
Monday 11 January 2016

Kewpie Meets Mad Max

Hello, Friends!
You know how in January the Internet is filled to the brim with all kinds of New Year's posts to help you make (and keep) plans and resolutions? We come across brand new courses, challenges and articles to help you focus on what's important for you.
I'll bet you haven't seen this idea before... :)
How about creating a special little Guardian to be a symbol of something important in your life (and in the New Year). A charm of sorts, a reminder and a good spirit to guide you through the months to come.
A brilliant inspiration from Gayle!

Hello lovely Finnabair friends and Happy New Year to you all!
My project this month is a little bit fun, a little bit nostalgia and a little bit serious. While having a “new year clean up” in my studio I found old stuff, as you do; you know how you put stuff away that you think might come in handy one day and just forget about it.
There was a naked Kewpie Doll and a little empty wooden frame. Kewpies were usually dressed in tulle, sparkles, tiaras and sometimes had a magic wand.
While tidying, I had also been musing over in my head the coming year, and how every new year brings challenges... some self imposed, you know, like: eat healthier, drink more water, give up smoking, be more productive, run that marathon and then, those challenges that come out of the blue, like a major health issue, a family drama, a change of job, moving house, losing your home to a natural disaster, like bushfire or flood, or (it could not get any worse) losing everything, your home, your job, your family and your country, due to war.
So my naked doll and the challenges of a new year came together. She had to be courageous and dressed to face the challenges ahead... No tulle or tiara, she had to be tough, like a Mad Max character.

No. 1 This is what I started with.
No. 2 The frame was given a coat of Art Basics Heavy Black Gesso and the doll a coat of Heavy White Gesso.

No. 3 To grunge up the black frame I added some Art Extravagance Graphite Texture Paste and sprinkled Zinc Glass Beads into it.
No. 4 Using 3D Matte Gel as my adhesive, I added background detail and dimension, mostly with Finnabair Mechanicals.

No. 5 Once the metal embellishments were dry and secure, they were given a coat of Heavy Black Gesso.
No. 6 To add colour, I used Art Ingredients Mica Powder in Copper and Deep Water mixed with water in a small mini mister and sprayed it on.

No. 7 Using small metal bits and pieces and lace, all attached with 3D Matte Gel, Kewpie was dressed for battle.
No. 8 Again, using Mica Powders mixed with water in a mini mister, colour was added. I painted in the face details using acrylic paint.

Now I attached her to the wooden frame and gave her a spear and a shield, a helmet and some goggles.

Mica Powders give the most beautiful sheen when sprayed onto surfaces.
I have used an aerosol fixative to help keep the shimmery powder in place.

Wishing you all a wonderful year ahead, where you can be courages with your creativity and maybe explore artistic challenges you have never tried before.

Materials used:


  1. I love this! It's so subversive and witty. What a hoot!

  2. Oh Gayle, she's perfect! I need one! I especially like the back story on your kewpie meets Mad Max. Very inspirational and beautifully accomplished! Happy New Year to you, too:)

  3. Gayle,
    I've never seen a more wonderful kewpie doll - Ms. Courage is amazing - I love her!

  4. Fantastic idea Gayle, I am always looking for inspiration using unusual items. Could be fun doing this with old Barbie dolls too. Going to raid the boxes in the attic now. The creative juices are flowing, thanks!

  5. OMG Gayle! She is absolutely fantastic! I love your wee kewpie warrior she's definitely not to be messed with! Brilliant xx

  6. Love what you did with her. I too have a kewpie from Art is You that has been patiently waiting something... think I'll have a go at my own superhero... thanks for the inspiration!

  7. What a fantastic idea and what a fantastic piece, love the way you have turned an ordinary doll into something amazing! I can imagine her flying around sprinkling little bits of courage on those in need 😉

  8. This is beautiful and inspiring. May she bring you courage to face all the challenges in the year ahead!

  9. Absolutely adore this! I never liked Kewpie dolls before, but this one is awesome!

  10. Beautiful inspiration Gayle! Life is tough for sure, and your doll makeover is perfect in every way, battle-ready and full of moxie.....I love how there is always a step by step, thanks for sharing her, she's incredible! Happy New Year to you too...xo

  11. love the tutorial. and thank you so much for the inspiration!

  12. Fabulous! She is absolutely wonderful and magical!

  13. Gayle your Kewpie project is stunning. I love how you altered her. You do have a lovely fantasy and create the most amazing things.
    Thank you also for a great tutorial. You always do explain things so it's easy understandable. I felt very inspired by this kewpie project. I had a look on E Bay but they seem rather expensive. Especially when I need to add shipping. Sigh...
    Thank you for sharing your awesome art.
    And a Happy New Year to you.
    Hugs from Monica.... Spain


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