
Saturday 10 September 2016

New Life of an Old Chair - Simple Furniture Makeover

Hi there my Friends!
First of all, thank you so much for all the beautiful comments you left under my Broken Wing collage. It's such a wonderful feeling to know that this piece that is so special for me, moved your hearts as well... Thank you...

Today I have something on a totally different note. :)
You know my love for old houses and all things vintage. There's always something so very special in the objects that carry their own personal history and it gives me a lot of joy to either uncover their stories or... give them completely new ones. That's why upcycling furniture gives me such a thrill! ;)

Do you remember my Old Trunk Makeover? Today I'd like to present another piece that will prefectly match a bedroom in my Irish home.

The best thing about this project is how simple it really is to make this "makeover" happen!
I'd say the hardest part was choosing the color and the shape of the little decor I wanted to add...
Choices... choices... and thanks to SO MANY lovely designs you can find in new Prima IOD Moulds it took me a while to make my decision!

Long story short - here is the whole process in a couple of simple steps!

1. I've taken one of the IOD Moulds (Baroque 4 Set) and filled the design of my choice with paper clay. I let it dry and  soon I had a perfect little embellishment for my chair.
I took my ultimate glueing solution which is (drumroll) Art Basics Heavy Body Gel and glued it to the unpainted chair. I didn't even take the time to sand it  - it stuck to the varnished wood perfectly and after a moment of drying it was ready to paint.
Tip: You can use Plaster of Paris or any other similar solution to create your embellishment. Moulds even work with chocolate... ;)

2. When my decor was secured and dry, I took one of Prima Chalkboard Paints - beautiful and rich Jewel Blue colour and started painting right away. Again - I didn't do any sanding, I only "dry brushed" a couple of layers of the Chalkboard Paint and intentionally left many imperfections visible. I was going for a rustical, worn look!

3. I took my chair inside and made sure the paint dried. I took a sanding block and removed even more of the Jewel Blue paint to reveal more of the natural colour of the wood - it was a beautiful rusty tone I loved from the beginning. Now I was ready for adding some touch-ups!

I needed to add a bit of the corresponding colour to the paper clay decor too - and here I got the best idea - my Art Extravagance Rust Effect Set had just the perfect tone of Red Rust in it! I took a brush and applied a tiny bit of the paste into the details of the decor, then simply used my fingers to rub it off when the paste was still wet... READY!
4. My last step was putting a protective coat of clear wax on the whole chair. I used Annie Sloan brand, which I used many times before and I absolutely love it. It's simple to work with and works wonders! This way my "new-old" chair was ready to be put in its place. :)

And so here it is - a new 'child' of my love for recycling and upcycling. :)
It was so quick and easy to make and I must say, a wonderful method to unwind and relax.
Here are the links to the products I used:

I'm sending you lots of love and admitting my furniture makeover adventure is not over yet! ;)


  1. Loving the chair and adoring the colour !!!! How 'easy' is it to give a new lease of life to something old. Thanks for sharing your love of restoring with us. xxx

  2. I love how your chair turned out. It is beautiful!

  3. OMG, I looove this and your old trunk too! I am so inspired and my house would really do with a makeover! Fabulous idea! Hugs, xxx


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