Today I'm sharing 2 journal covers - samples made during the classes I teach here and there :) I really like the rich texture and metallic finish of these projects:)

Can you believe it is almost time to go on the airport and head to Singapore, Indonesia and Brunei? How amazing is that??! In 2 days I'm having classes in totally different part of the world... what an adventure!!! I can't wait!!!
See you soon!
P.S. There are some updates on My YouTube! Take a peek :)
P.S. There are some updates on My YouTube! Take a peek :)
Fabulous as always Finn journey.
Ależ cudne! I te kolory płomienne!
Widzę, herbatka nadal rządzi :)
Gosh! Did you really glued 2 teabags on the first one? Was it heavy enough to not tear with the gel medium? Those looks gorgeous, as always :)
Divine journal cool is less than 1 short year look at all the places you have been and how many lucky ladies to be able to learn from you!!!!
I honestly don't know what to say, this is SO amazing!! The colours, dimension, intricate detail, background (although hardly 'in the background)? Also had no idea you were teaching all over but not at all surprised you are in demand. Wonderful !!! Thank you for inspiration :)
wooow, ale suuper :D widzialam ze sie i do Rzymu wybierasz :D
gdzie moglabym znalezc info tego spotkania w Rzymie ale nie po angielsku bo z tego jezyka kuleje?
chcialabym przyjechac na spotkanie w Rzymie,dlatego pytam^^
moj mail
no tak... herbatka... zapomniałam o herbatce:):):)
Finn, enjoy your trip and have a nice time :-)
greetings Sabine
I would never have thought in a million years to use tea bags on the front of a journal Finn! Amazing idea, you really are very imaginative. I love that. Michelle x
Are those really teabags???? LOL great idea, they look fab!
Amazing cover..that little pop of yellow underneath got me. It's soooo neat against the other metallic colours:):) MAN!!! You get around....geeze, feeling very privileged that you've managed to start to write for me...thank you:):):)
Какие же они красивые, эти обложки!
I'm very fortunate to have seen this demo irl, it still amazes me:) Have fun on your latest adventure. Hugs x
Really too beautiful for words!
Beautiful work it is crying out to be touched. Gorgeous colours and details, and so inspiring : )
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