
Friday 10 March 2017

Pretty Organized

Happy Friday, everyone!
Athanasia's new creative project is so clever - she proves that organizing supplies can be pretty and lots of fun! I'm sure you'll feel tempted to make a booklet like this yourselves. :)

PS. Don't forget about Ambassadors' Faves facebook challenge hosted by John this month!
You still have 5 days to enter and read all about it {here}. We'd love to see your mixed media jewelry creations!

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Hello dear Finn fans!
Every single time I receive a package from Anna, when I'm done with my happy dance, the first thing to do is to make lists and color charts with all my new paints and pastes. It takes a really short time and believe me it's worth it!

Today I want to share a small and easy project I created - a mini color chart book to store all my new color shades from Finnabair's new products.
It works as a great reference and is also very pretty to look at. :)
In this mini book I started by painting all the pages half part with Heavy Black Gesso and half part with Clear Gesso. Of course you can use White Heavy Gesso instead of Clear. This will help you to understand how the colors look on both light and dark background!

You can see the whole process on how I created my lists with Art Alchemy Waxes, the new Sparks paints, Stone Effect Pastes and Patina Effect Pastes in my video below. Enjoy!

I'd also like to show you some sneak peeks of my new projects I'm going to teach in my upcoming workshop in Italy next month - these pieces are mostly made with new Waxes, Sparks and Stone Effect Pastes.
I had a blast working with these amazing products!

I absolutely love painting with my fingers with the Art Alchemy Waxes. It is sooo easy and fun to do and the best thing is that they dry permanent, not to mention that there is no quicker way to clean your fingers - it only takes a sec with a baby wipe!

The Sparks paints are so shimmery and they shine in a way you've never seen before!
Their soft and creamy colors are so yummy and add a really amazing sparkly effect to your projects!

The Stone Effect Pastes are perfect for creating naturally looking textures and adding dimension to your projects. They can be applied on all surfaces and they dry hard and permanent, but yet flexible! They are already one of my favorite products for my mixed media projects.

So, every time I want to create a new project, the first thing I do is gather all the embellishments I want to use, then I take my mini color chart to find the right color shades that will go right with my project and I'm ready to create.

It is really helpful and saves me a lot of time to decide what shades and color combinations I need for my projects.

And also - it was so much fun to make such charts and play with every delicious color and shade. :)
Thank you for visiting today.
Have a lovely crafty day!

Products used:


  1. Thank You for sharing with your trick to make sample book! It's a great idea. I have something similar in loose cardstock but keep in in one place it's match better usefully to find it so quickly. I need to choose a big notebook to gather all together :) I use the Finnabair products the first time and I really love it all gessos, paints, medias and wax... oh I order lots goodies last times, but everything is amazing!

  2. FABULOUS idea! THX for sharing your process with us!


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