
Monday 5 September 2011

Classes in Belgium - 5-6 November 2011

I'm happy to announce, that I am invited by the owner of the Scrapmania to have classes on 5th and 6th of November 2011  in Brussels, Belgium :))) Here is more information:

All the classes descriptions are possible to see here! 

The classes will take place at the "Scrapmania" shop
Avenue Général  Dossin de Saint Georges 15 - 1050 Brussel (Belgium).
You can book your seat calling the owner of the shop: 32 2 648 47 51
or by email: 

Price: 75 euro per day.

I'm so hoping to see you on my classes - I'm sure it will be a great experience and fun for all of us:) I can't wait ... can you imagine, how excited and happy I am?:)))


  1. Brawo, brawo, płyń po morzach i oceanach,
    sław imię polskiego scrapka.
    Pozdrawiam bardzo serdecznie:-)))

  2. I will be very happy to see you on 5 & 6 november

  3. Thank you for a great workshop and for sharing your passion and your "how to" tricks. Nikita / Nat


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