
Wednesday 22 February 2017

Field Notes - a Few Words on Journaling on the Go...

Hi my friends!
This post was planned differently - in fact I had a collage scheduled for today, but as I've just got back from long and beautiful, soul-nourishing travel I decided to  follow that path and make a note for you about art journaling... when you are away from the comfort of your own studio or table.

For me this "art journalling on the lap" - on the train, in the hotel room, in the cafe or even on the plane is one of the most rewarding, natural and back-to-roots form of art. And I have to admit after a longer break I'm re-discovering it again. I used to do it before I moved, then the craze of my life took over... now, following the impulse I packed my "art journaling travel kit" with me and the magic happened. And you know what? I want more. And I promise myself to do more.

What was in my kit?
Not that much - especially if you keep in mind my love for texture, layers, found objects... I couldn't take my beloved rubbish boxes so I decided to focus on easy to pack and not too heavy paper scraps: old labels, book pages, images, receipts, tags - and I put in a set of my Ephemeras - Vintage Photos. Not only because they are inspirational, but they are meaningful to me too...
Then I made a basic tool set: scissors, pencil sharpener, glue stick, masking tape and some washi tapes, bunch of brushes and water brushes... and a set of pens (black and white) and pencils - I prefer soft, dark like 6B or 8B.
Art mediums and colour? I've decided to take Art Basics of course - in handy tubes: 3 kinds of gesso, Modeling Paste and Soft Gel were enough. Then for colour I picked 1 tin of Watercolor Confections (The Basics) and a basic set of watercolour pencils. As an act of extravagance I added selected colours of Water Soluble Oil Pastels from Prima, but I know I could easily work without them.
I was a bit missing black permanent inkpad and 2-3 stamps, but I survived without them and I was fine in the end.
In general it was a very refreshing, mind-stretching experience - as I keep telling my students: limiting your options is in fact very good for you from time to time!

When we arrived to our beautiful house where we were staying for couple of nights I simply took them out and left on a small table, waiting for the right moment... and the second night I felt I had to create something! I started simply making some backgrounds using paper scraps, gel and gesso, then the following night some finish pages appeared...
Here are the examples - not too bad for a limited supply, away from comfort zone moment. I enjoyed it so much.
Don't get me wrong - I love taking my time working on the journal spreads - I mentioned that a week ago posting my latest page inspired by family stories - but there is something absolutely liberating, fresh and almost surreal in this moment of creativity that just happens against all the odds, just in this moment when you can connect with your heart and should and listen to yourself.
Journal is not about being perfect or eye-pleasing - it is about being REAL. And those moments of reality are very precious to me.

Just look below - would you believe I made these? I guess it is not something you would expect to see on my blog or Instagram, but it is still, me. Somehow, these pages happened, not planned, not forced - I just had a moment of "what if..." and gave myself a chance to try. Because I wanted, and it is MY journal only. No rules, no guidelines except one: do what you want to do at this very moment and put your heart in it. 
My first thought was not to show this journal to anyone, like I did in the past, to keep it just personal, but then, after a moment I had a thought it can be in fact helpful and encouraging to some of you to see this side of my personality too. And maybe push you to be a bit more bold and relaxed about your own creativity. Remember - you create for YOURSELF first. So please, please make sure you have fun and you are trying new things, new ideas and in fact - listen to your inner voice.
I wish you all a lot of creative, blissful moments - just like ones I had last week.

Here is the content of my "Art Journaling Travel Kit" - I had a different set of washi tapes and pencils, but it was very close to listed below. I only used Oil Pastels once - so I'd be fine without them too ;)

I hope that was useful and inspiring... what is in your Travel Kit?
or... what would be in the Travel Kit of your Dreams?
huge hugs!


  1. Truly an inspiring post...thank you! I'm always so critical of my work that most times I forget to just kick back and enjoy the process, regardless of the end result. Thanks for the reminder and as always, your beautiful works of art!!! xx

  2. wow, loving those watercolour pages! so different to your "normal" style, but so gorgeous!

  3. Beautiful! you are such an inspiration and a wonderfully talented soul!

  4. W moich dwóch podróżniczych piórniczkach mam dokładnie to samo co Ty, choć używam innych marek :D Plus jeszcze akwarelowe ołówki i pastele w ołówku.
    I dwa lata temu w czasie samotnych wakacji także odważyłam się zacząć malować :))) Bardzo niedoskonale, ale to nieważne :)) Podzielenie się tym w internecie było bardzo trudne, więc wiem, że Ciebie to też kosztowało... Bycie w prawdzie jest takie uwalniające, nieprawdaż?


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