Past Creative Team Members:
2. There is always a cup of coffee on my table with all my brushes and palette knives.
3. I am a big fan of teal in any shades. Teal with brown to create a vintage feeling.
4. Favorites creations are often rusty and grungy. Like to mix rusty with a bit shabby feeling. I like contrast when I create.
5. I am inspired by: There are so many to get inspiration from but always love Ola Khomenok and Kasia Bogatko's work.
6. When I see a blank page, I always want to create. My heads start to spin around with ideas.
7. Cats or dogs? I am a cat lover.
8. Tea or coffee? I drink several cups of coffee every day. Ok, I drink latte every day. Lot of milk to my coffee.
9. Simple or messy? I try to do both ways, it is a freedom when you create. But I think I am more simple than messy.
10. My dream is that my children will have a good and healthy life in the future.
Anastasia Korvyakova - blog , facebook , Instagram ,youtube, pinterest
1. From? - Saint-Petersburg, Russia. But sometimes it seems to me that in a past life I lived in Paris)), I adore this city!
2. Always on my work table: paints, texture pastes, waxes, sprays, stamps and my teddybears collection😄.
3. Favorite color palette: it depends from seasons and my mood, but my main favorite colours are green, dark blue, dusty rose, grey. And rust, almost always.
4. Favorites creations: canvases, altered art, atc, albums. I really like re-painting an old things.
5. I am inspired by: nature, most of the time. Also urban textures, architecture and very often materials inspire me. And of course new materials.
6. When I see a blank page, it means that I'm just starting work or I don’t have time to create something because I have to do other things.
7. Cats or dogs? Dogs. I have jack russell terrier.
8. Tea or coffee? Definitely coffee.
9. Simple or messy? Messy!
10. I'm dreaming about many things. But always about my own house with big studio and winter greenhouse

Anastasia Kuznetsova - blog, facebook, Instagram, youtube,
1. From? Russia
2. Always on my table? Brushes, palette knives, sewing machine, glue, phone and dryer.
3. Favourite colours: blue, purple, rust color, red
4. Favourite creations: Canvases and Boxes
5. I am inspired by: colour combinations, new materials, songs.
6. When I see a blank page, I create a composition. I love this process.
7. Cats or dogs? Cats, raccoon and alpaca Alfie from Australia 😍
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee.
9. Simple or messy? Sometimes elegant, sometimes messy :)
10. I'm dreaming about my live mixed media school.
2. Always on my work table:
I'm one of those with a big table and a square inch of space to work on. :D So there is a lot of the things on my work table. I'm now learning to clean after each project I make. :) But I have on my table all the things I'm regularly using: my brushes, basic supplies (gesso, texture pastes, gel medium,), paints, art stones,...
3. Favorite colour palette:
Turquoise and blues with brown and gold and I also love to create greens in combination with brown and gold
4. Favorite creations:
Definitely altered art. I love to take old treasures and repurpose them, giving them another life. I'm also enchanted by assemblage art. But when I want to "relax" I play with canvases, small boxes, tags and art journal pages.
5. I am inspired by:
Everyday life around me, by nature most often and also by books, by movies,...
6. When I see a blank page/canvas:
My mind starts to brainstorm how I can take that canvas "out of the box". I love everything that is different, unusual, and special, so I'm always excited over ideas that I feel take things to another level.
7. Cats or dogs?
Cats! I love cats! But I also love dogs! They are just perfect! Their love is so pure and unconditional!
8. Tea or coffee?
9. Simple or messy?
The messier the merrier! :)
10. I'm dreaming about:
World of honest love. My family being happy and healthy. Having our own house with a big, spacious and bright art studio.
1. From: I'm from Russia, beautiful southern city Rostov-on-Don
2. Always on my work table: Brushes! Many brushes! Plus white gesso, pastes and paints!
3. Favorite color palette: I'm always thinking - pink and grey, but actually every time I love to try a new color combo.
4. Favorite creations: Canvases and boards as home decor pieces
5. I'm inspired by: So many things inspire me... Nature, beautiful flowers, amazing color combos, new materials, wonderful photos - endless list
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to add colors on it and to tell the story
7. Cats or dogs? Definitely fluffy independent cats.
8. Tea or coffee? Only a cup of coffee in the morning. And countless cups of tea all day long.
9. Simple or messy? Messy
10. I'm dreaming about: I'm dreaming about large, enormously large craft room with huge windows and to travel around the world.
1. From? I’m from Poland
2. Always on my work table: Everything I love to work with the most;)) Favorite media and products without which I can’t imagine creating
3. Favorite color palette: Definitely a natural color palette and all shades of brown.
4. Favorites creations: A retro, vintage vibes with mechanical elements, a bit of naturalness, always bleached and slightly splashed
5. I am inspired by: I’m inspired by what surrounds me, certain images always stay in my head.
6. When I see a blank page, I usually feel like creating something on it;))
7. Cats or dogs? Cats, I have a wonderful British kitten myself, but I also like dogs.
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee! Sometimes it puts me on my feet, but I like its taste and smell – necessarily with milk.
9. Simple or messy? Hmmm… it’s hard to say. I’m trying for simplicity but it comes out as usual.
10. I'm dreaming about: For peace of mind, health and love. To this the possibility of creating gives full happiness.
1. From: I`m from Burgas, Bulgaria.
2. Always on my work table: Glass mat, brushes and palette knives. I work on a small table, so it`s clean and tidy most of the time for that reason.
3. Favorite colour palette: Honestly, I no longer have favourite colours. I love them all for different reasons, moods and occasions. I`m in love with them all!!
4. Favorite creations: They tend to change. As we all do. I love creating small projects because they are compact, but beautiful nonetheless. But canvases, alterations and layouts are my weaknesses too.
5. I`m inspired by: Products, photos, projects of people, feelings, quotes...
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: It starts to itch my fingers.
7. Cats or dogs? - Cats.
8. Tea or coffee? - Both. I can`t live without coffee, but some warm tea with honey makes wonders for me and my soul.
9. Simple or messy? - I never knew simple in my life. Messy all the way. Even when I have to clean and scrub afterwards. I dive head first.
10. I`m dreaming about: The impossible to happen.
1. From: I live in Finland, in a teeny tiny village on the south-western coast, with my husband and three children.
2. Always on my work table: Beside the huge mess and Mr. Hemingway the Cat, on my table there’s always an unfinished project or two. Even without any projects there would be, waiting for the next inspiration, some brushes and a jar of water, pots of gesso and soft matte gel, a glass mat, a baby wiper, and my antique typewriter. As I happen to have quite an enormous happy desk of several meters, there is also room for neatly arranged drawers and boxes sitting on my desk so that I have easily everything imaginable at hand, from mixed media and tools, to botanically dyed silks.
3. Favorite colour palette: Soft vintage hues, but also dark tones, with a hint of light.
4. Favorite creations: Vintage art journals and all kinds of altered vintage treasures.
5. I'm inspired by: Nature. Poems. Colours. Textures. Contrasts. Life. Ordinary things around me. Everything.
6. When I see a blank page, I let my soul and heart lead me intuitively, and I’m always fascinated to see what happens.
7. Cats or dogs? Cats. Mr. Hemingway, our Sacred Birma cat agrees.
8. Tea or coffee? Definitely coffee. Although, I do enjoy tea concoctions of herbs and wildflowers collected from our own garden.
9. Simple or messy? I thrive in mess and I create a mess, but I need a simple, clean, organized environment to do so.
10. I'm dreaming about: I think I have everything I could dream of; a happy family, a lovely home and a garden, lots of books, my own art studio, beauty, magic, and miracles all around me, and I am wise enough not to dream my brain injury or chronic illnesses away, as those have taught me to live fully and enjoying the tiny things in life. There is this one dream, though, that one day, I could see nature, its tranquil beauty and its powerful glory, through the windows of a lighthouse.
1. From? Brasil/Israel
2. Always on my work table: the projects I’m working on simultaneously. Gesso (all 3), mediums, waxes, paints, brushes, sprays.
3. Favorite color palette: Rust+Teal, Rose+Brown and Gold with everything.
4. Favorites creations: My comfort zone is definitely altered objects, specially Boxes but I love to create Canvases, Layouts and more
5. I am inspired by: New products, dreams, Colors, images, paintings and Nature
6. When I see a blank page, I imagine how I want it to be like. What do I want to express and what I feel like using.
7. Cats or dogs? I used to be a Dog person bit since Juice (our British Cat) arrived I’m in love.
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee and Brazilian
9. Simple or messy? Messy
10. I'm dreaming about: Having this huge and gorgeous Studio, being able to support myself uniquely from Art. Seeing my daughter’s success!
1. From: Born and raised in the tiny but beautiful country called Latvia, but moved to UK 11 years ago.
2. Always on my work table: Brushes (lots of them and somehow there’s never enough!?) cleaning spray & a cloth, and the project (or 5 ) that I’m working on!
3. Favorite color palette: It really depends on the mood or whatever I am influenced by that day/week/month but you can never go wrong with blue & gold.
4. Favorite creations: Usually my latest one :)
5. I'm inspired by: Everything and anything. Architecture, nature, people, sometimes items that I find but if you’re asking about artists it will have to be Nadine Pau. I just can’t get enough of her work.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I pick up a brush and go with the flow! Sometimes It turns in to a piece of art and sometimes it turns in to a lesson, you never know :D
7. Cats or dogs? Both! I have 2 cats and can’t wait to also get a dog!
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee (Instant one. I’m a very classy lady, I know)
9. Simple or messy? A bit of both, once again it all depends on the mood
10. I'm dreaming about: Leaving this world a little bit better than I found it. Tho, of course, having my own studio where I can teach classes would be pretty neat too.
1. From? I live in the north in the Republic of Sakha. I love our snowy town Yakutsk and friendly and kind people who live here. In Yakutia there is really beautiful nature: the Lena Pillars, the Bulus, the Lena River and I really love all these places and as often as possible I leave the city for our summer home.
2. Always on my work table: On the table I always have brushes and tools, a box with my favorite stamps and boxes with paints and pastes. And when I'm not creating, then there is always a cat also lying on my table. :)
3. Favorite color palette: I really like different shades of blue, purple and brown with green.
4. Favorite creations: I feel the most comfortable with layouts and canvases. But I like to leave this comfort zone and often try out new things for myself.
5. I am inspired by: Music, books, beautiful images in the movies or in photographs. Nature and people.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: This is my favorite moment! When you look at beautiful paper or the texture of the canvas I like to think how to convey the mood, which method I can use and what kind of new material to try.
7. Cats or dogs? Cats! I have two. :)
8. Tea or coffee? Tea.
9. Simple or messy? Messy.
10. I'm dreaming about: I dream about my own studio and having more space for my art and I believe that in time I will come true.
1. From? I live in Nevada, United States
2. Always on my work table:The mess from my last few projects.
3. Favorite color palette: I love a few different colors Blues, purples and a good rusty look.
4. Favorites creations: This one is hard because I take pride in everything I create. I think maybe whatever my latest project is would be my favorite at the moment.
5. I am inspired by: Everything. I know that sounds cliche but it's true. I was inspired by some cardboard recently and created a layout. I am often inspired by a product or a photo of my kids. I find inspiration in nature and of course from all of my talented creative friends.
2. Always on my work table:The mess from my last few projects.
3. Favorite color palette: I love a few different colors Blues, purples and a good rusty look.
4. Favorites creations: This one is hard because I take pride in everything I create. I think maybe whatever my latest project is would be my favorite at the moment.
5. I am inspired by: Everything. I know that sounds cliche but it's true. I was inspired by some cardboard recently and created a layout. I am often inspired by a product or a photo of my kids. I find inspiration in nature and of course from all of my talented creative friends.
6. When I see a blank page,
7. Cats or dogs? We have a cat but I am more of a dog person
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee and more coffee
9. Simple or messy? Messy for sure. Although I make pretty clean/simple cards too but messy mixed media is my passion.
10. I'm dreaming about: On a light note an endless supply of all my favorite craft supplies. When I am about to run out they just magically appear in my craft room again.
1. From? Ukraine, but now we live in Moscow with my family.
2. Always on my work table: mediums and gesso, paints, brushes, sprays and my baby girl when I create.
3. Favorite color palette: blue, violet and gold.
4. Favorite creations: I really like different creations, but most of all are canvases and an altered art.
5. I am inspired by: everything around me - nature, movies, books, feelings, emotions and new materials for creativity.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I challenge my possibilities and create a color and a new idea.
7. Cats or dogs? Cats.
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee definitely.
9. Simple or messy? Messy! My fingers are always a bit in the paint
10. I'm dreaming about: being myself, inspire people, create and be better every day.
2. Always on my work table: mediums and gesso, paints, brushes, sprays and my baby girl when I create.
3. Favorite color palette: blue, violet and gold.
4. Favorite creations: I really like different creations, but most of all are canvases and an altered art.
5. I am inspired by: everything around me - nature, movies, books, feelings, emotions and new materials for creativity.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I challenge my possibilities and create a color and a new idea.
7. Cats or dogs? Cats.
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee definitely.
9. Simple or messy? Messy! My fingers are always a bit in the paint
10. I'm dreaming about: being myself, inspire people, create and be better every day.
1. From: Kołobrzeg, Poland. I live by the sea and I love it. You'll see it in my projects, I'm sure :)
2. Always on my work table: gesso, gauze, A LOT of brushes
3. Favorite color palette: turquoise, blue, brown, gold
4. Favorite creations: definitely the scrapbooking pages, with a touch of mixed-media
5. I'm inspired by: life, photos, people
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to do something special and better than before.
7. Cats or dogs? Dogs!
8. Tea or coffee? Year-round coffee, and in cold winter evenings - tea
9. Simple or messy? Messy
10. I'm dreaming about: to be always loved, healthy and happy
2. Always on my work table: gesso, gauze, A LOT of brushes
3. Favorite color palette: turquoise, blue, brown, gold
4. Favorite creations: definitely the scrapbooking pages, with a touch of mixed-media
5. I'm inspired by: life, photos, people
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to do something special and better than before.
7. Cats or dogs? Dogs!
8. Tea or coffee? Year-round coffee, and in cold winter evenings - tea
9. Simple or messy? Messy
10. I'm dreaming about: to be always loved, healthy and happy
1. From? I am originally from Assam, India but have been residing in Melbourne, Australia for 5 years now.
2. Always on my work table: gesso, art stones, gel medium, black thread and paint mediums.
3. Favorite color palette: teals, blue-violets, rusts and browns.
4. Favorite creations: art journals,dimensional canvases and altered art.
5. I am inspired by: everything Finnabair !! and vintage elements in antique warehouses and rustic places.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I approach the blank canvas in a unconscious free flowing way and have nothing specific pre-planned. I always tend to express my mind through an art-piece and in the end, the audience is in charge of interpreting what they see or feel towards the art.
7. Cats or dogs? Big furry dogs.
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee.
9. Simple or messy? messy messy messy!
10. I'm dreaming about: hush hush!! my dreams are quite secretive hahaha(but i guess i can share this one - to have an imperfectly perfect art studio of my own
1. From? I am from Minsk, this is Belarus, my country is also called "the Land under white wings", it is because of the big beautiful birds-stories
2.Always on my work table: Glass Media Mat, it is convenient to mix paints and texture pastes.
3. Favorite color palette: I love the color black, because black background is the most spectacular for metallic paint
4. Favorite creations: alter - it makes my imagination work at full capacity
5. I am inspired by: architecture of many countries
6. When I see a blank page / canvas: I already know what I will do with it!
7. Cats or dogs: cats and dogs, I have a cat and I want a dog
8. Tea or coffee: smell of coffee
9. Simple or Messi: Messi
10. I dream about: inspiring people around the world with my art
1. From? I’m basically from Gujarat state, India. And now we are here in the state Maharashtra, Thane. In between years I was in Singapore for 2 years.
2. Always on my work table: I’m an artist who is messy and always love around to my art brushes, colours and music which I love to listen during my project making. One of the most important thing is on the front of my eyes is “Finnabair logo” because she is the inspiration for me . And I love to be around with her products 💖💖💖
3. Favorite color palette: Usually I don’t have any particular colour palette which I can say favourite because I do love all colours , but mostly I like tones of violets and gold.
4. Favorite creations: At the beginning of Mixed Media Journey I started making Altered projects, then I wanna try new things I go into layouts and now I’m in love with layout and canvas as well as altered art.
5. I am inspired by: By nature, emotions , Beauty as well as fact of life. I love to see both the sides of life . Bright as well as dark. Because it is easy to heal if we understand the facts of life and nature.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I make it messy with my creativity . I love to play on canvas specially.
7. Cats or dogs? I love both of them but more towards cats
8. Tea or coffee? Hehe it depends on the time for morning I have tea with my family and In the evening I use to have coffee with them 😅
9. Simple or messy? Ohhhh.... I’m not simple I’m a messy artist 💖
10. I'm dreaming about: I’m still feeling that I’m in a dream to be in Finnabair team... but if you ask for a dream which I dreamed every day to meet Finnabair.
2. Always on my work table: artistic mess, paints, pastes, sprays, as well as brushes, which I have too much.
3. Favorite color palette: violet, turquoise, brown, silver, pink, cream, green, navy blue, black, white (all in all I love all colors).
4. Favorite creations: I like to create various projects ranging from canvases, altered art, scrapbook layouts, tags, card ...
5. I am inspired by: everything around me, nature and shapes. I am free to create on my mood and feelings.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I try to create something special on it.
7. Cats or dogs? Cats.
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee.
9. Simple or messy? Definitely messy.
10. I'm dreaming about: to have a lot of time creating and personal development
1. From: Poland.
2. Always on my work table: sprays, fabric plaster, gesso, stencils.
3. Favorite color palette: blues & greens
2. Always on my work table: sprays, fabric plaster, gesso, stencils.
3. Favorite color palette: blues & greens
4. Favorite creations: Oh, art journals of course!
5. I am inspired by: in no particular order: dreams, thoughts, feelings and emotions, books, music, nature, people, conversations, colors, shapes, textures.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I see a challenge. :) Or I quickly have a few ideas in my head how to fill it.
7. Cats or dogs? Cats. Ginger cats. ♥
8. Tea or coffee? Tea with lemon & sugar to relax, coffee with milk & sugar to work.
9. Simple or messy? Messy. :)
10. I'm dreaming about: Going back to Scotland one day... Just to smell the air again.

1. From? I am from Romania, but I live in London UK with my Irish husband.
2. Always on my work table: paints, brushes, sprays, heat gun, baby wipes, all sorts of mediums and pastes, fabrics and laces, in one word: pure chaos! :)
3. Favorite color palette: Love all colours, but teal, brown and gold is one of my favorite combos.
4. Favorite creations: Love collage, art journaling, assemblage, tags and cards.
5. I am inspired by: so many things... a walk in the park, sunshine, people, music, scraps of old laces and fabrics in a flea market, music, vintage photos, or just by the color of a jar of paint.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: Can't wait to start working on it.
7. Cats or dogs? Definitely dogs... and cats. 😊
8. Tea or coffee? Mostly coffee, but love tea too.
9. Simple or messy? That's easy: terribly messy!
10. I'm dreaming about: Apart from good health, love and peace, I dream about a small cottage somewhere in Transylvania...

1. From? Poland
2. Always on my work table: organised chaos - papers, glue, scissors, white gesso.
3. Favorite color palette: gold, brown, pink, turquoise, blue.
4. Favorite creations: altered art, canvases, scrapbooking layouts with a touch of mixed-media.
5. I am inspired by: life in general - nature, people, music, photography.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I see possibilities.
7. Cats or dogs? Dogs
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee
9. Simple or messy? Messy
10. I'm dreaming about: Always being myself.

1. From? originally, Maryborough Queensland - now Hobart, Tasmania.
2. Always on my work table: A mess! There are always supplies, journals, paper, brushes, pens left out on my desk. And there are always paint splatters too.
3. Favorite color palette: Always pink, gold and black!
4. Favorite creations: My children of course! But art wise, I’m pretty proud of the magazine I produce - Brush Magazine, as well as some canvases I’ve created.
5. I am inspired by: so many things, but lately it’s words. I love creating art based on how a word makes me feel or what colours and shapes it evokes.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I swipe paint on it or glue down some paper.
7. Cats or dogs? Cats! I have three of them!
8. Tea or coffee? Tea first thing in the morning. Coffee for morning tea
9. Simple or messy? Messy!
10. I'm dreaming about: longer days, spring flowers, warm weather and relaxation.

1. From: I'm a 'Yorkshire' tea drinking girl. :)
2. Always on my work table: Colors!
3. Favorite color palette: A kaleidoscope of über brights.
4. Favorite creations: loose page creations as I can start them anytime-anywhere and finish them anytime-anywhere and I usually have 3 or 4 on the go at one time so I can give them time to breathe and grow....
5. I'm inspired by: happiness, patterns, lines, curves, Color...
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: My fingertips tingle - my brain starts to buzz - its happy time. :)
7. Cats or dogs? Dogs - but rude not to say that as I have 3 :) - 2 large breed Leonbergers - Leo & Ruby and Sammy the Pug...
8. Tea or coffee? STRONG Yorkshire tea always...
9. Simple or messy? Messy - but call me crazy - my messy is a highly organised precision messy! I drive myself nuts!
10. I'm dreaming about: Happy always...
8. Tea or coffee? STRONG Yorkshire tea always...
9. Simple or messy? Messy - but call me crazy - my messy is a highly organised precision messy! I drive myself nuts!
10. I'm dreaming about: Happy always...

1. From? I am a life long Seattle resident – love my trees, water and rain!
2. Always on my work table: craft mat, palette knives, brushes, heavy weight black gesso, beading mat and needles
3. Favorite color palette: This changes constantly but my 'go to' color palette is always black, silver and sapphire.
4. Favorite creations: It seems that almost everything I work on ends up being some sort of mix of collage and assemblage. I’m constantly challenging myself to try something new, whether it be in creating a book, home decor piece or jewelry.
5. I am inspired by: EVERYTHING around me – the colors of the sky in a sunrise, the texture in a rusted piece of metal, song lyrics, architecture, other artists.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I become excited with the possibilities!
7. Cats or dogs? Dog – we are lucky to have Maddy in our life, a seven year old springer spaniel/boxer/pit mix who found us last year at the shelter. I can’t get enough of her puppy kisses and snoring at night.
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee, I’m from Seattle after all! Anyone who knows me can speak to my coffee obsession and knows that there is generally a cup of java nearby at most times.
9. Simple or messy? Controlled creative chaos, which is somewhere between simple and messy but not a hot mess.
10. I’m dreaming about: My next creative project! I’m naturally curious so there is always something creative going on in my mind.
2. Always on my work table: craft mat, palette knives, brushes, heavy weight black gesso, beading mat and needles
3. Favorite color palette: This changes constantly but my 'go to' color palette is always black, silver and sapphire.
4. Favorite creations: It seems that almost everything I work on ends up being some sort of mix of collage and assemblage. I’m constantly challenging myself to try something new, whether it be in creating a book, home decor piece or jewelry.
5. I am inspired by: EVERYTHING around me – the colors of the sky in a sunrise, the texture in a rusted piece of metal, song lyrics, architecture, other artists.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I become excited with the possibilities!
7. Cats or dogs? Dog – we are lucky to have Maddy in our life, a seven year old springer spaniel/boxer/pit mix who found us last year at the shelter. I can’t get enough of her puppy kisses and snoring at night.
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee, I’m from Seattle after all! Anyone who knows me can speak to my coffee obsession and knows that there is generally a cup of java nearby at most times.
9. Simple or messy? Controlled creative chaos, which is somewhere between simple and messy but not a hot mess.
10. I’m dreaming about: My next creative project! I’m naturally curious so there is always something creative going on in my mind.

1. From: South Australia
2. Always on my work table: pretty much always a mess. Amongst it: gesso, gel medium, sharp scissors, cutting knife, patterned papers and napkins, stencils and stamps
3. Favorite color palette: I love all color as long as it’s rich and deep, but I guess I’m drawn more to cool colors - blues, greens, teal and turquoise
4. Favorite creations: journal pages, tags, (but not cards), layouts, canvases and working on wooden blocks
5. I am inspired by: many things… Other artists like Finnabair (of course), Dina Wakley, Flora Bowley. Nature, song lyrics and passages from books, and magazine pages also inspire me
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I have to firstly add colour to it and secondly add pattern to it and I’ll work the rest out later
7. Cats or dogs? Cats
8. Tea or coffee? Tea and coffee, depending on time of day
9. Simple or messy? Messy
10. I'm dreaming about: A perfect world

1. From: Greece
2. Always on my work table: a paintbrush, water and baby wipes
3. Favorite color palette: pinks and blues
4. Favorite creations: canvases and pages in my black journal
5. I'm inspired by: almost everything, like colors, nature, flavors and smells, photos and of course music, as I'm a musician
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: there always comes a vision and I want to make it happen immediately!
7. Cats or dogs? How about a fish in a bowl?
8. Tea or coffee? Hot chocolate!
9. Simple or messy? Both :)
10. I'm dreaming about: rainbows in sunshine
2. Always on my work table: a paintbrush, water and baby wipes
3. Favorite color palette: pinks and blues
4. Favorite creations: canvases and pages in my black journal
5. I'm inspired by: almost everything, like colors, nature, flavors and smells, photos and of course music, as I'm a musician
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: there always comes a vision and I want to make it happen immediately!
7. Cats or dogs? How about a fish in a bowl?
8. Tea or coffee? Hot chocolate!
9. Simple or messy? Both :)
10. I'm dreaming about: rainbows in sunshine
Olga Siedlecka - visit her website here!
1. From: western Poland
2. Always on my work table: in this kingdom of chaos one may find books, cups, toys, stains, gesso, glue, paints and journals
3. Favorite color palette: colors of a sunset sky, spilled on the horizon: cobalt blue, venetian pink, salmon, teal and vermilion as well as burnt vintage with its rusty tones and all fifty shades of grey :)
4. Favorite creations: mixed media canvases, collages, art journaling, upcycling and altered art
5. I'm inspired by: nature, fine art, literature, children's illustration, memories, reflections and found objects
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to tell a story, not necessarily a fairy-tale
7. Cats or dogs? May I choose dinosaurs?
8. Tea or coffee? Both, sweet with milk
9. Simple or messy? Messy, simply
10. I'm dreaming about: a lot of light, no clouds
2. Always on my work table: in this kingdom of chaos one may find books, cups, toys, stains, gesso, glue, paints and journals
3. Favorite color palette: colors of a sunset sky, spilled on the horizon: cobalt blue, venetian pink, salmon, teal and vermilion as well as burnt vintage with its rusty tones and all fifty shades of grey :)
4. Favorite creations: mixed media canvases, collages, art journaling, upcycling and altered art
5. I'm inspired by: nature, fine art, literature, children's illustration, memories, reflections and found objects
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to tell a story, not necessarily a fairy-tale
7. Cats or dogs? May I choose dinosaurs?
8. Tea or coffee? Both, sweet with milk
9. Simple or messy? Messy, simply
10. I'm dreaming about: a lot of light, no clouds
Linda M. Cain - visit her website here!
1. From: Rock Island, Illinois in the center of Illinois in the center of the USA
2. Always on my work table: paints, inks and brushes
3. Favorite color palette: red, black, brown & ivory
4. Favorite creations: probably tags and mixed media collages, but I love to do journal pages, too!
5. I'm inspired by: Finn of course, but Michael Jack Putman & Jen Crossley are two of my favorite creative Artists.
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to add COLOR!
7. Cats or dogs? Neither - I'm allergic to both!
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee in the AM, decaf tea in the evening
9. Simple or messy? I've always admired anyone that can do "simple" well. I just feel every speck of space "needs" something. But I wouldn't call it messy, I'd call it generously arranged composition.
10. I'm dreaming about: how wonderful it would be to have my studio all organized and perfect...and twice as big. A girl can dream...
1. From: originally from Poland but Ireland has been my home for over 9 years
2. Always on my work table: always mess... inks, sprays, gesso, modeling paste, brushes, foam tape... coffee, mobile phone, camera, Polish pretzels
3. Favorite color palette: hard question... I think... vintage (brownish), then combo of turquoise, white and black
4. Favorite creations: I love all types from art journals, scrapbooking pages, cards to altered art and canvases
5. I'm inspired by: I'd lie if I didn't mention Finnabair. I remember seeing her art for the first time... Her art was a push to think differently, to discover myself
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I do have a vision straightaway
7. Cats or dogs? I'd love to have a dog for my little girl, Emily
8. Tea or coffee? Definitely coffee.
9. Simple or messy? Both, but more often messy
10. I'm dreaming about: if I tell you my dreams, they might not come true ;)
Denisa Gryczova - visit her website here!
1. From: The Czech Republic
2. Always on my work table: organised chaos, gesso, heat gun, Archival ink, paints, brushes, sprays
3. Favorite color palette: turquoise and brown, all shades of tea stains
4. Favorite creations: love art journaling, collages, tags and ATCs at the moment
5. I'm inspired by: old vintage photos, music, other artists
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: it makes me nervous
7. Cats or dogs? dogs
8. Tea or coffee? both with lots of milk
9. Simple or messy? the messiest person ever
10. I'm dreaming about: a huge garden including a small forest
Irina Honcharyk - visit her website here!
1. From: Belarus
2. Always on my work table: paper, glue, scissors, a cup of tea
3. Favorite color palette: white, black, blue
4. Favorite creations: canvases, layouts, altered art
5. I'm inspired by: nature, art
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to take a brush and paints
7. Cats or dogs? Dogs!
8. Tea or coffee? Tea
9. Simple or messy? Both simple and messy
10. I'm dreaming about: having a lot of time to create and realize all my ideas
Denisa Gryczova - visit her website here!
1. From: The Czech Republic
2. Always on my work table: organised chaos, gesso, heat gun, Archival ink, paints, brushes, sprays
3. Favorite color palette: turquoise and brown, all shades of tea stains
4. Favorite creations: love art journaling, collages, tags and ATCs at the moment
5. I'm inspired by: old vintage photos, music, other artists
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: it makes me nervous
7. Cats or dogs? dogs
8. Tea or coffee? both with lots of milk
9. Simple or messy? the messiest person ever
10. I'm dreaming about: a huge garden including a small forest
Irina Honcharyk - visit her website here!
1. From: Belarus
2. Always on my work table: paper, glue, scissors, a cup of tea
3. Favorite color palette: white, black, blue
4. Favorite creations: canvases, layouts, altered art
5. I'm inspired by: nature, art
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to take a brush and paints
7. Cats or dogs? Dogs!
8. Tea or coffee? Tea
9. Simple or messy? Both simple and messy
10. I'm dreaming about: having a lot of time to create and realize all my ideas

Carole AndCo - visit her website here!
1. From: south of France, near the Mediterranean Sea
2. Always on my work table: black China ink; black pencil... and gesso... and a paint brush
3. Favorite color palette: gold, coral, mint or black & white and a little bit of neon
4. Favorite creations: first art journals, then scrapbooking and painting
5. I'm inspired by: my routine, nature, art, my family
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to put some emotion onto it, an explosion of color, a little moment of my life
7. Cats or dogs? Cats and dogs!
8. Tea or coffee? Tea addict!
9. Simple or messy? Beautiful "orderly" mess ;)
10. I'm dreaming about: creating all day!
1. From: Russia, Moscow region
2. Always on my desk: laptop & printer
3. Favorite color palette: blue, brown, black
4. Favorite creations: I love to do layouts, collages
5. I'm inspired by: the happy moments in my life, beloved masters, beautiful papers
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to make it come alive, three-dimensional and beautiful. I love creating beauty!
7. Cats or dogs? Cats!
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee
9. Simple or messy? Messy
10. I'm dreaming about: becoming really great at what I create
1. From: Helsinki, Finland
2. Always on my work table: craft mat, but gesso & stamp ain't far either!
3. Favorite color palette: blues, greens turquoises
4. Favorite creations: scrapbooking layouts, ATCs
5. I'm inspired by: many things! Supplies, music, nature, my family, photos
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to start creating!
7. Cats or dogs? Both. :)
8. Tea or coffee? Tea, please. With milk.
9. Simple or messy? Definitely messy! The more color on my fingers, the better!
10. I'm dreaming about: finding more hours to the day!
1. From: Poland but now living in UK
2. Always on my work table: coffee, paper, gesso, Ecoline, Glimmer Mists, tissue tapes, metal embellishments & Vintage Photo Distress Ink
3. Favorite color palette: pink-brown, blue-brown, green-brown, black-white
4. Favorite creations: notebook covers, layouts, art journals & canvases
5. I'm inspired by: people, places, old books, music, nature, dreams... Searching for inspiration everywhere and every day
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I go with the flow :)
7. Cats or dogs? Cats & dogs
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee!
9. Simple or messy? My creations are always messy but sometimes... I like things clear & simple
10. I'm dreaming about: finding my place in this world...
1. From: Perth, Western Australia
2. Always on my work table: gesso, scissors & double sided tape
3. Favorite color palette: blue, green, black
4. Favorite creations: I especially love taking an old object and upcycling it into something new & fabulous
5. I'm inspired by: nature, vintage objects, art
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I want to add texture & color, give the canvas a new and vibrant life
7. Cats or dogs? Dogs for sure. I love my beagle, Cooper
8. Tea or coffee? Coffee, 2 cups a day, every day, no exceptions (I may have a slight addiction)
9. Simple or messy? Messy, so messy... My crafting space is an organised mess, my hands are usually inky and my clothes occasionally streaked with gesso & glue. A messy desk encourages a creative mind
10. I'm dreaming about: a tropical island holiday in a remote location
1. From: Ukraine
2. Always on my work table: a heat tool, a brush, gesso, paints & a bottle of water
3. Favorite color palette: blue-brown
4. Favorite creations: big scrapbooking albums!
5. I'm inspired by: supplies, papers & paints
6. When I see a blank page/canvas: I turn on the music, take out my favorite paints, some gesso and get going!
7. Cats or dogs? Dogs, of course! :)
8. Tea or coffee? Tea
9. Simple or messy? Messy
10. I'm dreaming about: having my own house
1 comment:
Dear Finn, incidentally my name is Firnley, so we sort of clique sound wise. I am an avid admirer of your work, but must confess mostly your earlier work. You have inspired me and my students at school to great heights. I am male, but really, everything in your art circle revolves around women. Is it just me or is it true. I cannot believe that USA males cannot find the courage to tackle mix media steam punk art? I am South African and Black and over 40 and took to your lessons and art with a decidedly African, poor country solutions to most of your materials and techniques. For example, for brown I use leather dye and it gives the greatest colour for the work Ive ever seen. I cannot afford all your products and had to improvise most of it.
Keep up the good work and please showcase some work by males as well. We are, I believe up to the task.
Regards and thanks for adding wealth to my life.
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