
Wednesday 14 May 2014

Mindcleaning... - journal page.

Hi there my friends... as I have tons of "backstage" work to do now and I'm not able to catch up with all the latest things...may I propose a journal page today?
Simple. Fast. Fun.
Mind cleaning - my way.

Sending you all warm hugs and crawling back to my dragon's lair...


  1. I think if I made a mind cleaning page it would just have to be my little lobotomized brain. :P

  2. Simply beautiful. Love it. Thanks for sharing, Johanne Lacombe

  3. This is gorgeous!! :D Love it! Can I go home and do some crafting now? Work?!! Naaaah... ;)

  4. Jolie mise en page, j'aime ce bleu.

  5. You know what? Mind cleaning might be my favorite phrase yet about art journaling. Pinning, to remind myself another day when I need inspiration!


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