Friday 2 December 2016

Two Words

December's here, My Friends!
For many of us this is a month when a lot of creative things are going on - December Daily practice, crafty Advent calendars, cardmaking, list making, thinking about dreams, plans and resolutions for 2017.
All this is obviously very exciting but... let's not run around too much! ;) Shall we pause just for a moment?
Take a seat, take a breath and find a moment to appreciate this incredible art piece (or even 2!) that Gayle's sharing with us today...
Do you have any special words that resonate for you? Any wishes for the world and yourselves? We hope you feel inspired to express them creatively. We'd love to see them! Drop by our Open Studio facebook group and share your Art with us!
Hello lovely Finnabair friends.
The last month of the year and of course for some of us, the celebration of Christmas.
For my project this month I have been completely indulgent and worked with three of my favourite things - wooden blocks, image transfer and collage.
But it’s Finnabair’s Texture Paste in Gold Crackle that has created the richness in these simple wooden blocks. For any of your Christmas projects this year, Gold Crackle Texture paste is a must. The process to these blocks is simple, I have included a few steps, but they are processes that I know you are all familiar with by now.
For me, this project is about how just one medium, used very simply through a stencil, can add so much warmth, texture and a little bit of magic. :)
Here are two more views of my Words Block - front and right side & right and back side:

My blocks come from a friend who is a furniture maker. They are off cuts, all different shapes and sizes and often quite rough.

No.1 The blocks get a coat of Heavy White Gesso. For my image transfer, I have chosen two “angel” images from the internet and printed them out onto regular photocopy paper.

No.2 For the image transfer, give the wooden block a coat of Soft Gel (either Gloss or Matte) and the front of the image a coat of Gel as well.
Place the image, face down onto the wooden block and smooth out very carefully from the centre to the sides, pressing out any air bubbles. Let dry completely. Once dry, use a baby wipe to gently rub away the white surface paper and reveal the image underneath (it will be in reverse). I love the muted, imperfect softness that this process gives.
No.3 Once you have rubbed away all the surface paper to reveal your image, add some stamping. I have used the Vintage Vanity “Book” Clear Stamp on both blocks.

No.4 Collage on some music note paper using Soft Matte Gel.
No.5 Cover the sides and back of the blocks with patterned paper using Soft Matte Gel as the adhesive.

No.6 Add extra texture and colour to the surface papers with Art Alchemy Acrylic Paints - they're so thick and in beautiful rich colours.
No.7 Add more texture to the sides with Art Extravagance Texture Paste in White Crackle.

No.8 Using a stencil apply Texture Paste in Gold Crackle.
A muted, soft, imperfect detail of the transfered image.

I added some metal and wire with beads.
The beautiful stars come from Finnabair's Mechanicals Barn Stars set.
First I painted the “Barn Stars” with Art Alchemy Ancient Coin paint and then sprinkled with Art Ingredients Art Sugar in White for some extra shimmer.

All metal embellishments were attached using Heavy Body Gel.

I have also used an old (but one of my all time favourites) Finnabair “Doily” stencil with red ink to add some pattern detail down the side of the block.

Also some splashes of gold ink.

Another view of the "Joy" block -

a metal name plate, wire with beads and again -

- Art Extravagance Gold Crackle Texture Paste used through a stencil.

The back of the blocks.
Art Extravagance Gold Crackle Texture Paste applied through a stencil and also in combination with silver embossing enamel, using Finnabair Vintage Vanity “Frilly Lace” Clear Stamp.

My two words - “Peace” and “Joy” - have seemed very elusive and in short supply this year, in a world that at times seems to be out of control.

But I genuinely and sincerely extend them to you all now, and, in whatever way you may celebrate the end of this year and the beginning of the new, may it be filled with only Peace and Joy.

Gayle xx

Products used:


Karenliz Henderson said...

WOW Gayle, these are gorgeous. I love the image transfers plus all that texture is amazing.

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Gorgeous. I love the imagery. Tracy x

Paper Profusion said...

Incredibly beautiful! Nicola x

Unknown said...

Love these! They have that old world "feel" to them!

Wilma said...

Wow what a creative and beautiful way of using wood!

magicalmagpie said...

Absolutely stunning, so rich and sumptuous

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