844912 - ROMANCE NOVEL- Love story
  •  Item# 844936 - ROMANCE NOVEL- Dear John
  •  Item# 844950 - ROMANCE NOVEL - Word Smith
  •  Item# 844967 - ROMANCE NOVEL - Harlequin
  •  Item# 559267 - ROMANCE NOVEL - Wood Buttons
  •  Item# 559687 - ROMANCE NOVEL - Metal Trinkets
  •  Item# 560485 - Say It in Crystals
  •  Item# 561833 - DONNA - paper flowers
  •  Item# 562700 - AU NATURALE - fabric flowers
  •  Item# 891541 - JUNKYARD FINDINGS - Small Lightbulbs
  •  Item# 891565 - JUNKYARD FINDINGS - Rusty Typo Zippers
  •  Item# 891602 - JUNKYARD FINDINGS- Gears
other: Ranger: Archival Ink - Jet Black, Distress Ink: Wlanut Stain, Gesso, Dabbers - Metallic Acrylic Paint. Rubbish from my clollection: paper clips, mesh tape, plastic and metal findings. Gel medium. Tea stain.

Friday 14 September 2012

Cały na biało... - All in White - Sizzix Friday!

... i wtedy wchodzę JA, cały na biało....ehm...nieważne.
Witajcie kochani... czas na coś, czego nie było już dawno - żurnal!
Konkretnie mój CAŁY BIAŁY wpis w wędrującym żurnalu 2:16, gdzie miałam zainspirować się tekstami wyciągniętymi z tajemniczej koperty. Grzebałam, szukałam - aż urodziło się coś takiego:
Hi again friends...time for something I was missing for a while - journal page! Yes, a new journal page made in my friend's - 2:16 - travelling journal- and it is ALL in WHITE! I was inspired by the texts I found in the little envelope attached to the journal - and it was a very hard choice! Finally - here it is!

Journal 2:16 - Śpiąca królewna - Sleeping Princess
Text: Princess is still sleeping.  Great lightness of existence... Time for big changes.

Jak widać tekstury i faktury tam nie brakuje - zawdzięczamy ją głównie ślicznym folderom do embossingu marki Sizzix... oraz mojemu dość ostatnio nadużywanemu wykrojnikowi Tima Holtza (także Sizzix).
Oczywiście można podejrzeć więcej detali oraz cały proces twórczy tutaj, na blogu gdzie co piątek publikuję swoje projekty. Tutaj jeszcze nieco więcej na zachętę...
As you can see it is really full of textures and details - these are made mostly with  beautiful Sizzix Embossing Folders... and my a bit overused Distressed Doily die from Tim Holtz (and Sizzix of course!). Here, on the blog you can see more details, step-by-step photos and more information about the products...yes, it is Sizzix Friday again! How a bout  a bit more teasing?

Papiery - to oczywiście 7 Dots Studio, moja ukochana "Domestic Goddess" a kolor - to nic innego jak nowe, metaliczne kolory Distress Stain od Tima Holtza: Brushed Pewter i Tarnished Brass. Uwielbiam je:)
Papers I used are "Domestic Goddess" from 7 Dots Studio of course, they are colored with my new metallic Distress Stains from Tim Holtz: Brushed Pewter and Tarnished Brass. I'm in love:)

A tak w ramach ciekawostek - czy wiecie, że nadchodzi w UK Tydzien Babeczkowy? (Tak właśnie!) - trwa on od 17 do 23 września i z tej okazji Sizzix przygotował zestaw inspiracyjnych projektów - oczywiście z motywem babeczek! Zainteresowanych zapraszam tutaj - to dieta dla każdego :) A moze za mało wam słodkości? Tutaj znajdziecie więcej... kolekcję Sweet Treats!

And do you know that between 17 and 23rd September there is a National Cupckake Week in the UK? How cool is that? For this occasion you can find some yummy cupcake projects on website - here. This a diet for everyone! and if it is not enough - here is more - Sweet Treats Collection projects for you!

Powyższy wpis dedykuję mojemu Jędrkowi, Czarkowi oraz oczywiście Agnieszce:). Hehe.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Prima Art*Venture Scrapbooking Event - January 2013!

Hi again!
I'm so happy to announce I have the honor of being the part and teaching classes during the Prima Art*Venture Scrapbooking Event, wich will take place in JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort & Spa, Palm Desert, California on Friday, Saturday and Sunday: 18-20 January 2013.

Just look at this fantastic lineup of other teachers gathered on this event - how exciting!!!

But - there is more!
TV Celebrity and Author Leeza Gibbons teams with trend-setting Prima Marketing to debut an amazing new line of scrapbooking products launching at Winter CHA 2013.
- “Wishes and Dreams” – celebrating moments, recording desires and goals, honoring traditions, and making secret wishes!
- “All About Me” – helping children express themselves in their own special way!
To learn more - take a peek here, on the video:)
Leeza will be in attendance at fabulous Art*Venture Scrapbooking Event now booking for January 2013.

There are 4 package options to choose from and a payment plan as well. Each package includes:
 * 2 Full Days of Incredible Make and Takes
* Fun Game Nights with Amazing Prizes
* Goody Bags Overflowing with Free Gifts
* $1 Raffle Tickets - A Chance to Win One of 5 Unbelievable Grand Prizes
* Plus More Surprises in store

You will find more information and possibility to register here :) I hope to meet you there - see you in January!

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Hah.. epic.

dokładnie. Taka moja historia.
Exactly. My simple story.


Pan Pastels, La Blanche Stamps, Prima Papers and flowers, Ranger inks: Archival Jet Black, Distress - Black Soot. Tea again.

Sunday 9 September 2012

Australia and New Zealand tour in March 2013

Hey, this is official!!!
Next March I'm visiting Australia again - this time including New Zealand (yess!!), having a big, BIG tour around and eaching in the main cities! Thank you so much for inviting me:)

The dates and places are already confirmed - please check the ones which are the closest to you and join the fun:) 
More details are coming soon of course - book your seat today!

Here is our Facebook Group where you will find more people interested in this event and all the updates!

CreARTe Tour Dates 2013

DARWIN – Scrap Matrix 28th February 2013

PERTH - Tomorrow's Memories 2nd March 2013

PERTH - Scrapbook Secrets 3rd March 2013

ADELAIDE - Seriously Scrapbooking 6th March 2013

ADELAIDE - Paper Flourish 7th March 2013

MELBOURNE - Scrappy Hollow 9th & 10th March 2013

SYDNEY - What's Euie Up2 13th March 2013

SYDNEY - Catchy Crafts 14th March 2013

BRISBANE - The Scrap Cottage 16th & 17th March 2013

Auckland NZ -The Paper Attic 20th March 2013

WELLINGTON - Kapiti NZ- The Paper Attic 23rd March 2013

CHRISTCHURCH NZ - Scrappin Patch 27th March 2013

DUNEDIN NZ - Scrapbook Paradise 30th March 2013

For more class details please contact stores listed above - I'm thrilled to visit you all:)
Contact with us - me and Rae Cooper, the tour manager:
 Thank you so much for your interest and support! I'm all yours :)

Saturday 8 September 2012

Działam z ukrycia... Hidden, but creating!

Witam serdecznie po kolejnych wyjazdach i staram się wyprowadzić bloga na prostą :) Oczywiście zaległości uzbierało się dużo... dziś pierwsza porcja, czyli inspiracje Sizzixowe :) W międzyczasie powstało kilka prac, do podejrzenia których, pokazanych krok po kroku chciałabym Was dzisiaj zachęcić. Zapraszam serdecznie na moje poletko na Blogu - a to, co tam między innymi znajdziecie...
Hi again - here I am after my latest travels and adventures, trying to make this a bit lonley blog live again:) There are loads of things to show waiting in a row of course... and today we start with Sizzix inspirations! In the meantime I've made several projects including their products, high time to share them with you! All the things listed below you will find with details and step-by steps here, on the blog! Enjoy the ride!

Całkiem zgrabną, ekspresowo - desperacką kopertkę ślubną (tak, tak, znowu niedoczas...)
Quite nice and pretty, desperate-emergency wedding envelope (yes, last minute is my  middle name...)

Ciemną stronę mocy, czyli Primę w czerni...
A Dark side of Prima...

In Black - Prima - Rosarian

Oraz 2 tagi mocno inspirowane "Domestic Goddess" od 7 Dots Studio - także pokazane z krokami i detalami:)
And 2 tags, inspired by "Domestic Goddess" from 7 Dots Studio - shown with steps and details of course:)

A już niebawem - coś nowego oczywiście, kilka słów, garść zdjęć, cała góra wspomnień i tworzonych gdzieś po cichu prac... Jestem.
And soon... something new, a bunch of photos, some things to say, large amount of beautiful memories and some of the creations I made, when I wasn't here. Here I am.
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