
Friday 27 September 2013

Surprise! I'm a part of... Life Book 2014!

Ha! Great to see you again my friends - I've got amazing news to share!
One day I opened my a bit cluttered mailbox and found a totally unexpected, surprising, breathtaking, astonishing.. (here you can insert all the suitable words to describe this feeling:)) message from Tam Laporte, creator of Willowing Arts... and classes that were always on my "bucket list"! And you know what? Looks like this year I'm going to be one of the crew of Life Book 2014! 

Can you believe that? I still can't - it is a great and really unexpected honor to join the team of  Artists of THIS size... I can't hide the pressure is high, and I'm a bit hyperventilating thinking about all this event coming in the near future... OMG. Is it really true?

But there is also a great news for you my friends 
- to celebrate this happy occasion I can GIVEAWAY one free spot on Life Book 2014!
The only thing you need to do is to leave me a comment below saying what would you like to learn (in general - not only through this online course!) during next year? I'd be happy to read about your dreams and plans! I'll pick randomly one winner next week (3rd October) and announce the name of the lucky person on the blog!

Here is the list of all the Artists taking part in Life Book 2014
and dates of the Blog Hop - you can drop in and share some love:
13th Sept 2013 – Tascha Parkinson –
14th Sept 2013 - Lesley Riley –
15th Sept 2013 – Alena Hennessy –
16th Sept2013 – Kat McBride –
17th Sept 2013 – Carla Sonheim –
18th Sept 2013 – Jane Davenport –
19th Sept 2013 – Danielle Daniel –
20th Sept 2013 – Jennibellie –
23rd Sept2013 – Kelly Hoernig –
24th Sept 2013 – Micki Wilde –
25th Sept 2013 – Kate Thompson –
26th Sept 2013 – Flora Bowley –
27th Sept2013 – Anna Dabrowska –
28th Sept 2013 – Steven Speight –
30th Sept 2013 - Serena Bridgeman –
1st Oct 2013 – Dyan Reaveley –
2nd Oct 2013 – Effy Wild –
3rd Oct 2013 – Carissa Paige –
4th Oct 2013 - Marieke Blokland –
5th Oct 2013 – Christy Tomlinson –
6th Oct 2013 – Traci Bautista –

7th Oct 2013 – Mika Diaz –

Oh, I'm so excited... I just can't hide it.... :))))))))


  1. Wow! It looks like an amazing project! Next year, i'd like to learn to use more mixed media supplies... I bought a lot of things, but I don't use them all. This class would be a fantastic opportunity for me to learn to work with more mediums. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win! :)

  2. I want to learn draw faces. I've taken some classes on it, but i need to practice more on it. lol I also want to learn more mixed media stuff next year too,

  3. Artistically - Im wanting to refine my 3D collage skills.

    So happy you are teaching in Lifebook 2014! I just cant wait!

  4. Wow what a line up! very inspiring. I meant to sign up for Life book some years ago, but life kinda got in the way. Anyhoo this year I am needing to do something just for me and my soul and I think life book is it.

  5. So glad you're part of LB 2013! To pursue my art journey, I want to improve my body drawing, my composition and my lettering.

  6. Finn! Lol I saw you were participating last week and knew immediately I was going to join!!! But really I'm super excited to join a community of like minded artists supporting the development of each other. On a personal level I'm very much looking forward to being inspired in a structured way to be introspective ad creative at once!

  7. omgosh, of COURSE you are doing life book. you are a GENIUS artist! there is no one else who does work like you...i am mystified how you do it. you have just given me reason to sign up once again. ive done 12, 13 and now because you are teaching 14!!! xox

  8. Thanks for this opportunity. I have only been painting a few months, and would like to learn ways to move my painting into the next level.

  9. Hi Finnabair. What an exciting event this will be!
    What would I like to learn ....that I am enough!

  10. HI Anna--

    Congratulations on your selection to the team of artists. If I had to pick just one thing I'd like to focus on, it would be learning to incorporate a wider range of media into each project.


  11. So exciting! I love the line up for 2014!!!!

    How do I enter your wonderful contest?

  12. OMG! I am so thrilled that you are going to be a teacher next year!!! I want to learn EVERYTHING you know! So, I guess that means I will be moving in with you! Ha Ha. Seriously, I am willing to learn any technique you are willing to share . . . .I am a huge huge fan! hank you so much for this opportunity!


  13. I am so excited about the talented lineup of artists this year and hope to participate again in 2014. I learned so much this past year and want to grow further as an artist. So happy to take a class from you.

  14. I think it's amazing that they chose you! You have great talents and the world is a better place with you creating in it. I would like to learn more about pushing my limits and doing original works that really speaks to who I am.

  15. What timing, it's still Thursday in Texas and I'm the 1st to comment of a Friday post. What I wish to learn is how to appreciate myself and enjoy being an artist.
    Thanks for the opportunity to be a part.

  16. I would love to learn more ways to express my creativity. Sometimes I feel "stuck" and need a bit of direction, sometimes there are too many directions and I need focus...Anna

  17. Woooooot WTG You Awesome thing you :) :) :) xxx

  18. I'm hoping to learn more of how to integrate my journaling and my day-to-day life. I'm tired of them feeling so separate. ;)

    I'm glad you'll be a part of Life Book, Finn - I look forward to what you have to teach us!

  19. Oh Anna i am so happy for you, cant wait to see what you do, i bet you cant keep still, i would love to something like this, but not up to the standard yet, if ever, but delighted for you, Keep well, your fellow dreamer dede xx

  20. I'm really looking forward to the LifeBook classes and it would be great to win a spot. The teachers listed are all so talented and to be able to learn new techniques is exciting.

  21. Hi! I'm an admirer of your artwork. I feel that it's both beautiful and transcendent. I am so excited to have the opportunity to learn from you and the other teachers. I am hoping to grow immensely next year. I'd love to improve my skills, especially in drawing/shading and creating straight from my wild imagination. My dream is to be a professional artist, but I have a long way to go skill-wise and discovering-my-style-wise. I took a 4-week class with Tam that turned my art world upside down. The progress I made was in leaps and bounds and I know Life Book will take me even farther, particularly due to the diversity of art techniques and styles presented by the teachers. I'm ready to find myself and take my art to new heights. Thanks! Wendy

  22. Would like to learn pure non-judgement this next year, in every aspect of my life!

  23. Hello, I just came over from the blog hop for Life Book 2014. It looks like a wonderful course to do and such great contributors. I follow most of the featured artists and your blog is one of the ones I follow most, as I love your style. There is such great talent out there but what I like the most about this course is that it seems to allow the person to follow their own artistic road and is therapeutic at the same time. Art is such a stress breaker, especially for me :-). Have a great week.

  24. Congrats on this amazing opportunity! I'm sure you will do well!

    I'm sure many things inspire you...I would love to see how you take an inspiration piece and interpret it in an artistic form.

  25. I did'nt understand all tou said ,but I am very glad for you.
    Hello from France Santine

  26. Congratulations, this sounds wonderful and maybe just what I need, in all aspects of my life, art, growth and happiness

  27. Hi

    I would love to be a part of Lifebook. What I would love to learn most is different techniques for journalling 'on the go'.

    Thank you for the amazing opportunity

  28. That's fantastic! I'm taking ur class at ATP in Dec. I would love to do life book 2014 too. I need art in my life! xxx

  29. In general, I promise myself to learn so practice more about mixed media combined with stitch. Then my second wish is to learn more about shoe design. You know the girl never have enough designer shoes in her closet (especially if you can't afford designer shoes). And third thing is how to renovate a loft, how to put all the pluming and all the electricity and hidden stuff in that super nice place, so you could finally enjoy in painting that walls....something like that would be super nice.

  30. Witaj Aniu:)
    Gratuluję Ci tej wspaniałej wiadomości! Myślę, że znalazłaś się w tym gronie nie bez powodu. Wystarczy popatrzeć ma Twoje prace. Życzę powodzenia i trzymam kciuki :*

  31. Congrats on this amazing opportunity,You have great talents,would like to learn ways to move my painting and pushing my limits
    x0x0 corinne de france

  32. Congrats Anna! It is wonderful for you to be so excited and honored. I love all your artwork and would like to learn more in mixed media but I also love to learn just about anything artistically creative. I am very excited about this online course too! Would love to win the seat.

  33. Fab news!
    I would love to learn more about composition.

  34. Finn congratulation!!
    next year I want to learn more about mixed media..

  35. Thanks for making me aware of the Life Book project - looks wonderful. Between raising 3 boys (13-year-old twins & a 21-year-old recovering from a brain-injuring cycling accident) & running my dressmaking business, I struggle to find time for personal projects. That is really what I want to learn - how to find myself again.

  36. Hello Anna,

    great! You deserve it, you'r great. What I wanted to learn? I wanted to get my own style bij taking a lot of classes by great people. That's why I came to a class off you in the Netherlands. Learned a lot!

    Groetjes Coby

  37. Hello ;)

    I would like to expand my creativity. Learn more style and tehnics. I am a young artist (wanna be)... still finding my way - my style... just exciting about discovering new ways to draw, paint, to create and be in this amazing community.

    Love to be part of this e-course.. and i would be honored to be student of all of this amazing teachers/artist.

    love, alenka

  38. Wow Finn, congratulations on being part of a stellar line-up of talent, you certainly deserve to be there. I would love to learn more about design, creating textures and using inks more creatively. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  39. So truly deserved, Anna! Isn't it a great thing to find yourself among all those gifted people (and know you are one of them?)!

    It would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for me if I could participate in this awesome event - I could learn so much. Especially about the use of colour and about freeing my mind from old school art guidelines!

    Good luck to all of us and hugs from Vienna,

    die amelie x

  40. Woo hoo Finn that's such wonderful news and so exciting for you and for us, many congratulations. For me this year has been about learning new techniques and I want to now be able to experiment with all of those and apply them to my own style. Thanks for sharing this opportunity to win.
    hugs {brenda} x0x

  41. Gratuluję :) Dla mnie twoje kompozycje są mistrzostwem świata i tego chciałabym się nauczyć.

  42. Wow! Brilliant news, congratulations! I would love to improve my layering skills next year. Carolyn xx

  43. So excited you're a part of this. Its new to me but since going along the blogs each day, I've already decided I will be a part of this either way. I'm excited to see where this journey leads for the next year, and beyond. I love mixed media and really anything and everything I can learn, I want to try it all.

  44. :D right now im on a stage of rediscovering the 'me'. for the next year, i would like to continue nourishing my artistic soul by learning, discovery, reading, playing with art materials/instruments, and beyond. what ever that will help me nourish me and to fully come out and share me to the world :)

  45. Anna - how fantastic, congratulations!!
    Next year I want to expand my art journaling techniques and continue with my weight loss journey.
    Mandy xx

  46. Thank you for the chance to win a place my dream is not to be scared of a white page anymore to have the confidence to just start a new project and its ok what every you create
    There are no rights or wrong but believing in that.

  47. Congratulations Anna, I'm happy for you :) Great bunch of artists next year! An amazing opportunity to learn something new. As always I would love to learn some new mixed media techniques. x

  48. Fantastic news! I would for sure love to take part in this class! Keeping fingers crossed!

  49. Oh, how wonderful that you are teaching a Life Book next year! I would like to learn a variety of styles to do mixed media and art journaling.

  50. I would like to learn drawing and more mixed media techniques

  51. Amazing!! Next year oh I'd like to learn lot of techniques, above all maybe: create whitout any fears, no limit just creativity, pleasure and fun ;-)

  52. Well really I want to learn it all. Have done a class with you Finnibair and was totally inspired. Have also taken one of Tam's and love her work.
    To win a spot would be absolutely wonderful .
    Have my fingers crossed

  53. Love your creations :-) I really need developement and do something for me :-)

  54. I am so interested in learning lots of new techniques. I would love to take part in this wonderful course!

  55. I'd really like to learn to be confident in my own style. Thanks for the chance to win. Good luck to all who enter. ;-)

  56. I'm interested in learning about color dynamics and drawing/doodling and in general, learn to be a happy empty nester.

  57. You should not be so surprised, you ARE a big artist Annia!! I would like to learn to become one too! I would like to learn to think out of the 'box' and be free and just start creating, whatever, paper, canvas, altering boxes... The creative mind, how can I develop this?!! Congrats Annia, you rock girl! CU in a few weeks, yeah!! :-)

  58. I am so excited by the line up for this.... looks fantastic.. so much going on and so many fabulous people in it!
    What do I want to learn? In all walks of life.. I need to learn patience! :-)

  59. Yay Finn!!!! Very happy for you but not surprised. You are an amazing artist and btw I can also say this first hand, an awesome teacher. I know this cause I took one of your classes in Davie, FL. You have taken my scrapbooking craft to a completely different level.

    I would love to learn how to draw faces. I have been dabbling in this a bit lately and would love to get some professional tips.


  60. What an amazing line-up of talented artists! I love your work and of all the others artists. It would be fantastic to win a spot in this class. Keeping my fingers crossed:-)

  61. I love coming across new artists to check out! Hooray for Lifebook bringing a few new faces into my blog reader! I would love to learn about... anything that you do really with your sculptural art. :) xx Kate

  62. Would Love to win a spot in this wonderful class. I would like to improve my drawing skills and pick up watercolors!

  63. I would love to learn new art techniques next year, and LifeBook would be awesome for that goal :)
    Best wishes

  64. I would love to delve into the world of mixed media, I've only tried a few techniques. I also would love to take a class with you, tried to get into The Queen's Ink but it sold out too fast. Thanks for the chance to win this.

  65. You really challenged me. I really had to think on what I wanted to learn this next year. I want to learn to really love myself. I want spend more time with my little granddaughter who paints right by my side while I'm painting. I want to "re-awaken" the artist within which has be neglected for way too long. I want to get my new (extra bedroom) art studio in order in order to paint/craft more efficiently. (I never can find anything I want.)When I heal, I want to share my talents with others. I think life book would be a marvelous tool to achieve my goals in 2014. Thank you, your work is so awesome!

  66. I am taking LB 13 now and love it! Very excited for LB 14. I would love to learn more about painting and shading with paints.

  67. learn to have more confidence, faith and to believe in myself, and that what I do is worthy of my opinion above all .
    ciao joan

  68. I would love to learn more techniques for layering and adding dimension to art. Your art is amazing. I love it.

  69. I would really appreciate your inspiration and creative suggestions!

  70. there are so many wonderful, amazingly creative teachers that I'd just love to bust out of my rut and learn some new things! I am in AWE of the amazing art, just from poking into the teacher's blogs and websites! Thanks for the chances to win!

  71. I really want to learn more about mixed media and the products to use, card maker who wants to be involved more in arty creations x

  72. Wow, Lifebook looks so amazing! The one thing I would love to learn is how to give myself permission to play - I spend so much on supplies, classes, etc. but for the most part it all sits idle because I'm afraid of making something bad or ugly. I guess I need the proverbial kick in the butt!

  73. Congratulations! Your art is fantastic and you will do wonderfully. I would love the opportunity to learn more about painting and drawing over the next year.

  74. Hello,
    What I would like to learn is how to take the images/ideas I have in my mind and create it into form. With such an amazing line up of artists I believe the techniques and insight offered would allow to do that. Thank you so much.

  75. I'd like to learn to be more confident with my inspiration and ideas and more concrete in realizing them.

    Thanks for this opportunity!

  76. Congrats on being part of Life Book!
    I would love to learn more wonderful techniques and how to use my paints better then what I do at the moment

  77. Thank you so much for this great opportunity to join you on the Life Book 2014 journey! I would love to learn how to develop more of my own style, to take a lesson and express it my way so it's obviously my work rather than an imitation of someone else's.

    Good luck to everyone xxx

  78. Congrats to you!! :)

    Ahhh...I've always wanted to learn & create at an in person art retreat & that dream has come true as I will be attending my 1st art retreat next year. I'm, also, wanting to grow my painting & collage layering skills.

    Thank you so much for the generous opportunity!! Many Blessings ~H♥~

  79. Greetings! I am here, travel once a day along the Life Book 2014 Blog Hop. I would like to be considered for one of the guest spots . . .

    NOW, I'm off to explore your site - and see your brilliant work.

    Happy Friday!

  80. I would like to understand perspective better. I find the whole perspective thing confounding. And I would like to learn more about complimentary colors and how they fit together in design. Thanks for the opportunity!

  81. There are really so many things I want to learn! But for now, I'll say that I want to learn what I can do with a whole year of creative instructions from such inspiring teachers.

  82. I am so excited about Lifebook 2014!
    I would love to learn more about using gouache.

  83. I'd like to learn to be a better person. Oh, and how to use a gelli plate. :D

  84. Congratulations on being one of the tutors. In the new year I'm hoping to inspire my children and gain belief in my own abilities. I have just started expressing myself through mixed media and my children immediately wanted to have a go themselves. I hope to remain an inspiration to them so that they feel free to explore themselves creatively x

  85. So glad you're going to be part of LB 2014. Otherwise, I might not have discovered you. I'm loving what I'm seeing of your work. Anyhow, what do I want to learn next year? I want to learn how to gracefully blend all of my interests into my life so that nothing gets pushed aside and nothing feels frantic. I want to do art and write and take photos, all on a regular basis without having to be too crazy with the scheduling. Here's hoping that a weekly class structure can help! :)

  86. I would like to get the creativity "out of me" and I think the inspiration from all these awesome artists in LifeBook 2014 would help me tremendously !!

  87. What a wonderful line up of artists! I would like to learn a variety of techniques so that I can add some depth to my mixed media. Thanks so much for the chance to win. I am sure this is a life changing experience!

  88. ohh this is so great. what I would like te learn is to follow my instinct en intuition!! My mind is still the "boss" I really like te learn that in my creativity and in my please help me

  89. I would like to learn more acceptance and confidence in my work. I truly believe that working through a course with other like-minded people gives everyone encouragement and the confidence to explore, to further their skills and to grow.

  90. As I read through the previous comments I found a lot of things that I could agree with about wanting to learn more. My BFF Sheryl at only 51, had a massive stroke three weeks ago. Something like that never just happens to the person, but to all those around her who will help with the recovery process. So I have been looking at all the things we do in a different way. How can I parts something into 15-20 minute intervals to use as part of her OT. Abstract anything works really well for that right now. Hopefully she will progress to doing defined art forms again but that will take some time. So I want to learn so many things for myself and to help in her recovery. thanks as always for sharing.

  91. I want to learn to be more free in my creating and not so planned out. I see people who just start painting through intuition and it all comes together. This is how I want to learn to create and it would probably be a good way to live life as well! Congratulations on teaching with Lifebook!

  92. Serdeczne gratulacje :)))

    Ostatnio przypadkiem trafiłam na portal Willowing i jestem tym miejscem oczarowana.
    Nie dość że poznaje się nowe techniki to pokazuje że sztuka ma działanie terapeutyczne.

    Pozdrawiam serdecznie

  93. Oh ow exciting!!! I would love to learn more about doing faces....all kinds of faces with depth and interest!!!!! So please, please, please pick me!!!!

  94. Want to learn lots of things...learning to be more on thing and learn more about mixed media :-)
    Marie-Anne Raeman

  95. I would like to learn more about putting together 3D elements in a mixed media collage. Love your Imagine class using all of those elements. Also, how to color all of these metal elements. Drawing Faces or where do you find the perfect faces. I'm more interested in learning lots of techniques and no as interested in a finished product. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Love your work!!

  96. What an exciting opportunity. I personally driven to impart more of my media visions into reality. So many ideas race through my creative mind--how does one capture those nino-seconds for the time that you can actually apply them! It's an amazing process. I want to partake in Life 2014 simply to focus and explore myself and capture me in the process; so that I leave this is a little legacy for future grandchildren to discover tis little piece of me. All mediums of artistic expression are welcome in that realm where I hope to travel in the Life 2014 journey.

  97. I really think this adventure sounds so exciting and I would really love to learn more about mixed media and how to be more loose and free with my art. Thanks so much for the chance at winning a free spot in this event :)

  98. What a great project! I would love to learn more mix-media techniques for sure. I also want to learn more traditional, folk crafts.

  99. I would like to learn how art can help me to heal emotionally from past trauma, how to love myself more, and how to deeply and completely accept myself. I would also love to learn all the different styles and techniques from all the wonderful artists who are teaching in LifeBook 2014.

  100. I would love to learn to let go of all the stress and anxiety I keep building up over things I do not have any control over. I would love to discover my own voice. I would love to learn to be me.
    Thanks for the chance to win a spot!

  101. A dream come true to be apart of Life Book 2014 & to experience your creative genius first hand would be fantastic & I'm a mixed media nut so feel I would learn loads & have a great time as well. Thanks for the opportunity to win

  102. I really want to learn more about art journaling, collage, painting pretty faces, lettering...I want to learn it all!! Haha! What a great opportunity Life Book would be to do just that...yay!

  103. I just came across your blog and WOWOWOWOWOWOW!! I want to learn your style of art ....and how to just let go in art. Thanks for the chance. GREAT WORK

  104. I would love to learn more about color and how to make colors sing.

  105. Hi, it would be fantastic to win a place on Life Book 2014. So pleased and well deserved that you're one of the teachers. Next year I looking forward and intending that my own style develops and I can trust each stroke of the paintbrush.

  106. I would love to learn to paint & draw. Actually, anything new will be great. I sometimes feel like I am all over the place with my art & would like to find a continuity to all of it.

  107. What I want to learn and what I need to learn are certainly two different things.
    I need to learn how to organise my time so that I am not always racing with deadlines and allowing no time for "fun" things for myself.
    I want to learn so many things in crafting - balance in a picture/page/canvas etc is something I struggle with but I think the most help I need is with colour. I certainly do not have the knack to put colours together. I so wish I could envisage what something would look like with colour before I commit to substrate.
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Hugs, neet xx

  108. That is awesome girl!!! They are so lucky to have you :))))

  109. I'm gonna meet you on sunday, in my town, i'm very exciting and proud to meet you !
    What i want to learn is how you can find your own style...a big question !
    Thanks for this game.

  110. Congratulations!! I would like to learn to art journal next year...

  111. I would like to use some of my cool supplies and especially I'd like to be able to do art in front of people without suddenly becoming insecure!

  112. I want to learn how to let go - not care - explore - learn how to use new mediums - use my fav stuff instead of hoarding. I want to learn how to pour out my heart in an art, fingers crossed.

  113. I would love to win a spot in lifebook! I am hoping in 2014 I can push myself farther. Specifically, I would like to learn more painting and drawing techniques. You would be a wonderful teacher to learn from. Thank you for the opportunity.

  114. Comment 104 is going to be my lucky number today. What would I like to learn in the next year? Its not so much a technique but to find "my art" and learn to be positive about my creations. I want to take all that I have learned in the past and everything I would learn taking Life Book and find "my style". Thank You.

  115. I would like to learn more about mixed media techniques next year and to put them into my art journaling. Thank you for the chance to win a place in life book!

  116. Learn, learn, learn! Learning is like oxygen to me! I am always searching for new ways, new things, new ideas. In 2014 I would like to learn to do faces or caracters like Lynn Perrella, learn more ways to use my gelli plate, learn how to make pages like you Finnabair, and learn how to paint beautifull skyes and clouds!

  117. I would love to be part of this trip. I am at a crossroads in my life – rapidly approaching the end of my 9to5 life and looking for ideas and inspiration to take me in a new direction. I currently commute between 2 lives and 2 homes so that keeping up with creative stuff is difficult. This sounds like the push I need.

  118. During the next year I would really like to be able to let go more .. let go of the inner critic...let go of doubt ...let go of worry ... just learn to embrace each moment and know that everything is exactly as it is supposed to be. Thank you for the opportunity to win .. I have fingers and toes crossed!

  119. I want to dive deeper into my creative self and I think Life Book is the answer. Thank you for this opportunity!

  120. I so would love to experience Lifebook 2014!!! Such amazing line up of teachers!!!

  121. It would be amazing to learn so many new techniques and see so much new inspiration

  122. I definitely, wish I could learn how to be more free in covering up my

  123. I want to spend the next year learning new art techniques, specifically drawing whimsical faces and layering techniques.

  124. Hello,
    What I would learn is, well, of course new techniques but also more than that... I would like to be more confident, to work with more regularity, to continue my personnal revolution. In fact, I took one other online art class before and it was really helpful. It starts something and it would be great that the process goes on...

    thanks for this give away!

  125. This is an opportunity to overcome my fears that have been holding me back for ages. Also to get over my procrastination and excuses for not doing what I want. I look forward to exploring different aspects of myself in a hopefully gentle way with many creative people.
    Anne McLeod

  126. Wow, what a superb group of artists!! You, and they, are in great company. Congrats on your success!

    As for what I want to learn... it may seem silly, especially with all the tutorials I see posted everywhere, but I really want to learn how to journal and create spontaneously. I just can't seem to get over the initial hurdle!!

  127. In the next year:

    Learn to set time aside to create
    every day.

    Learn more mixed media techniques (that's why I'm always lurking on your blog).

    To become more proficient at drawing and painting faces.

    Thanks for the chance to win a spot in such a fabulous class.

  128. I purchased a gelli plate awhile ago, but have yet to even get it out of the box! I'd love to learn some techniques on using it in mixed media art. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this awesome program!

  129. What I would love to learn is to be 'imperfect' when it comes to art :) I would also like to learn how I can make time each day in making art.

  130. I would love to learn how to be happy in being 'imperfect' when it comes to creating art. I would also love to learn how to make time in my everyday to create art.

  131. Congrats on being a part of lifebook 14. Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot

  132. I cant wait to learn more about myself. Learn more about self care. Learn more about taking care of my mind, body and soul.

  133. I would love to learn how to create some of the wonderful layers that I see in your artwork. It would be an honor to take a class with you!

  134. I would like to get better at creating collages,can't seem to get the hang of it. Thanks for the chance.

  135. I'd like to learn to let my own creativity out and to find my own style. As I learn new techniques I find so much inspiration and get all these ideas in my head but I can never get them out the way I would like to! Thank you for this opportunity to win a spot in this class!

  136. I am always seeking my true inner artist voice and think this course would be a great opportunity to learn more. Thanks for the chance to win a spot.

  137. This year coming up I'm focusing on simplifying my scrapbooking and storytelling so I can focus on enjoying the fun layouts that I scrap lift from sites like this one!!

  138. I would very much like to begin learning to paint in 2014.

  139. Congratulations! The course is a good start to explore and open mind. I would love to be part of this journey. Thank you for the chance to win.

  140. I'm looking forward to adding to my repertoire of mixed media / journaling techniques. All the teachers have something new to share!

  141. I would love how to draw smiling, happy faces. I would love to win this!

  142. After doing the past two years LB I thought I might take 2014 off and catch up on the lessons that I haven't quite gotten around to doing BUT the line-up is so awesome I really couldn't bear to miss it!

    I look forward to growing and learning with my art with any possible new technique I can get my hands on!

  143. I want to learn how to draw faces and how to paint better. To learn to draw in general or sketch. Another language. To bake from scratch and not a box. My want to learn list is very long :)

  144. I would love to learn more about composition.

  145. Hi Anna , Congratulations on becoming part for the team, I would love to learn more on working with mixed media supplies. I have done your workshops and I love working with them. Thank you.

  146. Lovely! Love to be a part of it! Next year I want to challenge myself even more and go even further outside my comfortzone. More mixed media more splash...more of: see what happends if I do this instead of planning ahead how my finished project would be like! :) Love!

  147. I've always been very artistic but I've always struggled with the use of paints and inks in my work I can draw just about anything with a pencil but I would love to learn how to take my work beyond this. I do practice, but hae trouble with going with the flow and fuss over everything. It would be great just to be able to paint and not worry about the outcome..... and I would love to learn just about everything else to. Thanx for this opportunity Finn! I love your work BTW. XO!

  148. I would like to learn more about me as an artist. I seem to love everything I do, I want to continue my journey of healing through art.

  149. I would love to learn how to draw better - and thanks for a great giveaway opportunity! Fingers are crossed.:)

  150. I would like to master time management!

  151. I would love to learn new techniques. I always find myself doing the same thing over and over. Learning some new things would get me out of my rut and Life Book is the perfect way to do that with so many wonderful teachers.

  152. I always want to improve my drawing skills!

  153. You said to put down something I would like to learn. Thing is, I really love what I already do, but I think I may be a bit "tight" in my moves. So if I could learn to go "bigger" I think I would like that. I keep going for small details and can't seem to really let go and splash. Know what I mean?
    Thank you for the chance to win a place.

  154. Anna, Wow, I know you must be so excited to be joining such a great list of fantastic teachers, but you deserve it. I would love to learn how to incorporate more media into my journal/canvas projects. I, like so many others, have plenty of tools, I just want to use them more. I would love an opportunity to join this amazing adventure with you and would be thrilled to win. Thank you so much!!

  155. I want to learn to be more spontaneous with the free style journaling. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  156. What I would like to learn is more techniques with paint and inks etc and find more time to create!! Your work is so inspiring and I hope to one day take a class with you! thnx for a chance to win!!

  157. Such a lovely giveaway chance! Life Book would be so meaningful in my moving forward with sketching and learning some techniques which may help me not remain stuck and push me to where I feel I am headed.

  158. Finn!!! Congrats !!!!!
    I am still so inspired by your class I took in Miami this summer! I have done many more journal pages "à la Finn"!
    I would like to get better at drawing faces to incorporate into my journals !

  159. I would love to know where my muse is hiding and how i can coax her out to play more often ;-)

  160. I would love to learn a little more about layering and letting go of one image to embrace another totally new image. I would also love to meet all the teachers for LB 2014 - just to catch a glimpse of their personality and passion! I am sure that it will be inspiring!!!

  161. What a great surprice ;) Next year I hope to incorporate more textiles (painted by myself) in to my works ;)

  162. Great your in lifebook, thank You so much for saying yes to lifebook 2014. My creative Dream for next year is that i Find my own style.

  163. I just love all kinds of art and have recently tried my hand at mixed media. Although I am pretty happy with my first try I know I can do better. I would love to continue learning about color and texture. This is a new found freedom and a way to use up some of those things in my stash.

  164. Congratulations on being chosen to join the crew for the LB2014 event Anna! LOVE your work and style :-) I would really like to learn a whole lot of techniques and as so many others, would like to get the supplies I bought, out of the sealed packages!! Thank you, thank you, THANK you for the seat! Hugs from Namibia

  165. I want to learn to draw better (body, face, flowers ...). I would like to dare to learn something new every day ....
    Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  166. Thank you for the opportunity! I would love to learn to create everyday. Anything else that would be learnt (I'm sure stacks of things)would be a bonus!

  167. would love to dig deep and learn how to express myself creatively–
    thanks for the opportunity–

  168. What an amazing line up of teachers. Thanks for a chance to win.

  169. I am soooo happy for you...congratulations. My desire is to learn more about mixed media techniques (I have lots of supplies!). I lOVE your work so much and some of the other artists are awesome too.

  170. Huge Congratulations Finn. How exciting for you. I just love mixed media, but have so much still to learn. So this book would be a treasure to behold. See you next Saturday in Glasgow. Hugs Rita xxx

  171. I am new to art journaling and would love to learn the techniques that would allow me to express myself through art. I jokingly state that I am an emotional cripple, but that simply isn't true; I am just uncomfortable with expressing or admitting what I am feeling. I am hopeful that art will allow me to free that part of myself. Thanks for the chance to win a spot.

  172. What I want to learn in general is to say "no". And to say "yes" for daily creative work, painting, journaling, embroidery...

  173. Life book is such a wonderful course and I've already learned so much by participating in the 2012 and 2013 editions of the course.

    For 2014 I'd love to learn how to find my own voice and create my own style in my art.

  174. I only want to learn how to heal others souls through art. Mixed media are so free of judgments and so open to any possibilities that saved my life when I needed that save I would like to expand that knowlege and show it to others. I am starting soon art project in care home for elderly people and hope to bring and share some creative happines in their life:)

  175. I know this will be an amazing adventure! Thanks for the giveaway! I would love to learn to take my crafting to a more artistic level.

  176. I want to learn more about sketching (use only few things and make art) :)

  177. Thank you so much for opportunity to participate in such amaizing course! Next year I'd like to increase my skills in mixed media to enjoj the freedom of art in full extent.

  178. This year I'm going to learn to simplify my scrapbooking so I can spends more time working on layouts I love, like the many I see on your blog!!

  179. I can't wait to try new techniques. I'd love to learn how to make thermofax screens for printing. Or silk screening. LifeBook 2014 will be great! Thanks!

  180. next year I'd like to practice art regulary and learn not to compare myself to other artists... Life Book sounds great!

  181. Wow, your art is beautiful! I'm excited you are joining the Life Book team! In 2014 I would like to learn to let go more with my art and be messy and not afraid to make layers and add 3D objects. :)

  182. I want to do everything! Life Book 2014 looks like the place to do that! I am an oldie though so I may not be around for too many more Life Book years! Pick me! :-)

  183. I want to grow and change my art. Through an art journaling process, I have discovered that I expose more my internal feelings, am more raw, and seem to create more powerful pieces. Being part of a group of people who share this passion makes this even more possible. And, to top it off, the ability to learn from so many different, talented people makes the journey sweeter. From the list, I already see that each teacher has a valuable gift to share and I would love to be able to have access to that talent. I really hope to win a spot as I am ready to take my own art to a new level.

  184. I want to learn more about mixed media collaging. There is such a variety of styles and techniques just waiting out there to be shared!

  185. I would love to learn new techniques to help me push my emotions onto the page and be satisfied with what I produce. I don't feel like I give myself the permission to let go and put it all down on the project. I want to overcome this and express what I feel onto the page in images, not just words.

  186. What an amazing list of teachers! Thanks for the chance to win a spot in this wonderful class. I'd love to learn to draw better, and shoot a proper video!

  187. Wow, what a great opportunity. I love my mixed media but so wish I could draw - even a straight line. So looking forward to your workshops in Derby and learning new techniques. See you then!

    Joan x

  188. Oh I would so love to learn how to market my Art.

  189. Congratulations! If it was on your bucket list and gets offered to you, I can understand your hyperventilation ;-)
    There is an endless list of things I would like to learn during the next year! On the top of my head is to take time for me even though it is always difficult to juggle with the always changing schedule. Do more scrap, play with mixed media and art journaling, mix all of this with doodling, geunge and steampunk stuff. Stamp carving is also interesting. To do more with the stock I already have. Learn to refrain on the buying so that I can actually work with what I have and see the stockpiles reduce (even just a little)... As I said, endless list! Thanks for sharing this great news with us!

  190. Congrats on being part of Life Book. I'm an admirer of your art and hope this year long class will help me let loose my inner inhibitions and let the art flow.

  191. I love your question, very challenging, I would like to learn how to be more secure of myself to be able to open my own business and sell my handmade art, thank you for the opportunity to win a spot in Lifebook 2014

  192. I'd love to win this space. I'm recently retired and am eager to access my creativity.


  193. I am trying to learn to breathe, let go and be. I want to take time for my art and realize that is an important way to feed my soul.

  194. I would love to learn more about myself, how to express myself through journalling x

  195. As well as making more time to art I would love to learn how to just let go and not overthink the process.

  196. I would love to learn to better express myself in my art journal, how to draw better on top of layers of collage and paint, and how to draw faces better.

  197. CONGRATS!! I want to learn to be more free in my art...layering, anything you want to teach me-lol!! Thanks for the chance to win a spot!

  198. Hi Anna, I have been focusing a lot on learning about different techniques & medias. Next year I want to focus on finding myself in & through my art. I want to discover my own personal artistic style / what it is that makes my art work unique & how to take this to the next level. Thanks for the chance to win. Theresa x

  199. I want to learn... more ideas and techniquest for my art journaling! And meet new artists and teachers in Life Book 2014! Good luck to everyone! ~Hobby

  200. I took the Internationally Inspired class you were a part of & absolutely loved it. Your work is amazing & I love your style. I am looking forward to taking your class at Prima Anaheim CA in January 2014 & would love to win the opportunity to take this class from you. You are my FAVOURITE Artist & I'm so happy I discovered your blog. I'm a huge fan . . . Kathleen Sundby


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