Sunday 21 June 2009

Blogoskakanie z Simonem - Simon Says Stamp Birthday Blog Hop

Blog Simon Says Stamp obchodzi właśnie swoje pierwsze urodziny - z tej okazji członkowie Design Team organizują zabawę o nazwie "blog hop" - czyli "blogoskakanie". W ten sposób chcemy zapoznać was z 45 zestawami stempli, promowanymi przez ekipę Simona, ale też pokazać, jak można ich użyć w swoich pracach, zainspirować... i co nie mniej ważne - zaprosić Was do blog candy!
Na Tworzysku obok zasad zabawy i zaproszenia do odwiedzenia całego blogowego łańcuszka macie szansę wygrać pokazany niżej zestaw: Dream Paris Rome New York - jak to zwykle bywa, czekam na zgłoszenia w komentarzach - zwycięzca zostanie wyłoniony po zakończeniu całej zabawy blog-skokowej:)

To celebrate the
first Birthday of Simon Says Stamp Blog, the Design Team members are participating in a blog hop, to inspire you with so many of the stamps that Simon Says Stamp sells! Some of us will be showcasing the EXCLUSIVE Simon Says Stamp brand of stamps – over 45 sets to choose from - and there are some blog candies waiting for you!!!
Here, at Tworzysko, you can win a fabulous Dream Paris New York set - all you have to do to left me a comment you want to take part in this candy - I'll anonse the winner after the whole blog hop will finish:)

A tutaj jest blejtram, w którym wykorzystałam powyższy zestaw - doskonale sprawdził się jako element budujący tło:) Powstał on jako kontynuacja mojego pierwszego blejtramu sprzed około roku - tym razem jest to wersja damska. Będą wisiały obok siebie na kuchennej ścianie, wiec starałam się, aby były możliwie podobne - a zarazem pojawiło się kilka znaczących różnic:)
And here is a canvas layout - a creation where the above stamps are inculed. I've made it as a continuation of this layout - but this time it was meant to be more feminine, delicate.

Blejtram Agnieszki
A tutaj powiększenie - big size here

Oto zasady blogoskakania - Here are blog hop rules:
Jeżeli nie zaczęliście blogoskakania na początku - czyli na blogu Simon Says Challenge, proponujemy wybrać się własnie tam i tam rozpocząć zabawę. Na każdym blogu biorącym udział w blogoskakaniu znajduje się Tajemicza Litera - nalezy zebrać je wszystkie, odgadnąć hasło i podać je na końcu zabawowego łańcuszka - na blogu Simon Says Stamp. Uważnie śledźcie cały łańcuszek i nie zapomnijcie pozostawić komentarza o tym, że odwiedziliscie wszystkie blogi, podajecie hasło i że chcecie wziąć udział w finałowym blog candy - 100$ zakupach w sklepie Simon Says Stamp! Dodatkowo otrzymacie jeszcze jedną szansę w losowaniu jeżeli jesteście - lub staliścvie się właśnie - obserwatorami obydwu blogów Simonowych:)
If you didn't start the blog hop at the beginning, then you want to head back to Simon Says Challenge blog so you do not miss anything. At each blog, there will be a MYSTERY LETTER – collect all of the letters, unscramble them, and post your answer at the end on the Simon Says Stamp Blog. Be sure to follow the blog hop all the way to the end, for a chance to win. When you get to the Simon Says Stamp Blog, leave a comment that you hopped to all blogs, and the mystery phrase and you will be entered to win some FABBY blog candy - $100 shopping spree at Simon Says Stamp store. You will get 1 entry for the mystery phrase and 1 entry for becoming a follower of both Simon Says Blogs (if you already are a follower, you automatically get an entry).

Tajemnicza literka dla mojego bloga to "Y"
The MYSTERY Letter for my blog is "Y"

Zapraszam teraz do Iris, która ma dla was kolejną porcję inspidracji - i kolejny element literkowej układanki. Życzę dobrej zabawy i powodzenia w losowaniu!
Next head over to Iris to see what fabulous inspiration she has for you.
Thanks for stopping by! HAVE fun and good luck!!!


A Consuming Passion said...

Love your sample - Have to hop!!!

Donalda said...

Oh this is just breathe taking dear love Paris that is for sure.

Linsey said...

This is so awesome and I love your work!!!Beautiful!

Francesca said...

Beautiful Im on the hop

Irit Shalom said...


Samara Gugler said...

I love your work! Super stuff! :)

Anne said...

Wow! So beautiful.
I'm on the hop...

L said...

Beautiful and very detailed. I love the card.


tracy said...

What a fabulous scrapbook page I love your work gorgeous!
tracy x

Mummylade said...

the set is supercute

MinnaK. said...

Amazing LO, it`s just great :))

Minna xxx

Gosia said...

Ten zestaw na razie najbardziej mi się podoba, a Twoje prace często podglądam i lubię...

Chris (catt871) said...

WOW WOW WOW!!!!! I love your work, it is so beautiful and stunning!!!

Mephisto said...

love your Creation very much! Brilliant Work!


Anonymous said...

LOVE your cards! - just breathe taking..
/Tina F.

Atyus said...

What a fantastic layout!Love it!

Joey said...

Hi, oh your canvas is amazing! I love the detail and the texture! Joey.x

Lainy's Little Blog said...

Stunning layout. Lainy xxx

Jenny said...

Beautiful work!!

truskawkaM said...

ach i och :)

Pam said...

Beautiful sample...thanks for sharing.

Rachel B said...

Love your layout and the incorporation of the stamps into it. You did a beautiful job. Now on to the rest of the hop!

Suzette said...

Great work-I shall keep hopping.

Moni said...

Gorgeous project! Love it! Hugs,Moni

Lisa (mldesignworks) said...

Beautiful! Thank you for the inspiration! Lisa :-)

Arctic Furnace said...

Love your layout, Just on the hop

Unknown said...

Gorgeous work!

Merika said...

Thanks for the chance!

PinksyDoodles said...

This is so beautiful.
Clare x

Donnas Den said...

Love this set of stamps and your layout. Please enter me into the candy draw.


Powerful Search Engine said...

Hi fabulous layout using this great stamp set. Hugs Pascale

Wendy Hall said...

Great creations and what a fun hop!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and what a great stamp set.

SannaS said...

WOW!!!! Soooo beautiful LO!
*hop hop...* =)
Hugs, SannaS

Karita said...

Oh my gosh! This is stunning! It has so many gorgeous details.


stephanne said...

Oh wow, this is beautiful, the page is fantastic and that set looks like a lot of fun, what a fun chance to win!! I'm off to hop!!

Ingrid said...

świetna robota :)
piękna praca
skacze dalej :)

Gry-E. said...

Very nice card. Thanks for the chance to win.

Tracy said...

My first blog hop!
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Butterballfeather said...

wonderful! just beautiful!,

Cheryl O said...

Lovely layout, you've captured it beautifully!

UHK Gallery said...

Bawię się ofkors. Świetny blejtram, ale bedziesz miała komentarzy ho ho ho!!!!
Ale nie, że Mikołaj.....

Mina said...

wow stunning layout I love this
stamp set...onto the next blog
Mina xxx

Tracey said...

What a gorgeous layout!!

Iris said...

Your creation is so gorgeous, absolute amazing work.


Lorraine A said...

Wonderful layout ! I love this stamp set and you've made a fantastic creation !!
Stunning !! :-)

Lorraine x x

Unknown said...

Stunning LO, so beautiful.

Love this stamp set.

Off to continue the hop.

Joanne x

Olga Heldwein said...

boski ten zestaw o.o ja go chceeeee! hopuje dalej;)

Elaine Stark said...

A lovely project. Elaine

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Oh, that was a beautiful layout with delicate colouring! I´ll come back for another look... thanks for the letter.

Ms. Cheryl said...

The languages add to the challenge. Thanks, ms.cheryl

kobens said...

świetna kontynuacja pracy sprzed roku :) kolorki mniaaam, a stempelki bardzo zachęcające ;)
Hopam sobie dalej :D

Anonymous said...

Your Lo is really beautiful, great stamp set. Hopping along...
/Hanna N

Wiccababe said...

what a stunning layout Finnabair
have a super day

Pat said...

Fabulous scrapbook page, love the colours and the papers.

Pat xx

Schnubbeldupp said...

Oh wow, such a beautiful layout, it's really stunning. I love the design and how you used the embellishments.
I hope, a have also a chance to win.

Big hugs,

Unknown said...

Love your work!

x Renata

Linda . J said...

Beautiful creation thank you for the inspiration! I would love to win this stamp set.
Hugs Linda

Morag Cutts said...

Fabulous LO. I love your style.

Kata said...

Your works are unique and beautiful! Love them!

Rybiooka said...

No pięknie tylko dlaczego ja jestem kaleka językowa... buuuuuuuuuu

miłej zabawy życzę !!

Zielona said...

Ciekawa zabawa :)

Tara Godfrey said...

Oh WOW!!!! Stunning layout! Love everything about!

Jo Nevill said...

This is just stunning Finn, I love it.

Enjoy the hop !


Jo x

chwilka13 said...

jak to zwykle u Ciebie - cudne!

Julie said...

Gosh I love this layout it is so delicate. Thanks for the opportunity to take part.

Big Hugs

Phinny said...

LOVE this set and your LO is GORGEOUS!

Happy B-day to the Simon Says Blog!

~phrom Phinny

Bea said...

It's very beautiful, love it.

Pszmaja said...

Pomysł na zabawę jest super, tyle wspaniałych blogów udało mi się odwiedzić :)

Bev said...

Absolutely stunning work!! x

Timcso said...

Wow!!Fantastic work!I like your works very much!:)


cwasia said...

Coś pięknego! Kolory i tyle detalików do przeanalizowania... powpatruję się jeszcze :)

Artyjen said...

Love your layout....such great detail...thanks for the chance to win those beautiful stamps

Julies Crafty Creations said...

What a great layout. Hugs Julie x

גלי said...

The canvas is absolutely stunning. Very inspiring.

{Hana} said...

I love Your LO!! Thi sis one of my fav. stes - and You used it a gorgeous was :-)) So beautiful :-)

MiamiKel said...

This is wonderful - great job!

Chrisd said...

Great detailed page .The stamp set is wonderful also and I'm having fun on the hop!

Manuela said...

oh my, those french-styled stamps are wonderful! your work is great! great job :) so i am hopping over to the next blog =) hugs, manuela

Kim Dellow said...

Wow, I love your LO and what a fab set of stamps. Kim

Unknown said...

Wow, what a beautiful layout. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hello, love your project, beautiful colours

Karina Beck said...

OMG! What a beautiful layout!

eralilla said...

This is really beautiful work!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Beautiful project. Stunning!

Janice said...

How very shabby chic! I love this layout-so pretty!

lalalla said...

świetne zdjęcie i scrap

Diamond Doll said...

Gorgeous Layout.
Trish (-:

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous and thanks for a chance to win.

Rebecca said...

very nice artwork! Thanks for the opportunity

Jeanne Forsyth said...

Beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

Piali said...

Great layout. I am glad I hopped over to your blog.

Tasha said...

Wo your LO is stunning i love how you have used the stamps they are wonderful!
Loving the hop
love tasha xx

Deb said...

Wow what a fabulous layout.

Danielle said...

Beautiful work - love the arty stamps!

Jami said...

Gorgeous!! Love all the details on this!!

Cheri said...

What a beautiful layout - gorgeous!

Sharron aka Sharrahug said...

Cool layout! Love it & the prize!

Cathy said...

Lovely layout! you did a awesome job...

Hugs Cathy

Katarina said...

Ale piekny layout! Szybko sie zapisuje jako twoj "follower" zanim zgubie twoj adres ;)
Pozdrawiam ze Szwecji.

gocanucksgo said...

Gorgeous layout!! Keep up the amazing work =)

Linda Carson said...

Cool layout! Beautiful style! I'm on the hop.

Gail said...

love the layout! thanks for sharing ;)

Crazy Creations said...


Brenda said...

Great layout!! Thank you for the chance to win.

Renee said...

YOur work is gorgeous and I just love this stamp set!!!

Gwen's Busy Little Hands said...

Fabulous page! Who doesn't dream of visiting Paris, Rome, NY City? This is another wonderful blog "candy" to be won. There will be some very happy ladies out there come Wednesday. Thanks! ~Gwen

Julie Temple said...

Beautiful the Parisian feel!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful work!
Greetings from Anja, Germany

Jacilynn said...

gorgeous! I love your LO

Jessica Theodore said...

love your work! would like to be in with a chance to win these fab stamps THANKS xx

Unknown said...

Cute! Gotta hop! Enjoying this lots!

Janka said...

Wow! Amazing work, really!

ribenaruby said...

Great vintage look!

Vroni said...

Wow, i like these stamps and your creation is so fantastic. Thanks for the chance and the next letter.


Ida / Little said...

Such a beautiful layout, all the stash looks fab!! :)

Hugs Ida

Szilvii said...

This is my favourite Simon Says stamps, I jus love it! And your beautiful layout... It's fantastic!

ros said...

absolutely beautiful

Nannieflash said...

Fantastic card, love the details on it. with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

Magda said...

Bardzo podoba mi się Twoja praca.

I hop do bloga Iris... ;)

Serdecznie pozdrawiam,
Magda x

Kriszta (hozak) said...

Thanks for the chanche!

SemSee said...

Oh my goodness! This is breath-taking! Such a WOW creation! I'm speechless..... Hugs, Sem x

Unknown said...

this stamp is one of my favourite :) I love your card too!

Dtimy said...

This LO is so beautiful! It's a lovely set of stamps, thank you for the chance to win.

craftypagan said...

Love your inspiration sample! Beautiful! Would love to win-this hop is so much fun! Love Rowena

Dee Libis said...

What an awesome layout - just gorgeous!

jude said...

Stunning creative work thanks for the letter for blog hop
hugs judex

Teresa said...

Great job.

Vivi Casale said...

Oh, this is so much fun! I love blog hop!
so let me hop to the next blog!
Thanks for the chance to win it!

Anna Zaprzelska said...

Jestem ale już skaczę dalej!

Anna Banana said...

I like all the lace on your scrapbook page!
Anna Banana

Marcsi said...

Perfect. Beautiful.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Your layout is stunning, fabulous work !

Anonymous said...

I have been making my way through the hop and having a great time thanks
Love your work
thanks for the chance

Nunt said...

Once again, you have such a beautiful style! Thank you for this chance to win that fab set too :)


PatR said...

Very nice

Berit Synnøve said...

beautiful LO

Linda said...

This is just so BEAUTIFUL!!
Thank you for the chance to win.

Lynda Nielsen said...

WOWZA, your creation is AMAZING! Such inspiration and talent.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Have to hop along... =)
Lynda =)

Raquel said...

love your layout, very cute!!!

Suzanne said...

Love the layout. Hopping on to next one now
Suzanne x

Bethany said...

Your work has such beautiful details! Wonderful job! said...

Love your work!

designsfromwithinbycharlotte said...

Beautiful creations! Your work is very creative.

Tracey Feeger said...

This is a gorgeous LO

Ana said...

super te stemple:)

yukoner said...

What a beautiful way to use this set.

Vanni said...

You have a beautiful blog!
The blog birthday hop is a great game :-)

Rae said...

Pisałam na forum? Nie wiem, czy pisałam, bo się gubię trochę ;)
Świetny 'obrazek' i na pewno niesamowicie będzie wyglądał na ścianie.
I staję w kolejce po stempelki ;)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely stamp set - and your layout is just great!


Wellnifty said...

Fab layout,
Chris x

Rosalien Zwackhalen said...

I love your LO, this is so beautifull. I wish I could do it that way. let's see who is next on the hop.:))


Lelia Pierce said...

Your layout is fantastic! :O)

Liz said...

Beautiful Canvas - loving this blog hop.

Anonymous said...

just adore your sample. It is as you say very femanine
the flower embelisments are great and I love the way you have incorporated the stamped images. you are my 5th blog. this is great, blog hoping.
Sue ccs

Victoria said...

wow stunning card

KarenB said...

What a stunning canvas! I'd love to enter your blog candy draw :)

fejferek said...

świetny ten blejtram :)
adraszczam koleżance i cekam na losowanie, a może stempelki wygram ... :)

pipertäjä said...

Just hopping to say hi! Lovely works!

Simonne said...

Oh my...just love the canvas that you have made. Just stunning.

gila said...

eine klasse arbeit ist das
lg gila

AShu93 said...

That's a gorgeous piece of art!

Lilly said...

Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

thanks for the oportunity

mehandi said...

Paris - what a beautiful city.
Great LO.

greetings from austria

Sylvia R said...

What a fabulous sample thank you for this chance to win must hop xxx

Sylvia x

Gabriele said...

Love the lay out and love your blog!

Noé said...

Thanks for fantastic blog hop! Your works are beautiful! Hugs, Noé

zgagi said...

Swietna praca. Lubie twoje prace bo mozna sie w nich zagubic na jakis czas. Zupelnie jak w sredniowiecznych manuskryptach, tyle w nich detali.

maxine said...

lovely work and stamps

wendyp said...

Gorgeous layout!!!

Tracy said...

You are an amazing artist! You did a beautiful job!

Jennifer said...

Hi! Love your sample! I'm still hopping.


Juunka said...

Te twoje blejtramy to bym wymacała chętnie...

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