Tuesday 26 January 2016

New Finnabair Release Giveaway!

Hi there lovely people!
I hope you had a great beginning of the week!
I was busy unpacking after CHA and reorganizing before my next big gig in Frankfurt...  I found a couple of nice products from my new lines in my suitcase... and you know what was my first thought? (Exciting a bit, huh?) A GIVEAWAY for you, my dear readers!

Isn't that a great idea? To be able to WIN a pack of products before they are available in the shops? What can be better than that? More prizes of course!
I decided to run my Giveaway in all of my favourite social media: on my Facebook Page, on my Instagram account, here on the blog and in the most friendly group for mixed-media people : Finnabair and Friends Open Studio on Facebook (this one has just ended tonight... but there are tons of reasons to join!).
If you are not familiar with these places maybe it is time to check them out and start following to make sure you won't miss your chance?

So here it goes!

To grab a chance to win this selection of my NEW products, all you have to do is: 

1. Pin at least one of the photos of your chosen project of mine or my Creative Team. (You can pin straight from my blog or you can visit my Pinterest boards and repin from there.)
2. Leave a link to your pin in the comments below section 'till Wednesday evening  (10pm CET) and keep your fingers, toes and knees crossed!

 I'll announce the lucky winner on Friday!
- Share the great news with your friends too, give them the chance to win too!

huge thanks to you, dear blog readers, students and followers - you make this space alive and you've made all this magic possible! I can't express how grateful I am for all the love and support me and my Team receive on daily basis... you are awesome, people!
I'm truly blessed I can work surrounded by these talented ladies I call my Creative Team and you  all. Thank you.
Sending loads of love


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Sammy said...

You know that it's physically impossible to pick a favourite out of your work, right? I mean, it's all simply stunning!
But I do really love this one:


But it seems half of my "mixed media ideas" board on pinterest is either you, or inspired by you! x

Nirvana said...

Thanks for all giveaway!!!!
I pinned this canvas https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/374080312778380558 (Even if I pin many things of the team! LOL!!! I'm fan of your art!!)


Paper Profusion said...

Awfully hard to choose one but finally here's my choice https://www.pinterest.com/pin/433612270353502582/
Thanks so very much for chance to win your wonderful treasure trove.
Nicola x

Padoriaa said...

Stunning products! I wish to use them <3
My pin : https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/86272149089749107/

Cathy - CMP Designs said...

Love so much of your talent it was hard to pick a fave! But I do love this one!


GrĂ¡ O'Neill said...

Love this http://pin.it/vwDULBh :)

Unknown said...

I love how you are on so many of you profess trough your choice of pictures. I will never forget the class you gave in Quebec City. Thanks so much for your generosity!

finnabair said...

Giveaway is now closed! Than you so much for joining the fun!

Unknown said...

Absolutely love this, Wow!!! Incredibly cool.

Ana Santos said...

Thanks for this chance Finn. This is my favorita. Big kiss

Unknown said...

Hi Finn
I am unable to work out how to add my pin... one of my favorite pieces is the altered violin... it is very hard yo choose because marta and athanasia do amazing work which I can only hope to oneday be that good. I hope that my lack of computer skills does not effect my ability to enter this amazing opportunity. .. thankyou for your constant inspiration...

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