
Wednesday 30 November 2016

In My Eyes - journal project

Hi again my dear ones.
That's right, I'm back home from my travels, planning to take some downtime and enjoy my home, studio and family life for a while... It's hard to express how important it is for me to be able to visit you, meet you all in the classroom, encourage to create and watch you make beautiful things. I love how it is boosting your confidence and fills your hearts with joy. It does fill my heart with happiness and it is the balm for my soul. It's priceless.
During my classes I'm not only trying to help you explore mixed-media techniques but also find your own voice and express yourself in your natural way. I believe it is much more important than creating artwork that would be considered to be "pretty" or "appealing". Creative process should bring us happiness, but also relief, de-stressing, ability to speak up our mind... it is all there!

Today I'm sharing some of the journal pages, which are great illustration to the statement above. They were made with no other intention but to play, to express my feelings, clear my head and give myself permission to breathe. They were never intended to be published too - but somehow they fit perfectly into my current situation and mood.

Both pages were done around one topic - "eyes" and are freestyle interpretation  of course. There weren't many techniques used - just as much as i needed to tell my story.  Page above is based on transferring technique - I used Art Basics Soft Matte Gel as my medium for that and I have to admit I love the watercolour pencil effects I got working on the Art Basics Clear Gesso!

This page is based on  elements from 7 Dost Studio "Fortune-teller" collection, scraps of thread and fabric and finally some art mediums: Art Extravagance Rust Paste, some tea stain and colourful mist, tiny bit of Glossy Accents.

It makes me a bit uneasy to see how close these pages are to my situation now, perfect illustration indeed! I guess this is the REAL power of art journaling - ability to evoke emotions.

Here are some of the products I used - all listed from our Mixed Media Place Online Store:

Hey! Don't forget to visit us on Friday to see new, fabulous project and tutorial from mysuper talented Creative Team!
Sending warmest hugs


  1. Thank you for sharing your not intended for public consumption art. Going through a divorce and both really spoke to me. Very evocative creations. Blessings.

  2. <3 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++


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