
Sunday 27 September 2015

Never A Goodbye

My Friends...
I can't believe it's been a year already! It seems impossible that time passed so fast: just a moment ago we were sending first boxes to my first ever Creative Team, a bunch of wonderful, talented creative individuals from all over the world.
I can remember the first pojects, full excitement and great energy which has always been present in our group.
Brainstorming and having fun together. Lots of ideas, support and friendship.
It was an amazing year and a lot of things happened: tons of inspiring tutorials, beautiful projects, challenges and publications.
We really had the best time together... and for this and many other reasons I'll be missing my Creative Team Members every day.
I'd like to thank them all for all the support, hard work, great projects and all the friendship and warm thoughts I received from them.
You were all appreciated... because of you this blog turned into a great source of mixed-media inspiration. Thank you for all the help and giving me a lot of reasons to smile.
Your contribution to this place made a huge change . Thank you so much and lots of love.

You know by now that my Creative Team has changed and last week we welcomed beautiful new artists.
Today I'd like to invite you on a sentimental journey with me. Let's revisit some of the incredible and inspiring art pieces from my Teamies.

This September we are parting with Elena, Monika, Rebecca and Riikka {click on the names! - the link will take you to all their amazing projects created for our Team}
Do you remember...? :)

But hey, let us not forget about two previous Team Members! Do you remember wonderful Carole and Elena?

Can you see now why I'm so moved and grateful?
This has been a true priviledge. Thank you, Ladies!!
And this certainly is not a goodbye. ;)



  1. What a lovely way to thank your past members. It was so nice to be taken back to some of their amazing projects.

  2. Thank you, dear ladies! Some ladies were wonderful discovery for me)

  3. Thank you dear designers for your wonderful contributions. I hope this is not good bye, but see ya later:)

  4. Show stopping post, so much greatness in it!


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