
Sunday 22 December 2019

Brand Ambassadors' Spotlight

Dear friends,
Our Ambassadors' Spotlight series is great way to show you projects by our talented Ambassadors, that use Finnabair products during their classes, in their video tutorials, showing great techniques and inspiring everyone. Each month there is a theme, a colour, or a product, that will be a focus for our Ambassadors' projects.

This month the host is Kassa Hayselden and she has chosen "winter wonderland" theme. All projects are filled with that festive feeling and enriched with sparkly, frosty or gold shining aura. Feel invited to see all the projects by Finnabair Brand Ambassadors: Kassa, Riikka and Linda and read their words below. Enjoy this inspiring journey!

Hi lovelies x
So happy to be sharing my interpretation of ‘Winter Wonderland’ with you all and crikey only a handful of sleeps till Christmas day, I could burst with excitement being a big kid at heart still teehee!

I’ve always loved a wreath session and this one was no exception….I got totally stuck in and lost myself for hours using some of our favourite & yummy Finnabair products…and yes glitter made it in there for Christmas!

The wreath base is a simple round ply cut out that I wrapped with bubble wrap and burlap ‘Finnabair Fabric Pack’.

I then got stuck in with my favourite adhesive ‘3D Matte Gel’ and created a picturesque festive scene, my imagination went a little off piste…
For a snowy look I used ‘White Gesso’, a few ‘Art Stones’, ‘Glass Glitter’, ‘Mica Flakes’, ‘Micro Beads’ and ‘Glitter’ – it’s the perfect snowy cocktail using all the soft, muted tones.  If you catch the edges of the beautiful ‘Alterable Flowers’ & the lush ‘Mechanicals Winter Trinkets’ with a dab of one of the ‘Soft Gel’ adhesives the tiny flakes, beads, glitter etc fall beautifully onto them looking like fresh snow has just caught them!

I rubbed ‘Fire Ruby Wax’& ‘Vintage Gold Wax’ in here and there to help pull out features that I needed to be more prominent;  ‘Patina Effect Paste Blue’ being a matte finish was perfect for that WoW color PoP!  I used my fingers to dab the uber bright blue paste on and then watered down I used it to splatter too!

The fairy lights were me being just a little extra but I couldn’t resist as I wanted all the magical Finnabair sparkle to dance and twinkle in it’s full glory!

Well it is with a happy heart I leave you and whatever you get up to at this time of the year I send you all love and warm hugs…
Thanks lovelies Kassa 
Mwah xoxoxo

Products I have used - all the images linked to Mixed Media Place online store:

Hello everyone! It’s been a while, but I’m here to share a “step back in time” project of a winter past. Finnabair’s colorful collection of glitters and paints helped to establish this sparkling picture of the season that can warm your heart.

I started with a house-shaped piece of chipboard that I coated with white gesso. Next is a layer of vintage gold icing paste using the tapestry stencil. I added impasto paints mint and jade with more white gesso to lightly cover it all. I used the gorgeous night shadow - sparks acrylic paint on the edges of the piece to accentuate the stenciling. I sponged on the same paint to a chipboard cutout for the top of the house.

Next I assembled my Mechanicals of Vintage Snowflakes, Winter Trinkets, Steampunk Blades, Rusty Knobs, Mini Knobs, Barn Stars, and Hardware Accents to glue down as a base. The vintage image of the little girl with mittens had a bit of color added with pens. This was all glued down with 3D matte gel. I sprayed this all with water+mica powder - silver pale.

The large star is made with the Stars and Moons mould and baked clay. It is accented with brass hardware paint, and the mini stars with rusty red Metallique paint. The next layer is art stones and mini art stones applied with soft matte gel. I like to use a mixture of micro beads and glass glitter as filler. Here I used black and bronze micro beads, and copper glass glitter sprinkled around with soft gloss gel.

The tree has globs of soft gloss gel and white art sugar. It is added with 3D matte get along with the stars and the rusty label/mini knobs to create a theme of “Look for the Magic.” This is all layered onto a slightly larger piece of black chipboard that frames it nicely and makes the colors pop. 

I hope you’re inspired a bit to get out your stash of products and just play. It’s good to be back with Finnabair Ambassadors - hugs to all!

Your Friend in ART,

Products I have used - all the images linked to Mixed Media Place online store:

When thinking of ”Winter Wonderland” I started imagining glistening snow drifts, slowly falling snow and the fresh scent of the nippy weather. I had bought a wooden snowflake in order to make something out of it and this theme seemed just perfect. I used different Finnabair products that reminded me of snow and ice.

First I painted the snowflake with white gesso. I deliberately used heavy brush strokes and created some dimension using the heavy gesso. While the layer was drying, I turned all the Mechanicals and other pieces to silvery ones by using Metallique wax. Then I used 3D Gloss Gel to adhere the embellishments in place and started applying snow on top. For this I used Unicorn Paste – it’s glistening charts and sparkling base is just perfect for the snow effect! I finished the snowflake with some crystals for extra sparkle. 

This project could be used as a door decoration, inviting guests to the warmth of a fireplace away from the winter wonderland. Although at least here in southern Finland it seems that as there’s no winter wonderlands outside, maybe we should create them inside with these kind of decorations! 

Products I have used - all the images linked to Mixed Media Place online store:

Have a wonderful Holiday Season!!
Finnabair Team

1 comment:

  1. These are ALL so Gorgeous! Thanks for the inspiration! Merry Christmas!


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