
Friday 21 September 2018

Amethyst Magic and Frosty Pearl

Hello everybody,
If you haven't had any chance yet to see, how versatile Icing Pastes are, you will be delighted with today's post by Juliya. Her cosmic canvas shines so beautifully! Though Black background makes it a little bit mysterious. Watch her video tutorial to see her techniques for Icing Pastes. Enjoy!

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Hello there, lovely creative friends!
Today I'd like to share with you my inspiration - a mixed media canvas with new Art Extravagance Icing Pastes. I chose three pastes - White Gold, Amethyst Magic, Frosty Pearl.
Amethyst Magic Icing Paste has such a beautiful cosmic color that I decided to make a canvas about our desires and space.

In this work, I used pastes slightly diluted with water. I was curious the effect. I applied them with a brush. Oh, how much they shine!!!! It is a real pleasure to work with these pastes!

I made splashes of White Gold Icing Paste. Wet, beautiful, so hard to stop! )))

After drying, the pastes darken and acquire a beautiful radiance. I also tinted the star. One jar can replace a set! You can apply icing pastes through a stencil, toning with them, making beautiful streams by diluting them with water, drawing ... I am breathless from ideas and possibilities!

I have prepared a video tutorial for you so that you can see the materials. I hope you enjoy viewing!

I believe that the universe listens to us. Our desires and dreams. You just need to understand what is most important for you right now. Focus on what's important. And remember that great things take time.

Products I have used - all the images linked to Mixed Media Place online store:

Art Extravagance Icing Paste - White Gold 966171
Art Extravagance Icing Paste - Frosty Pearl 966140
Art Extravagance Icing Paste - Amethyst Magic 966218


  1. wow... this is mesmerizing.... the colours are gorgeous!

  2. Eu achei esse link do seu blog finalmente! Acho tudo muito lindo. Sou sua fã há muito tempo.
    Saudações brasileiras.

  3. This is such a beautiful and colorful piece, and I would love to doing something similar for my daughters and my 9 yr old pal, across the way. They would love it. Do you have any ideas, as where I could find the face molds?

  4. Such vibrant colours. That purple is gorgeous as is the canvas. Can't wait to try those icing pastes.

  5. Beautiful! I loved the video, too. And the music in the video.


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