
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Spread Your Wings Academy vol.1

Hi everyone,

With a big excitement we wish to welcome you in our new monthly project 'Spread Your Wings Academy vol.1'

Sounds mysterious?
Myself and my Creative Team we would love to invite you to our mixed media world.
In the months to come we hope to show you some great ideas and techniques, our favorite tips and tricks. From small to big, from basic to advance - we would like to encourage everyone to try and experiment.
Don't be afraid, don't be shy! We are here to encourage you, we are here to help.
Fasten your seat belts and join our creative journey.

Today our amazing team will share with you their own favorite backgrounds.
Grab some tea and coffee as you are about to experience explosion of creativity.

This is just a simple tag sitting on my work table. Does intimidate you? 

No, it's just a piece of paper, right? So why don't we try playing by making just a background today as a starting point for making a tag. 
If you don't like how it turns out, toss it. It's just a piece of paper! Seriously. 
Then start again with another tag aka piece of paper. Try it a bit differently this time. 
Not everything has to be a masterpiece. Play, practice, have some fun. Just try taking a few minutes to tap into your creativity without expecting a whole project. No pressure. 
By using colourful inks you can achieve amazing backgrounds.

Se, here we go !

Another great background is created with a stencil, some Modeling Paste, and Mica Powder to tint the paste. I mix it up on my craft sheet – a glob of paste and a dip of my palette knife into the Blue Mica Powder to pick up some color.

These are just a couple of ways to get you started in your creative process to begin to Spread Your Wings. Just jump in and take a few minutes to play. You can always come back later and add some metal elements, or a family member’s picture, a stamped image, etc. Give it a go, and let me hear about what you’ve done!

Your Friend in ART,

My biggest revelation in scrapbooking was when I realized one thing – it’s only paper. If I happen to ruin a 12x12” sheet while playing, so what? The memory I want to preserve is in my head, it doesn’t get thrown away.

Don’t hold back – play, try, experiment and occasionally fail as well, it’s all part of the process!
Here’s a simple and easy background tutorial to get you started. Just three steps and one of a kind background is done! 

  1. First choose your color scheme and mist a few colors to your background paper. Let air-dry or use a heat tool to dry.
  2. Next take a stencil and a pencil. Trace the pattern to your page a few times and mix some doodled circles in as well. You can also add bigger hand drawn pieces if you want.
  3. Finnish your background with stamping. Use one or a few stamps and mix different patterns.

Another word of advice, too. When you add something to your piece and think that now you’ve ruined it, give it another change. Don’t give up on it right away but add another layer and see what happens. There’s numerous times I’ve thought that a project is beyond any repair or will never be anything but I’ve been keeping pushing and working on it and usually that piece ends up being a personal favorite. So be a bit thick headed and see where it takes you.

Happy creating,

Let's face it, a blank canvas is scary, it is simply staring at you and saying 'C'mon, do something with me, paint me, decorate me!!!'. But, what do you do? where do you start? I have a guilty secret to share, when I am stuck I usually start my projects the exact same way, each and every single time. Following these simple steps has produced exactly the same background in all sample projects you will see below.

1 - Paper Strips, as I am always adding color later it doesn't matter what paper I use here. More often it is scraps that I find on my desk.

2 - A fabulous and cheap way to add texture to your project

3 - Also a fabulous way to add cheap and interesting texture

4 - Either modeling or texture paste through a stencil will add the finishing touch to your background.

To finish off your background you can apply a light coat of gesso and then add colour (paints, spray mists, gelatos, the options are endless!).

Look closely at the below projects you will see the common theme followed through in the backgrounds.

Enjoy the journey,

Hi there :) 
I love journals. I love creating textured backgrounds. Today's make is definitely my starting point of many of my journal spreads. It is easy, fast and simple.

Always gesso the page, then add some texture - stencil + modeling paste.

After your base is dry add some colour... one after another one, play and have fun !

Here is my background and sneak peak of finished page. I hope I encoured you to create some journal background. Believe me it is easier than you think.

Hugs, Marta x

We hope that you will grab your tools right away and begin exploring mixed media by starting to create your background. We will be sharing tips and advice every month in our Academy. You can also join our mixed media group on Facebook - Finnabair & Friends Open Studio. You will meet there all kinds of mixed media artists, fellow crafters and my Creative Team. Join us today for more inspirations - link to the group click here :)

Happy creating.


  1. Wonderful tips and tricks for getting over that blank piece of whatever! Thanks for sharing.

    Lesley Xx

  2. Wow!! What a great mix of inspiration!! Thank you ladies for sharing your wonderful talents. Going to try these techniques and am so looking forward to the next installment!! xx

  3. Ladies,
    So many wonderful and help hints - thank you for sharing!!

  4. Wow!Wow!WOW! Wonderful techniques from the DT! Definitely learned a lot from this post...

  5. some fabulous ideas, just wish I had time to play before I have to go to work... will have to wait until later!!

  6. Some excellent tips here, particularly that "it's just a piece of paper!" Although if a 12x12 or page in journal, I am more careful. Using same starting point like scraps of ppr for starting texture. Texture paste & gesso, for me are the essentials most of the time. I am still learning & experimenting. I will never have the natural ability some of you have but that is ok. I just play without too much of a plan. It either works or goes on scraps pile. Lol. Ty all for sharing. C

  7. Yhank you for such amazing project! Great ideas from girls for trying!

  8. Wonderful inspiration and hints.. thank you!

  9. I think you are all amazingly talented and inspiring. I think I now realise that I can also create something too and just need to take that first step. As you say, it is only a piece of paper and nothing precious that I might ruin.

    I love all of your work and thank you for showing how to get started..
    Kind regards

  10. This is an excellent post!!! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope you all know how helpful this is to me and everyone who is trying to learn these skills! Your right, it's only paper, but it's also an opportunity to share inspiration ❤️ thank you😘

  11. This is such a brilliant and generous thing to do!

    All of these projects are so inspirational, I love them :)

    Thank you!

  12. My mind has been well and truly blown x

  13. so many great ideas and techniques. thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Thank you for sharing! Love learning from you all! 😊

  15. Marta, how did you apply the different colors to your page by not removing the color beneath? I seem to wash away the spray underneath when I apply another color of spray. Tips please!

  16. Please excuse me a moment while I put my eyes back in my head and pick my jaw up from the floor!!
    What GORGEOUS creations!! Especially the canvas!! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! WOW! I love doing mixed media projects and totally agree that sometimes when I think something is hopeless but I keep working on it, it becomes a favorite! Just goes to show that the saying about there being no mistakes in art is absolute truth! I will sometimes set something to the side for a few days and go back and think to myself that I don't know why I thought it was hopeless!
    Thanks for sharing all of these fabulous tips on getting started! Definitely a fun and inspirational post today!

  17. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - this was so fabulous of you beautiful DT folks to do this for us. Sooooooooooooooooooooo INSPIRING. You know... it's Tuesday but feels like Monday.... BECAUSE OF YOU ALL... it is now time to quit playing catch up and GO MAKE ART. THANKS BUNCHES AND BUNCHES for the great pictures you put in my head!!! j.

  18. Those are great tips. Thanks for sharing them with us. Sometimes, I don't know what I'll do with my projects, I don't know where to begin. But when I do a project, I'm often not satisfied with it and I put it away. I need to finish them anyway and do more. Johanne Lacombe

  19. Very beautiful projects and so glad you want to share some tips and tricks with us! Always learning, Always inpiring....GREAT JOB DT-girls!

  20. So inspiring and love seeing how to start and you all manage it! Thanks so much! Everything is so amazing!~kim

  21. Thanks for the great advice!


  22. Great tips .. just wish I could remember them each time I face a blank page!

  23. JUST AWESOME....WHOA what TALENT INSPIRATION PLUS!!!! So checking in for the next installment!

  24. merci pour le partage et l'inspiration!!!

  25. I say !!!.... So many great tips and trix - I simply love all ... I will try to see how many I can make of them - I am so amazed!!!
    Thank you EVER so much for sharing

    Kind regards

  26. Thanks for the beautiful art,inspiration and tips! You are all so talented!

  27. Great tips for ways to get started creating. Going to Home Depot tomorrow for drywall tape.

  28. Thank you so much for charing those very great tips !! Very interesting all of them. Love your new FB group!! Congrats !. Big hugs.

  29. Finn, What a fabulous idea and so very generous!!
    Thank you all so much for this series!! How wonderful to share tips and tricks with everyone- this is the true spirit of sharing artists!
    You gals ROCK!
    I can not wait to apply what i have learned to some projects!!
    hugs xo

  30. Woohooo! What a great post,so full of inspiration! I needed something like this to get my mojo going..thank you Ladies!!!

  31. Such wonderful inspiration!!

  32. Such amazing inspiration from everyone! Thank you!!!

  33. Oh so sad it is almost 1 am and falling asleep! I want to start now! This has taken the part I fear most out of producing Finnabair style..the background!! Each of these is so fantastic! Now off to bed so I can get up early and start on this challenge!! Thank you each for the simple to follow instructions and beautiful results!!

  34. So inspring, an absolute feast!!!Thanks!

  35. i loved to visit this blog for the awesome inspiration,now its just double awesome with more amazing tutorials.

  36. Thank you all for starting this group !!!! It's so awesome and always an inspiration to pop in and have a look at all of the beautiful pieces everyone e is making. Love it. I'm about to alter a book and make a junk journal out of it. Can't wait to get going again !!! It's been too long now so no more procrastinating. Thanks everyone. Leigh

  37. Woooow!!!, me encanta trabajar los fondos y el trabajo de las chicas es impresionante e inspirador...muchísimas gracias por todo y un abrazo!!!

  38. SO inspiring DT ever!!!

  39. Done the first one immediately after reading it and I'm thrilled with the results. Off to try the rest now. Ta so much


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