Some of you already know - but I wanted to share the news with all of you, partly to excuse my constant absence on the blog and in the social media in the last months. I had a really good reason for being away, quiet and not here - besides travelling and teaching of course.
I was moving.
When I'm saying that, I mean MOVING, with capital letters and all the good and bad things included. Because, you know, when I'm planning to do something I sometimes go big. Or BIG, really. Possibly because one day in the past I allowed myself to be fearless (sometimes it can be mistaken for careless too) and I am a dreamer... and what is even more scary, I tend to believe dreams can come true... usually if you close your eyes and jump into the big rabbit hole, screaming.
Yeah, that would be me, probably.
So, it wasn't just moving home, all planned, scheduled, packed, prepared in long distance. No, who, me? Organized??? Impossible. I can reduce my sleep, work my ass off, forget about birthdays, including mine, but I can't tell I'm organized. Chaos is my second name and I've learnt to live with it.
We did it in 2 months - literally. From the moment we've made a decision till the moment we opened the door of our new place passed 8 weeks. And I can only bless my natural ability to push everything forward strong enough to move, including my husband. (Honestly, I think he's sill in kind of shock.)
In these 8 weeks, we've found a place to rent, we've packed all our home including my studio (blessed may be my friends and Mom who helped me tons) and we hired a car to move all of it from our apartment in Warsaw to a new place, over 2200 km away. And in the meantime there were classes, product designing, and everyday life. (I'm not daring to call it NORMAL everyday life. My life is crazy and I try to live with it... nobody's perfect. )
Then, in just a week we had to build everything again from the scratch, unpack and set up in our new home... yes, deadlines were coming, yes I'm lucky to have friends who are willing to help in the case of this kind of emergency. Then there were other challenges: finding all the important places, waiting all the media to be installed, praying for internet to go smooth, making myself comfortable in the new place, learning how to find all my art stuff in the new place, new organization... and getting used to be alone:(
Andrew is still in Warsaw, working, looking after our apartment being redecorated, preparing it for renting... I miss him so much.
The place I loved since I've read the first book of Celtic legend, place that stole my heart completely when we were on our honeymoon trip, driving around the island, smiling like madmen. This is the only place that makes my my heart sing no matter which part of this rainy, cold, windy country I am.
I'm in the beautiful, small town with a round tower and old stone church - and it will only take me few hours now to go to in the places I want to visit again and again. Even driving home through the fields, bushes and sheep walking around wakes up a horde of butterflies in my stomach.
Yes, I'm weird, I accepted that years ago ;)
I can't wait to go to the sea :)
Can I imagine myself in a small, quiet place like this - no big streets, cinemas, restaurants, crowds of people? Me, big city girl? Yes.
I was feeling I needed a quiet space. Closer to the nature, bigger. And I got it.
I was willing to follow one of my biggest dreams, one that started from a talk I had with my newly-wed husband, sitting on the shore of Atlantic Ocean, somewhere near Dingle Town. Or around.
I've decided I want it more than I'm afraid of it, and - thanks to all powers in the universe - my family just gave up fighting to keep us close, understanding our vision of happiness is different than theirs. And there is no point in stopping us - because our hearts already moved.
I'm in a a dream. Now I only need my husband and dog to come... and my friends and family to visit:) Maybe I'm a really hopeless example of housewife and one of the hardest people to be friends with, but... welcome to my new home:) (Hopefully I'll be in, not travelling or working like crazy at this time, so please check before coming, ok? LOL).
I can't say the house I'm in is my final destination - but it was a huge step in the only direction I could imagine. Please, keep your fingers crossed for us - we will surely need it being away from everything we've known for all our lives ;) I keep learning a lot, everyday!
P.S. Mówiąc w skrócie - w ostatnich tygodniach przeprowadziliśmy nasze życie - dom, moje studio w całkiem nowe, ale bardzo ekscytujące miejsce, o którym zawsze w skrytości ducha marzyłam: do Irlandii. Jak zwykle u mnie był to wariacki plan rodem z bajki, którą niewiele osób zrozumie - ale udało się! Z pomocą przyjaciół i najbliższych, walcząc z czasem i zbliżającymi się terminami zapakowaliśmy wszystko, co było na liście, i rozpakowaliśmy w nowych 4 kątach. Po raz kolejny uwierzyłam, że warto zamknąć oczy, i z krzykiem na ustach skoczyć w króliczą norę... Dziękuję wszystkim za wyrozumiałość, cierpliwość i przepraszam, że tak mało jestem ostatnio z Wami - nie mogłam inaczej, było to fizycznie niemożliwe. Teraz, kiedy już wróciłam mniej więcej do normalnego rytmu pracy mam nadzieję, że mnie będę Was zaniedbywać - trzymajcie kciuki aby wszystko pomyślnie się ułożyło :)
Oh Finn, I am so excited to hear that!! :) I am over here in Clare, hope this means I can take more classes from you!! I will be down in Cork in September anyway!
Wow, that is a big step but it sounds like it was the best one for you - I hope you'll be very happy and that Andrew will join you very soon. Good luck!!
Welcome to Ireland Anna! If from your hints I can guess that your location is somewhere near Glendalough, you are living close to me here in Wicklow. If you need anything let me know. Check out the facebook page Get Ireland Crafting to see what's going on on the Emerald Isle. Once again welcome. Best wishes Karen
So awesomely happy for you! :)
Karenm, not Glendalough, but not that far from there too :)There are some other round towers, more in the midlands ;) (hint, hint):)
How exciting (and not a little brave) for you and your Hubby. I wish you every happiness on your chosen path.
Lesley Xx
Congratulations on your move and wishing you all the best in your new home!
How amazing, what a wonderful adventure and to such an inspirational place. May you be very happy in your new home xx
Anna I think that's amazing. My hubby and I have visited Ireland and LOVED it. I completely understand your feelings about it, congratulations on your new home.
Congrats on your new home!! How exciting to start a new adventure in a place you love.
Congrats on following your dreams Finn! That's so amazing. You must have been Irish in a previous life since you are so connected to the land. Wishing you all the best.
Wow Anna!!! Congratulations on following your dream!!! It sounds as though you have found heaven on earth!!! I loved your insightful words... "our vision of happiness is different than theirs" Beautiful, simply beautifully said!!!
What FABULOUS news! I think you are amazing to up and make your dreams happen! I admire that! No wonder things have been quiet on the Internet front! Can't wait to see more photos of where you have moved to.
good luck in everything ! And go on making your dreams come true !!!
So excited for you!! From one slightly mad woman to another.....sending you happiness to you dream home xxx
kaz x
Failte! Delighted to hear you've moved here! And now those Instagram pics of you here make sense :) I missed your last class here, and can't make your upcoming one, so am thrilled you're now resident here so I will finally (hopefully) get to take a class (or two or three!) with you. Yay :)
Mieszkałam parę lat w Dingle - nie wiem czy tam Cię wiatr zawiał ale znam uroki życia w Irlandii.
Pozwodzenia na nowym miejscu życia!
Oh, how wonderful for you, Anna! I’ve been enchanted with Ireland since my first visit in 1982; you will be living my dream. All the best to you in your new adventure.
wishing you and yours much happiness x
Ty wszystko wiesz <3
I'm so incredible happy for you! That's an amazing leap you've taken - I admire your strenght! Wishing you all the best and much happiness!
Normalnie się wzruszyłam czytając to co napisałaś
ja tez tak CZUJĘ Irlandię
kocham Irlandię
to nasze miejsce
trzymam kciuki żebyście znaleźli tu swoje szczęście.
i mam nadzieję na spotkanie i kawę :) albo u nas w Dublinie ...albo u Was w miasteczku na K;) z okrągłą wieżą :)
Good for you Anna for following your dreams - it looks absolutely captivating there! Wishing you continued success and happiness. Hoping your sweet hubby and puppy can join you sooner than later. Your friend always - Tara.
Teo, na pewno uda się spotakć, jak nie teraz to za chwilę :) Myśle pozytywnie i bardzo ciesze się z tej przeprowadzki. Musi być dobrze :)
Dzieki za miłe przyjęcie :)
Thank you so much friends for sharing this moment with me :)
<3 you Finn!! you are such an inspiration, and I'm dying to see how Ireland is going to inspire you creatively- WOW that;s gonna be COOL!!!!
We moved from the UK to NZ in 4 weeks from decision to here, and your' story reminded me of our Mad adventure- we moved with our 18 month old and 16 week old baby- we knew no one and lots of people thought us cRazee ;) but it was the best thing we ever did- like coming home <3
When it's right the angels move everything to let it happen easily and with Joy,
So Happy for you Enjoy
Debi x
Thanks for sharing your amazing journey. It must be very exciting following your dreams. I'm sure you will love it there, we visited Dingle on our honeymoon too! I love Ireland and the people, it's seems so stress free and beautiful, the perfect creative place. X
all the best for your new journey!! sooo happy for you - I´ve done my 1600 km´s leap more than 10 years ago and I haven´t regretted it :). enjoy!!!
Wow! Congrats on living the dream! I admire your spirit and courage!
Oh Finn, you are very brave! I hope your husband and dog will soon join you so you can live your dream to the max! Congrats with pursuing your goals, this is super, we're happy for you!! Big hug, Nancy & Vincent from Belgium xoxox
Wonderful, Anna! What great adventure awaits you in Ireland. I've moved continents and countries since I was six (not speaking a word of English that first time) and each move added so much more good than difficult. I hope you get enough time at home to enjoy it and I hope the red door is yours - love it!
Congratulations!! Very strange... as I'm just in the middle of planning almost exactly the opposite move (from UK to Czech Republic) but with the same aim (from town to country and peace and quiet)!! So glad to hear that you are following your heart and your gut - I think if you do that, then whatever happens is the right thing.
Alison x
Wow, niesamowite zmiany - trzymam kciuki bardzo mocno. Jestem pewna, ze Irlandia pokocha Cie rownie mocno jak Ty pokochalas ja :). Powodzenia Aniu!
Lucky you!! I love Ireland, so warm and welcoming. It will be a wonderful place to live and create! Sometimes those magical places keep pulling at your heart strings.
Wow that is so exciting for you! I had no idea!! I was in Ireland in December in a beautiful village called Termin Feckin near Drogheda. I love Ireland too! I hope you will be very happy!!
How wonderfully amazing. One of my dreams has always been to go to Ireland. One day I WILL make it. And a bonus would be to find out you have an event there when I do. I will definitely be checking that, when Im able to make my dream come true. Enjoy your wonderful adventure, and wishing speedy return of Andrew. Can not wait to see Ireland inspired art.
Hey Finn, I am not surprised by your move; you are after all the ultimate "free spirit" and then of course when I saw the Dragon Fly as the door knocker I knew this was where you are meant to be. Ireland....such a beautiful place; it's landscape, its history its art and culture, its music (Ah Van Morrison ) its dance and of course its beautiful people. Welcome home.
I look forward to some fabulous photos of your new homeland, I would love to visit Ireland one day, I love the music and the people. Have fun Anna and I hope your hubby and your dog will be with you soon.
Wahoo Finn
so very happy for you and hope you settle in well soon. I hope you remembered to pack your steam punk puffy heart necklace :o)
Annette In Oz xxx
How very exciting! May you find much happiness there!
que vos rêves se réalisent, bonne chance à vous 2
Good on you for following your dreams....& all the best with your new home & new country:):):)
Wow! What a brave decision! Happy days - we will have more chances to meet you here then! Welcome!
Wahou! What a change! Ireland is so beautiful! I hope you will enjoy your life as much as you wish to. Lucky you following your dreams. This is so great!
I admire your courage! Congratulations on following your dreams :)
You will find such inspiration being in a beautiful place close to nature. Well done for following your dreams. Enjoy every moment. Looking forward to meeting you in August at Snazzy's! Elaine x
Wow! Congratulations on being brave and following your heart :) Here's hoping there will be a few more UK classes now to... ;)
How exciting! And exhausting, no doubt... but sounds WELL WORTH IT!
Moving - switching countries - what a brave and wonderful adventure! I hope your husband and pup join you soon!
CONGRATULATIONS!! I will get across the Big Pond someday and see all the things I am meant to see - Ireland being one of the top 2 (sorry, but I HAVE to go to Italy, even if it is just to EAT!) - Blessings to you in your new home! <3
Wow, that's really a huge stap!!! And I'm happy for you))) that's really great making your dreams come true !!! Good luck on the new place)))
witamy :)
ale się cieszę :) życzymy wszystkiego naj naj naj :***
How exiting!! Ireland is one of the countries I would concider to live - if I ever should leave Norway! The place looks so fantastic and I'm sure that you and your husband + dog (when they follow) will have a perfect time! I can imagine how you'll have the time of your life and a perfect match for your creative mind!
Best of luck and I'm so happy for you!
Życzę Ci szczęścia w nowym miejscu i niech będzie ono Twoją przystanią, miejscem do którego chce się wracać,które daje natchnienie i ukojenie. Trzymam kciuki i powodzenia:)
This is such wonderful news!!! I'm so thrilled for you :) Being near the sea is just the best...and Ireland is such a beautiful country! I wish you many many happy, healthy years living out your dream :) I'm looking forward to hearing all about it at class on Aug 3 & 4 at Paper Niche
JJ (Joyce)
How wonderfull project you realized!!!
It's my dream to,I want to go to Ireland.
One day I will di it.
Hugs from France
Good grief Girl!! You don't do things by halves do you!! Well done for following your dream.
Now, I want your address please so I may see that door knocker for real. It is beautiful!
You are only over the water from me in Wales so I can wave to you!!
Wow. Przeżyłam w Irlandii 3 lata, najpierw w Cork (przecudne miasto, mogłabym tam do starości) potem Dublin....jest w Irladnii takie COŚ...aż żałuję, że musiałam wrócić do bidnej Polski... Trzymam kciuki za nowy start, za nowe miejsce, DOM!
Oh my gosh Anna, when I saw this post and that you are now in Ireland, I got so excited, lol. Being that I'm iving up the road from you in Northern Ireland, lol. Though Im not sure whereabouts you are in Ireland......its Ireland....no one is too far away, lol. I hope the beautiful countryside, views and wonderful people inspire you in your works of art. I hope you are well settled in and enjoying your first few weeks of being an Irish woman, lol. I'm in County Down, but have family in Carlingford, Dublin, Bettystown and Wicklow too. I have a big family so we are shattered all over this beautiful Country. Lee xx
WOW. Amazing news. I truly admire people who follow their dreams. (I am not brave enough). Best wishes and ENJOY EVERY MOMENT. Hoping Andrew will soon be with you.
wow, bravo lady for sure!!! Enjoy your time and yes, this is the time to travel you have good health and you can move freely. Perfect timing!!! enjoy your new journey.
Welcome to Ireland! It is a wonderful place to live alright! Love your work!!
Wow, that is great! It is important to feel good about the place you live in. You are lucky to be able to live that dream, especially in Ireland, a place I would love to visit one day!
As someone who recently moved from Florida to Spain (and am now rambling around New Zealand for a few months) I can only add what others have said: Bravo! Dreams are too precious to waste, following them makes us all richer in spirit.
Wow, I had really fallen behind on reading your blog, so I didn't even know you had moved until it came up in the classes at the Queen's Ink this week. Enjoy your magical new home, and I hope your husband and dog can join you soon!
Also, thank you for WONDERFUL workshops this week. They were a blast! (I was the redhead with my mom way in the back corner at the "bad girls" table, if you remember any of that.)
Sweet Finn I'm so happy for you!!!! And by reading your post I feel so inspired like I can make my dreams come true as well. Big hugs.
Congratulations! I moved to Ireland at the very end of August 2013 from the United States for the very same reasons you did. I hope you will offer many more classes in Ireland so that I will be able to attend!
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