
Thursday 13 July 2017

Twinkle, Sparkle, Shine - Denim Journal

Hi, my dear ones!
Summer, my favourite season of the year has started - I was waiting for this time when you can smell the fresh grass, eat some seasonal fruit or vegetables straight from your garden, enjoy staying outdoors, simply basking in the sunshine. I love the long days and short, warm nights. Gentle showers and smell of the storm coming. It's simply magical... now when we moved to Ireland Summer is a bit different to what I was used to, but I like this change a lot! In the last days I could compare Polish and Irish Summer and I believe each one has many advantages... Irish Summer will never leave you sweaty, sticky with no air to breathe in - which happens a lot in Poland - but you may miss your sunshine a bit here! Which one do I prefer? I like both gentle Irish and dramatic Polish weather and if possible I'd like to enjoy a bit of each one every year ;)!
Here is one of the few photos from the last week - one quiet moment - drinking my tea on the bridge near old water mill in the middle of Polish countryside. I had a chance to sneak out to take a bath of fresh air during big family party. I love them all, but enough was enough :)

As I was away I couldn't make a new project for  you during last days - but fear not, I always have something waiting t be published, waiting for it's turn in a long queue... Do you remember my last week's post about classes in India, including one of the projects I was teaching during amazing weekend in Delhi? Here is one more - Sparks Denim Journal! 
When creating a sample for this class in the end of the last year I wanted to create something over the top, so shiny it will take me far beyond my comfort zone, all sparkling, shining, glittering and twinkling... I combined all the most eye-catching art mediums and Art Ingredients to get the results I liked... and then added the most shiny acrylic paints I had in my line!
Can you see this combination of Glitters, Glass Glitters and beads, adding texture and beautiful sparkle? I made sure my composition will really stand out - not only using tons of tiny, shiny bits and pieces but also using the most beautiful, jaw dropping combination of Art Alchemy Sparks (super shiny metallic acrylic paint) and Metallique Waxes. You can't go wrong this way!
All the metal elements - my Mechanicals from Prima and all the findings like buttons, lace, trims and more got beautifully transformed into rich, eye-catching cluster decorating the cover of my denim journal. I love the results - and the fact you can do it in ANY colour palette! So many possibilities, right?
Now it's time to go back to my preparations and arrangements for my next travel - visit in the USA, which will start next week! So many things to do, not so much time... You can check where and when I'm going to show up here, in the Classes section of the blog. Enjoy and have a great, creative week!


  1. Beautiful cover. Love your photo by the bridge. You look so beautiful.

  2. what a beautiful book! I love the photo of you sitting enjoying the peace and quiet, too! Have fun in the States.

  3. As always - amazing project! I so love your creations! And I hate our hot summer in Israel :)

  4. great photo of you on the bridge, i do the same sometimes...sneak lol
    lovely you show us to...

  5. Beautiful post! What a lovely photo of you in the Polish countryside! It is interesting that you are from Poland and now live in Ireland. My mother's side of the family is from Poland (Krakow) and my father's side of the family is from Ireland (Cong, County Mayo). Small world sometimes (though I live in the US / Oregon).

    As I follow your blog, I am always amazed at your creativity / originality. You always inspire me, and I really appreciate every one of your generous posts!!

  6. What a beautiful piece, I would love to take this class if it comes close enough to me for me to be able to travel to.


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