
Tuesday 5 June 2012

Dajemy radę! - We will help!

Mamy propozycję: odkładamy na chwilę nożyczki, odkładamy również na razie na bok to, czym się zajmujemy - scrap, kolaż, rysunek, kartki, kordonki, dekupaże - wraz z 2:16 (i gościnnym Collage Caffe) zapraszamy wszystkich bez wyjątku: gadżeciary i recyklingowiczki, pragmatyczki i fantastki, mini i maksymalistki. Wszystkich razem i każdą i każdego z osobna.
O co chodzi?
Jakiś czas temu na Facebooku 2:16 rozpoczeła wielce inspirujacą i poruszajacą trybiki w mojej głowie rozmowę, dotyczącą (a jakże!) twórczosci i "trudnych początków". Zatem:
wyobraźcie sobie, że przychodzi do was ktoś, kto dopiero zaczyna wchodzić w ten cudowny twórczy świat, Świat, który może czasem trochę przytłaczać - bogactwem technik, materiałów, ludzi do poznania, mnożących się pytań i wątpliwości.Nieco zagubiony, choć pełen chęci.
* * * jakiej rady udzielilibyście takiej osobie? * * *
Napiszcie proszę - czekamy na wasze podpowiedzi! Dodam tylko, że w głowach nam się kotłuje, więc kto wie, co z tego może wyniknąć? Podzielcie się swoim doświadczeniem. Przypomnijcie sobie jak było kiedy zaczynaliście i jaką piękną drogę przebyliście. Jakie słowo szepniecie do ucha komuś, kto nie ma odwagi? Kto nie wie, gdzie zacząć i czym się pokierować? Czekamy na rady zupełnie prozaiczne i dotyczące drobiazgów, oraz na te "duże" i "glębokie" - cokolwiek wam przyjdzie do głowy.
2:16 na ochotniczkę je pięknie spisze i... już wkrótce się przekonacie. :) Wszelkie słowa możecie zostawiać w komentarzach pod tym postem (oraz na blogu 2:16, a także w Collage Caffe i na FB) do końca czerwca. Dziękujemy z calego serca!

We've got a proposal for you: today we are putting our scissors aside. No matter what you create - whether it's scrapbooking, collage, drawing, cardmaking, embroidery, decoupage... - Together with 2:16 and friendly Collage Caffe blog we invite you all and ask for your help. Yes, you!!! You can help!
Imagine that you meet someone who is just starting his/her adventure in this wonderful world of art - it may be a bit overwhelming, scary.. - all those techniques, supplies, people worth knowing - so many questions, so many doubts... but a lot of will and hopes too!
 * * * what kind of advice would you give to such a person? * * *
 We were inspired by a conversation started by 2:16 some time ago on Facebook and decided to take this idea a step further. I may tell you that it's the beginning of an exciting new project that will come to life very soon... so please...
Share your experience - can you remember what it was like when you started? Think of your way here. What kind of words would you whisper to somebody who perhaps lacks courage? Who doesn't know where to head to? You can leave your advice in the comments section below (or on 2:16's blog on 
 Collage Caffe blog or FB) till the end of June. Then they will put it all together and... you'll see... :) You have no idea how important your words are and how grateful we will be for your help...


  1. i'd say one the most important things is to ask advice, friends will need to buy all the expensive gagdets etc. all at first when your friend might already have them...a friend will welcome you to her home and let you try all the cool stuff she has, just because she's so happy you have started to craft too... =)

  2. Such a great idea to help! My advice will be; The things you are doing are very nice, they are good enough! Never think that you are not good enough to enjoy the creative life. The most important thing is that you like what you are doing and suddenly you will see the beauty in your own art.

  3. My advice would be to first invest in a few good tools rather than to buy pretty papers and embellishments. Then to take a good look around in your own house. I'm sure you'll find some cool stuff to craft with.

  4. Great adice ladies! Thank you so much for sharing. Bonnie - i think good tools are important too:)
    and yes, we are good enaough to create!!!

  5. Hmmmm, you're right, people get overwhelmed when they first start scrapping. So many pretty papers to choose from, embellishments to use. It gets confusing. My piece of advice is to just do what you love. All the rest will follow.

  6. I say.. "Jump in with both feet" .. if you think you need the tool, get it! If you want some gesso to splatter, buy it! if that paper just screams at you.. you better take it home. Try new things.. love every minute of it.. run around like a chicken with your head cut off :)

  7. Si c'est du scrapbooking, les règles sont assez fermées, " couleurs du papier avec couleurs de la photo" ! alors dans un premier temps ne pas trop investir, choisir une gamme de matériel que l'on pourra se servir souvent ! ne pas acheter tout ce que l'on voit sur les site!!
    si c'est du MM, alors se " lâcher complètement" acheter peu de matériel, prendre ce que l'on a à la maison : papier serviette décoré, capsule de bouteille... De toute façon que ce soit pour le scrap ou MM, les embellissements les trouver à la maison : boutons, fleurs, tissus ... Moi quand j'ai commencé ( il y a 3 ans) j'achetais tout et n'importe quoi, maintenant je regarde autour de moi ... ^_^
    corinne de france

  8. Find your own style! (Easier said than done in the beginning)
    Do things you love yourself. Do not worry about what is "right or wrong" if you do something you love, others will see the joy and love that lies behind and will appreciate it!
    There are so many wonderful things to find at flea markets and in your own home that is perfect to use, just open your eyes :)
    I certainly agree with the others, do not buy so much stuff in the beginning, focus on good basic tools.
    Good Luck and most importantly
    HAVE FUN!!

  9. Hi!
    I started 1 year ago with this whole thing... I never thought in me in any creative way. I just thought I couldn't.
    One day, I swallowed my fears and I went to a scrapbook workshop... soon I felt amazed by art journaling and I started practicing. In time to time I made some pretty things. ( they were pretty for me, which was the most demanding person...) and I felt joy in a way I never experienced.
    It was me! Doing this! wow!:) I felt proud of me.
    This is something I recommend people. You'll never know what are you capable of until you try it. It doesn't matter if you have a gift or not. Creativity is a type of intelligence that can be cultivated.
    Practicing and enjoying it will make you better... for you!

  10. omijać szerokim łukiem sklepy scrapowe, bo zazwyczaj po pierwszym pół roku okazuje się, że większość rzeczy, które kupiliśmy na początku po prostu nie jest nam potrzebna ;) lepiej znaleźć inne fanatyczki, umówić się na pogaduchy i oglądanie ich przydasi, powypytywać, zrobić coś razem. dobre jest wykorzystywanie rzeczy, które możemy znaleźć w domu - koperty, papier do drukarki, sznurki, guziki, tekturę falistą. do tego trzeba się zaopatrzyć w podstawowe narzędzia (i na nich nie warto oszczędzać) - ostre nożyczki, metalowa linijka, magik, podkładka do cięcia. no a potem to już się tylko dać nieść wyobraźni ;)

  11. I totally agree I still use my my making memories tool kit everytime I do something. My advice would be to take it slow with supplies. you don't need everything at once. Work out what projects you want to do then buy your paper embellishments etc. last piece of advice buy the best you can. I can almost guarantee you you will not use that discount paper you bought because it was cheap. Or those cheap bits and pieces you saw at the 2 dollar shop. Buy the best quality paint, glue tools, etc

  12. I live in India where scrapbooking or art journaling is an unknown art form. My nearest store is probably in Dubai or Singapore! I was groping in the dark when I started scrapbooking in early 2010 - with only a scissors, gift wraps (for pps), old wedding invites (cut up as embellies) and found objects. However, the internet became my best friend and tutor. I spent hours looking at my fave galleries (including Finnabair), learning techniques from blog tutorials and discovered online stores. I still ask for advice about supplies, etc. from design team members through email and get wonderful tips from them. I still have a long way to go and to create everyday is the only way to improve!
    Good luck and enjoy every step of your creative journey!

  13. my advice is : don't follow advices... listen to them and make your own road.

  14. My advice would be to take it slow with the supplies, but (if) that doesn't work, don't worry! At least you now know that they a) were just the right ones for you or b) were not the thing you're looking for. You can always pass them on or redesign them completely (add paint media, gesso...)

  15. You don't need every new product or device (though it's fun to amass a stash) but you do need to give yourself freedom to get inky, messy, painty, etc... you have no idea where this might take you and what an amazing outlet it can be!

  16. Hi my name is Shosh and I'm from Israel
    My motto in life dreams always come true
    When I began to create paper that I did not know all the wonderful world
    The products the shape examples and great selection of things that can be created from paper
    Then when I fell in love, I was hooked
    At first there were just paper, just ornaments many attempts and slowly went up at
    And I feel fine and to go further still produces and fulfills dreams
    Do not be afraid, Lhstshm materials, sometimes

  17. Hi my name is Shosh and I'm from Israel
    My motto in life dreams always come true
    When I began to create paper that I did not know all the wonderful world
    The products the shape examples and great selection of things that can be created from paper
    Then when I fell in love, I was hooked
    At first there were just paper, just ornaments many attempts and slowly went up at
    And I feel fine and to go further still produces and fulfills dreams
    Do not be afraid, Lhstshm materials, sometimes

  18. My advice:
    Don't be too hard on yourself - it's supposed to be fun.

    Find people who inspire you - don't just buy things or follow people because that is what other people are doing. Find blogs that excite and inspire you.

    Don't copy - be inspired by others artwork, but follow your own path and find your own style.

    Experiment with everything you buy - there is more than one way to use everything you have.

    Hope that helps in your 'secret project'

  19. Wow!!! great advice from all! My advice is to look around you! Since I started my journey my eyes see things in a totally different way! Searching the web, looking at books and magazines, even watching tv! My biggest inspiration is the outdoors. So, don't be afraid to explore yourself and use things you already have, to experiment, play and just have fun!! I believe everyone has a creative side!

  20. Great idea! I would say: start small, don't feel you are under any obligations, take photos of your art even if you don't like it, share it, banner the word "beautiful" from your comments on your projects, build yourself a book of techniques with a sample of each of them, always take a notepad and a pen with you wherever you go, dare, go away from your project if you don't feel well about it and come back later with a fresh mind.

  21. Ha - coś mi się przypomina... Gdy po raz pierwszy trafiłam na scrapbooking, umarłam z zachwytu. Potem pomyślałam: w życiu tego nie zrobię! Ale zrobiłam :) Rada? Nikt nie rodzi się od razu "wielki", każdy sukces to odrobina talentu i duużo pracy. Początek? Kilka prostych rzeczy, które mamy pod ręką - odkrywajmy bogactwo faktur, odcieni i możliwych kompozycji - podstawą każdej pracy jest pomysł. Szalejemy, wychodzimy poza schemat i odszukujemy radość z tego, co wychodzi spod naszych rąk. Bacznie obserwujmy wszystko, co wkoło - przecież najpiękniej kolory łączą się w przyrodzie. Ta inspiracja to studnia bez dna. I uczmy się od lepszych, które chcą się podzielić swoją wiedzą - to jest tak niezmiernie inspirujące. Gdyby nie Wasze piękne, kipiące od pomysłów blogi - nie byłabym w tym miejscu, gdzie teraz :) Pozdrawiam Jedną z Najbardziej Utalentowanych - Finn, to co tworzysz jest absolutnie niesamowite!!

  22. I think that for me what really started it was just to start, something super simple: paint to paper, stamping with ink, sewing on scraps and making that an embellishment. It only takes a second to just jump in & try and like anything that you want to become good at...practice makes 'progress'- nothing in art or creative pursuit has to be perfect, it just has to come from within. The famous quote, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is so true, just be YOU!

  23. I would say : Follow your inner voice, there is no such thing as mistakes, play and have fun. You don't have to show it to anyone if you don't want to.
    Watch other artist in action for inspiration.

  24. podlasem
    Ma rację dziewczyna twierdząc,by omijać sklepy,a wykorzystać to,co poniwiera się w domu i pozostali domownicy z ochotą wielką chcieliby zutylizować.Ogląajmy wzory,ale róbmy rzeczy swoje,które będą podwójną radością.Ja tak mam.Jedni się dziwią,inni podziwiają.Coż,o gustach się nie dyskutuje.Hi


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