
Thursday, 14 May 2015

Let's get Together - Special Invitation to "Open Studio"

Hi there, wonderful people!Let me talk to you today about something important, I think!

Where to start? How to get it all together? Can I  do it?
I'm sure in some stage of our creative life we've been asking these questions. We've all been beginners, looking for inspiration, good advice and sparkle which would make our creativity burn - and not always we are lucky to be surrounded by people of the same interests!
Some of you may wonder how my big adventure with mixed-media started. As I always say: it was because of my friends, who knew I was a bit creative and wanted me to try their "things" - simply by coming one day and giving me a small "starting kit" to play with them! Did I know in this time what I was doing? Certainly not! Did I expect how big change it my life it will finally bring? No, not at all, but the truth is the day I discovered gels, pastes and gesso changed my life forever.

Now, with my own line of art mediums, with formulas made exactly to fit my needs and preferences creating this kind of art is easier than ever for me. I have the confidence in the product. I know what to expect and how to get the best results... but I remember the time when I had a lot of questions in my head and I loved the fact there was a group of people who could support me and give me some tips. Now on this blog both me and my awesome Creative Team we are working hard to convince all the shy and hesitating, those who are just beginning and those who would love to dive deeper into world of creativity that "mixed-media" is simply the quintessence of creative freedom and it is for EVERYONE. You can call it my mission - our mission!

In the ideal world I'd love to give a helpful hand to each one of you. I do my best teaching "in person" classes in many places of the world, travelling like crazy nomad to meet you all, share my passion for creating  and spread a word about what we do here, in this small part of the internet which happens to be a virtual window to "Finn's Studio" which I'm happy to share with my friends since September 2014. I hope you like this place - I dreamed to make it friendly, welcoming and inspiring - and I hope we are getting close to this dream!
But, this is not all...

I was wondering what ELSE can I do to come closer to you. With words of encouragement, pushing you a bit out of your comfort zones, reminding about relaxing and healing aspect of creativity, pure joy of simply playing without thinking too much... there are so many things I'd like to tell you and I try a bit during my classes and in my posts, mostly through the projects I make - as I'm not a good speaker, I think.
Not long ago I was discussing with my Creative Team and we came with the idea we should make an open Facebook Group for all of you who visit this place - a kind of "Open Studio" - place for sharing the ideas, encouraging, helping each other, asking questions or simply being together. Place where you can not only find inspiration coming from us - but from each other! What an amazing, endless source is that!
What do you think about this idea? I know FB is not perfect - but makes meeting people so much easier... Here it is - brand new and open for everyone. Clicking on the image will take you directly there!

I really hope to meet you all there and in a couple of days, weeks this special place will be filled with discussions, projects, inspiration, laughter and creative atmosphere! I'm sure we all will met a lot of wonderful people there, new friends, a lot of artistic souls.
I can't wait to see to see this group growing - I'm sure that together we will make this place simply awesome!
See you there soon!
sending warmest hugs


  1. You're sharing a lot of idea all ready, it's a generous project. Thanks!!

  2. Hola guapa!!, me ha encantado todo lo que has escrito. Te doy las gracias por esta oportunidad que nos das de poder aprender más y mejor de una gran artista y persona como eres tú. Yo ya he solicitado entrar en el grupo de facebook y seria un gran honor poder estar y compartir allí todo con ustedes. Ojalá algún día pueda tener el honor de conocerte en persona y hacer un taller tuyo...( ¿cuando vienes a España? jjjjj)
    Un fuerte abrazo

  3. What an amazing initiative!!! Will love to join the Facebook Open Studio!

  4. I just started to follow your blog and I am enjoying reading all the past posts! I think a FB group is a great idea to share and encourage each other in our creative endeavors. Thank you so much!

  5. How exciting Anna I will pop on over x

  6. The group is already growing very fast - I think it's over 600 members already :) Great idea, love it ♥

  7. Excited to watch and take part, learn and get excited !

  8. AWESOME idea Ania, the community is already growing and so welcoming, thank you!!!

  9. Always look forward to joining you and friends.

  10. It's great. I'll go and register. Thank you for being so inspiring. Johanne Lacombe

  11. It is you who have inspired me in the "mixed media", I learned so many techniques with you! wonderful idea this group

  12. What a brilliant idea! I am off to join the group NOW! I am lucky enough to be meeting you at the end of October this year in South Africa. I am counting the days!

  13. What a brilliant, generous way to share your talents with us all. Thanks for all the encouragement you give to us all

  14. A most wonderful idea - and I know I will learn so much from all the awesome crafters and artists that participate on the page.


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