
Wednesday 25 September 2013

Just Imagine...

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you let your imagination run free on canvas...?
Well...this is what we do during my Imagine classes. :)
Today I'd like to show you a small canvas that I created during such workshop.
Pure fun & freedom.


dream detail

I simply played (A LOT!) with my Mechanicals, some chipboards, lace and my favorite colors.
Just Imagine, folks... :)


  1. Zaskoczyła mnie ta praca. Taka biała. Czyżby to zapowiedź śnieżnej zimy?;-)
    Podziwiam te Twoje warstwy- tu coś wystaje, tam coś schowane, a resza na tym bazuje. Jedna z Twoich poprzednich prac tak mnie jakoś natchnęła do spróbowania mixed-madiów (gdzie wzbraniałam się rękami i nogami przed tym, że to "nie w moim stylu")i wiesz... spodobało mi sie to co wyszło z tego mieszania. Jeśli masz ochotę rzucic okiem to w najbliższych dniach wrzucę to na bloga.
    Dzięki za inpiracje.

  2. I had the fortune of taking this class. It was awesome!!!!! Loved Finn and the techniques - if you get the chance to take it - you should. you will be amazed at hat you can do when you imagine the possibilities!!!!

  3. Beautiful, inspirational and innovative. Thank you for being such a great artistic example for so long. Have a great day. Shawn Caro

  4. Wspaniała praca. Mega inspirująca.

  5. Stunning Anna......I love the way you piece it all together and the painting/spraying is wonderful.

    Look forward to seeing you at Glasgow class

    Crafty hugs Annie x

  6. Always love to see your canvas'. Just stare taking it all in and to see all the layers and elements, beautiful.

  7. This is beautiful - I can't wait to take your classes in the UK in Nov/Dec.


  8. I too love your art. The depth of your art is so amazing. I look at every little piece, after I look at it as a whole beautiful canvas. The little stars were cute, cute isn't the right word. But I liked them. I'm trying to figure out what the material is in the corner by the D in the word Dream. I've noticed it in your other work. It looks heavier than lace. It almost looks like jeans.

    See how closely I look at your art? I love it and am amazed at it's depth.

  9. Kateri - you are very observant, huge congrats! I'm honored to learn my projects inspire people that much!The fabric you are asking about is in fact a mix: synthetic lace on the top of canvas, painted :)

  10. Simply divine Ania, hope you come back to Australia soon!!

  11. this is unbelievably gorgeous!!! ^.^


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