
Wednesday 30 September 2015

Light & Shadow

Hi there my friends!
I hope you are having a great - and creative  - week!
I can't express how excited I am about coming weeks - new Creative Team Members, new exotic travels (can you imagine - in the next days I'll be in Reunion, South Africa, and soon in Australia and NZ - wow!) and a lot of things going on backstage...but shhh... this has to be a secret!

Today I've got something a bit unusual for you - it is rare for me to have a chance to share a project which was done during a full -day demo, but I was lucky enough to complete one during SPC show in Salt Lake City - and I was even able to take a photo of it for you!

What I love about the demos is that I have the chance to speak to you directly, show in a couple of minutes how easy it is to be creative and mix, match or simply...glue away! For me, this process is full of joy and I hope my enthusiasm is contagious and I'm able to share it with you and encourage you to try new things!

This collage was my way of playing with whatever we had: I've made some texture pastes using Art Basics  3D Gloss Gel and Art Ingredients Micro Beads, I also glued TONS of my Mechanicals and Sandra's Relics and Artefacts with it.

Of course I couldn't resist and I had to use my new babies: Art Ingredients Opal Magic Mica Powders - beautiful iridescent colours we've just released on the market... I love how beautifully they shine on dark surfaces!

Although it is far from perfection, I had a great time creating it, especially that at the same time I could talk to some of you and explain how the art mediums and ingredients work together.

Materials used:

I hope you will enjoy it - and will get inspired a bit too!

Sending you hugs and hope to see some of you very soon!


  1. powalająco piękna praca! uwielbiam sposób w jaki bawisz się światłocieniem!

  2. åååååhhh, completely amazing :) Lovely colors :)

  3. It's gorgeous Anna! I love it, this is just stunning! And the new mica powder is so so wonderful! I hope the iridescents arrive soon here in the Netherlands!

  4. Gorgeous canvas and a wonderful collage of metals and relics.

  5. WOW!!..Fantastic..I just love it.

    luv CHRISSYxx

  6. I love it Finn! This is so amazing project!Love it!xxx

  7. Wonderful piece. Love the faces poking out through the mechanicals and the colours. Do you know when the Opal Mica powders will be available, I know I am going to need/want those :)

  8. Now I know what to create with the relics I have purchased! Love your collage. Great inspiration:)

  9. I have heard nothing but rave reviews of your US classes this year. Everyone has had positive and enthusiastic remarks and everyone LOVES you! I am so sorry I couldn't attend your live classes, but none were scheduled near Oregon! Maybe next year you can schedule some classes in the beautiful Pacific Northwest????

  10. I love your art work? Do you have video on you tube?


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