
Friday 6 September 2024

Sparkly Goth! Mixed media project by Lori

Hello creative friends! I started this project intending to make something with a dark, moody colour palette but it just wasn't working for me. I decided to completely change my idea and went for bright and sparkly goth instead!

I began with Linen Impasto paint on the base and used two stencils to create some areas of detail. I painted various mould pieces with impasto and liquid acrylic paints and arranged these on the base.

I used Lime Green liquid acrylic on the background to create a pop of colour. Sparks paints created areas of sparkle and Acid green wax added more shine to the mould pieces.

I finished off with rust paste as even a sparkly goth needs a little rust!

You can see the whole project here: 

Products I have used - all the images linked to Mixed Media Place or online store:

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