
Friday 22 December 2017

Ambassadors' Words & Wishes

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Two days before Christmas I gathered my wonderful Ambassadors and asked each of them to pick one word that will express their wishes for all of you, Dear Readers. :)
As always - they have simply outdone themselves!
Please enjoy these unique projects and make sure to hit all the links to see these fabulous projects!

I’ve had many different 'mantras' for the New Year, usually a word or maybe a short and simple phrase that keeps me going through the good, the bad, and everything in between. For 2018, I’ve chosen to use BELIEVE as my mantra, my word to inspire and comfort me.

BELIEVE holds such a universal meaning - BELIEVE in myself that I have the strength and courage to conquer anything that may come my way. BELIEVE in others to give others love, respect, and a hand when needed. BELIEVE in the beauty of each new day and the endless possibilities that it offers.

My one word for December is “Connection”. We lead such busy lives and the world has become so complicated that I think we loose “connection” with some very important aspects of our lives.

Of course connection to our loved ones and the people we really care about is not so difficult and comes automatically, but connection with friends and the communities in which we live is often neglected, and communities make up countries and countries make up the world.

I feel if we all were more mindful of others and made stronger, more sincere connections, perhaps greater understanding of “differences” would result with acceptance, tolerance and respect being the prize.

This star can represent so many things to so many people.
For Jewish people it can be the Star of David a symbol of courage and strength. For those who celebrate Christmas it can be an ornament star or the star on top of the tree. For others it can be the star of HOPE.
This last one is really important for everyone. The world needs HOPE, PEACE AND LOVE.

Wishing everyone HOPE, may you always find a light to guide you through the toughest moments, love to embrace you and peace in your heart and soul.

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May all those wishes come true! :)
Happy Holidays, Everyone...

Finn & The Team


  1. Excelente equipo, bellos sus trabajos. Soy enamorada de sus productos fantasía de Finnabair.
    Les deseo una bella noche de navidad!!!

  2. Wow!!! great jobs and great team


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