Friday 23 November 2012

Sizzix Friday: be creative with your dies : Maria Morievna

Hi again - yes, it's me again!
Today I've got for you a new idea for using your ornamental dies - how about using them to create a fairy-tale outfit for a princess or queen? Why not?
Here is what I did using Sizzix products - with a little help of Ranger, Luminarte and 7 Dots Studio. As you can see I was deeply inspired by Russian folklore and fairy tales... all because of my friend JaMajka and her  amazing journal:

"Maria Morievna - beautiful princess" - "Maria Moriewna, śliczna królewna"

maria moriewna
text: Why should you look for her in the whole world? This princess - is me..

If you want to learn more about the products and technique - please visit blog today. You will find a product list and a step-by-step info about the creative process. Enjoy!

Wednesday 21 November 2012

25-26 May 2013 - teaching in Brasil!

What an amazing news to share! I'm going to Brasil! I got invitation from fabulous Yummy's Scrapbooking shop to teach classes during their event on 25-26 May 2013 ! How lucky I am?!
But there is more - our 7 Dots Studio collections will be launched and available at Yummy's  this week! I can't express how happy and blessed I feel at the moment :) What an amazing adventure:)

Now, I'm heading to the airport - Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei are waiting!
See you soon!

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Journal covers - and classes update :)

Today I'm sharing 2 journal covers - samples made during the classes I teach here and there :) I really like the rich texture and metallic finish of these projects:)

Journal - class sample

Journal - class sample

Can you believe it is almost time to go on the airport and head to Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei? How amazing is that??! In 2 days I'm having classes in totally different part of the world... what an adventure!!! I can't wait!!!

See you soon!

P.S. There are some updates on My YouTube! Take a peek :)

Sunday 18 November 2012

Szczęśliwa 13 - projekt kolaboracyjny:)

Hej kochani!
Śpieszę z wiadomością, że dziś w ramach zorganizowanego przez Ulę Phelep projektu "Szczęśliwce 13" na blogu "Sen Mai" można znaleźć mój artykuł dotyczący poniższej pracy - ale tez samego tworzenia jako mojego sposobu na codzienne życie.
Serdecznie zapraszam do zaglądania - i odwiedzenia także wpisów znakomitych koleżanek:)
Na zachętę - scrap: kolejny z cyklu "Industrialny Barok" - oczywiście na kolekcji "Domestic Goddess" od 7 Dots Studio.

Industrial baroque II

Po więcej szczegółów zapraszam już na bloga "Sen Mai" - o tutaj!

Saturday 17 November 2012

Family Travelling Journal II - inside!

As I promised, here is the second part of the photos of my "Family Travelling Journal" - my part of the travelling art journals project we are launching for the second time just now:)
I'm very excited, waiting to see what will happen with the family photos I put in the envelope in the back...
I can't wait to see the again - in the new surroundings, interpretations... this is one and only chance to get a priceless treasure with not only our family memories but also my art friends talents closed inside of the very old book!

So, here is what I did to the book - I didn't want to cover the beautiful old pages with paint: there were beautiful old stamps, handwritten notes, underlined texts... So I only added a bit here and there!

Starting pages:

Page with title and first family photo ( with baby Finn ;))

And the inspirational page - information about the project. I decided to use only 2 colors of ink on the pages - and a very soft pencil, not more! Starring: my dad, Krzysiek in the age about... 20?
Let's create together this family album - one you go through with a cup of tea or coffee in your hand. Let's write a completely new story...

Finally double page: "Memories-Secrets" - with gesso, inks, pencil and a lot of layers!
Starring: Jadwiga and Władka, my husband's grandma and her sister;)

And here is the last page (I showed  it yesterday) - with envelope full of old photos and the last photo embellished by me:) Starring: My dad, Krzysiek and my uncle, Bogdan - playing football. 

I hope you enjoyed the project - I surely did!!! I can't wait to get it back in my hands...

Supplies: Ranger: Glossy Accents, Cracle Accents, Archival Ink: Jet Black, Library Green, gesso. Tim Holtz:  File Tabs, metal cornrners and embellishments, stamps: Wendy Vecchi, 7 Gypsies, Sizzix, letters: Sizzix (Tim Holtz - Word Play, Stenciled), elements: Sizzix - Paula Pasucal. Others: twine, brads, lace, washi tape, rubbish from my collection and tea stain. 

Friday 16 November 2012

Sizzix Friday: Travelling Family Album

Hi friends!
Today on blog I'm sharing details of the new project - travelling journal inspired by old family photos... and tea! This altered book is starting it's journey on Sunday - and when I'll get it back it will be full of beautiful pages done by wonderfully talented creative friends :) I can't express how excited about this project I am!

About altering the book: I didn't want to lost it's beauty under heavy paint, spraying or texture - that's why I decided for only some Tim Holtz add-ons: few metal embellishments  alphabet Sizzix die (Word Play) and  plain cotton ribbon to close the book.
I used Glossy Accents from Ranger on the floral elements and Crackle Accents on the painted chipboard letters. I love the efect!

On the Sizzix blog you can see the book before altering, but also have a detailed peek inside: I've made double page with envelope and one of my favorite photos of my dad and his brother! You will also find a full product list and some detailed photos :)

I hope you like it - I'm totally in love and I know I HAVE TO make another book just for myself!!!
Tomorrow I'm sharing more of the pages - stay tuned!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Domestic Goddess - Industrial Baroque

Hi there friends - today I've got a project to share - all based on 7 Dots Studio - "Domestic Goddess" collection which was designed by me:). It is both bold and feminine - and so is the layout I guess :)

Industrial Baroque - 7 Dots Studio

Here are some close-ups and details:

Supplies: Papers: 7 Dots Studio - "Domestic Goddess", color: Luminarte: Primary Elements and Silks, Ranger: Dylussions, Distress Ink by Tim Holtz, gesso, tissue tape - Tim Holtz, chipboard and trinkets: Scrap Matrix, embellishments (flowers, gems, light bulbs, zippers, tape) - Prima Marketing. Others: flea market findings.

You can create a alayout like that attending one of my classes - the range of projects based on dimension, mixed-media and gringy elements in named "Industrial Baroque" - check them out here!
sending hugs !

Monday 12 November 2012

"Fragmentation" - collage peek video :)

Hi again friends - here is my new experiment with videos and YouTube!
I'm not 100% happy with all I did, but as I said before - step by step :)
So, here it goes! On my new YouTube channel there is a new short video showing some details of the collage I finished last week. I wanted to show some dimesnsion, tell you a bit more about how it was made and what supplies were used during the process.
I hope it will be helpful! :)

Sending warmest hugs!

Sunday 11 November 2012

We will help - next chapter. Inspirational video!

Can you remember THIS post from July?
Me, and my friend, 2:16 were asking you a question:
"Imagine that you meet someone who is just starting his/her adventure in this wonderful world of art - it may be a bit overwhelming, scary.. - all those techniques, supplies, people worth knowing - so many questions, so many doubts... but a lot of will and hopes too! * * * what kind of advice would you give to such a person? * * *?
We've got loads of wonderful answers from you - and this is the next chapter of the story. Our great creative friend, Agnieszka-Anna agreed to help with photos for our project... then wonderful Polish artists, scrapbookers, cardmakers gave us their helpful hands! Finally we were able to make for you this short inspirational video! We hope you'll enjoy it - and maybe it will help too?

You can find this Video on my YouTube channel too - it is a new thing to me, so pleasse forgive any mistakes :) But hey - I keep learning! :)

The photos were made during V Polish Scrapbooking Convention in Warsaw - and we'd like to thank you our amazing friends for helping with this idea and giving loads on-the-spot ideas! It was unbelivable!

Of course - we'd love to hear your opinion on this project - and we hope to continue this topic in the future :)
(And me - I plan to explore more the You Tube ocean and come expand a bit in that direction too...but..step by step ;))

Pomożecie? - następny rozdział. Film inspiracyjny :)

Pamiętacie jeszcze TEGO posta z czerwca?
Wraz z 2:16 zadawałyśmy wam wtedy pytanie:
Wyobraźcie sobie, że przychodzi do was ktoś, kto dopiero zaczyna wchodzić w ten cudowny twórczy świat, Świat, który może czasem trochę przytłaczać - bogactwem technik, materiałów, ludzi do poznania, mnożących się pytań i wątpliwości.Nieco zagubiony, choć pełen chęci.
 * * * Jakiej rady udzielilibyście takiej osobie? * * * 
Mamy teraz tony fantastycznych odpowiedzi od was - a oto i następny rozdział tej historii! Nasza fantastyczna przyjaciółka po fachu (i nie tylko) - Agnieszka-Anna - zgodziła się pomóc nam przy zdjęciach do naszego projektu... a potem nasze kochane rodzime artystki, scrapbookerki, dziewczyny kartkujące podały nam pomocne dłonie i tak oto mogłyśmy w końcu przygotować dla Was ten mały filmik inspiracyjny :) Mamy nadzieję, że się spodoba... i pomoże?

Film został także załadowany na mój nowo otwarty i jeszcze raczkujący kanał YouTube. To dla mnie zupełnie nowe medium, wiec proszę wybaczyć wszelkie potknięcia - i upraszam o cierpliwość do mojej osoby!

Zdjecia zostały zrobione podczas V Ogólnopolskiego Zlotu Scrapbookingowego w Warszawie - i bardzo chciałybyśmy podziękować  wspaniałym dziewczynom za tak chętną współpracę, pomoc i mnóstwo rzucanych "na gorąco" pomysłów. Jesteście nieocenione!

Oczywiście - jesteśmy bardzo ciekawe Waszych wrażeń i opinii - i obiecujemy wrócić do tematu w kolejnych odsłonach :) Miłego oglądania:)

Friday 9 November 2012

Sizzix Friday: Intoversion-Extraversion

Hi again! Time for Sizzix Friday inspirations and mini tutorial - and today I'm exploring further the possiblilities of Ranger  products: Tim Holtz Crackle Paint, Distress Stains and more. Starring: Sizzix dies of course - this time used mostly to create texture which should reflect my extravertic part of personality...but this is not all of course!

Here is my page: "Invroversion-Extraversion".

text: I'm diagnosed ambivertic. "Intro" phase is a safe, quiet time of relief.

It is my interpretation of  my friend's journal topic: "This is something you don't know about me..."
Did I mention how much I love these journal swaps? They made me think, create, explore - thank you so much for that, I need it!
I decided to tell more about my personality - endless changes from extreme extraversion, full of energy, meeting people, new experiences and classical, full-sized intoversion including such symptoms as need for being alone, need for silence almost no stimulation. (Wikipedia will tel you more, if you are interested)  Ah, well... 100% me. I simply got used to that - and for me this time of "quiet life" is something that keeps me sane and let me breathe :)

On the blog you will find more details - and whole project made step by step just for you. I really enjoyed creating it and I hope you will try these techniques and ideas too - have fun!

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Fragmentation - big collage

There is a time when you simply have to do "SOMETHING" or you'll die in creative pain suffocated with things that want to come out or your head will explode leaving a hard to remove stain on the wall. No matter how much time and effort it takes, you simply just have to do it. So here it is. My new baby.
"Fragmentation" - 50x70 cm mixed-media collage on canvas.

Fragmentation - Fragmentacja - collage

You can see the color palette changed a bit - this time the plan was for rich greens with a hint of blue and orange - and I guess I need to fight for this orange more next time. Whatever I do I get surprisingly close to blue. Again - my try to show the light and shadow - more in light, warm colors this time. Maybe it is my latest love to emerald green?
Of course on this point I could talk a lot about the inspirations...but what I would love to hear is your voice about it. What can you see in it? What is this all about? Please share if you can - this is the deepest pleasure for me to read your interpretations!

More details of the project - it is hard to make a photo of it, but I did my best in these shitty weather conditions we have now in Warsaw ;/

This huge piece of painted rubbish could only come to life with a huge help of my amazing friends, fans and companies from all over the world. Huge thanks to: Linda Brun, Drycha, France Papillon, Rae Cooper, Wendy Vecchi, Gloria Alexander and my lovely students from Warszawa, Vienna and Florida. Thanks to your gifts, shared collections and open hearts. Thanks to you I can create freely - you are just the best, guys!
Special thanks to Prima Marketing - for the best flowers ever made  and Luminarte - for possiblility to play with the most amazing color palette ever (Primary Elements and Silks ROCK!!!)!
Other supplies: Ranger: gesso, Dylussion Sprays, Colorwash sprays, Glossy Accents. Tim Holtz: Frozen Charlotte doll, masks - Crafters Workshop, heavy gel medium, black acrylic paint.

Ok, I did it. I did it for pleasure and now I'm insanely happy to have it. Time to let another one go out?

Prima Art*Venture Retreat giveaway!

I've already told you a bit about the amazing event in California I'm taking part in - Prima Art Venture:) I can't still believe I will have a chance to teach classes among so great teachers - and in such a beautiful place!!! I really hope you will have a chance to take part in it - and I can promise I'm working hard on beautiful samples for my classes during the event - I promise it will be pure, crazy creaitve fun!!!
But here is more:  I am super excited to be able to offer the chance to win a package to the Art Venture Retreat in January - and it is not only me, all of the talented ladies teaching at this retreat will be giving you, our blog readers a chance to win a package, so check their blogs for additional chances:)

Here is how it work:
You can win a package worth $265, your choice of which one of these packages you would like:
Primrose package 3 Workshops, Afternoon Snack and Make and Takes on Saturday
Daisy package 3 Workshops, Afternoon Snack and Make and Takes on Sunday

Also, the winner will have the opportunity to upgrade to a larger package if they would like. They will just need to pay the difference between the $265 and whatever package they upgrade to. Please also note that all travel and accommodation expenses are the responsibility of the winner, this prize is transferable also, so if you win but are not able to attend you can give/sell it to a friend.

Here is more info about the retreat - and possibility to register of course!

So for your chance to win this package here is what I would like you to do:
Please copy this Art-Venture add to your blog and or FB if you have no blog and then leave a comment with your blog or FB link for me! I will then do a random pick from all those who have left a comment with the appropriate linking on 19th November! To increase your chances drop over to the other teachers blogs and when they post about this competition, you can see try and win from their blog as well - each teacher will be giving away a package so that is 6 packages that can be won!

Here are the teachers' blogs:

Nic Howard
Janine Koczwara

Good luck!!!

Facebook has been changing the rules: from now on you have to pay for all page updates to show up... and it is simply impossible. That's why I need you guys to change some facebook settings. That is if you want to see my updates ;)

This is how to:
Go to my facebook page. 
Klick on the little gear to go to the settings.

Choose the first option: add to interest list. If you don't have any list yet, Facebook will guide you through to create one.It is really simple.

 Your list will appear if you click on 'More' under 'Applications'. I called mine 'Creative'.

Click on the pencil and add your list to 'Favorites' if you want your list to appear... with your favorites. This way you can also see if there are any updates!

Thank you all who are following me on my Facebook page! Now let's hope it will work and the updates will be visible to You again!
Huge thanks to my creative friends - Nathalie Kalbach, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer and France Papillon - their posts were the base to create this note! Thank you for guidance!
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