
Monday 27 October 2014

Encyclopedia Magic

Hello, Friends!
Let's start a new week with something totally amazing!
I've always been a fan of book art but what Rebecca did this month is just crazy beautiful!
You need to check this out!

Hello Everyone,

This month I am happy to bring to you a little book makeover. This beautiful old book was once a beloved encyclopedia. Now I am sure the majority of us are old enough to remember these in book form. These days you will find them on DVDs or not used at all with people relying on our good old friend Mr Google.
So if you have an old encyclopedia lying around, don't throw it out, give it a beautiful makeover.

I have always wanted to try a folded book, always throwing myself in at the deep end I tried to go with a more complicated fold for my first attempt. There were a few mishaps along the way, but in the end it worked and I am super happy.

Art Extravagance Texture Paste in Clear Crackle gave my book a beautiful vintage look, here is a close up:

As my tutorial is very photo heavy I have made it into a picture YouTube video for you all to watch.
Please sit back and enjoy watching how the book jacket evolved from start to finish.

Products Used


  1. Wow that's fabulous and I love the cover, Elizabeth x

  2. Love that cover but how did you learn to do the pages?

  3. Ohhh!It's gret!Inside and cover are real fantastic!

  4. wow, really fantastic, beautiful colours and textures and I'm very impressed from your folded book, I'm sure you need a lot of time for this!

  5. Wonderful cover, but verbal instructions would have been better. Hard to read and see what you have done, in a very short period of time.
    BUT that will make me watch it over and over your colors.

  6. Love book folding, never yet tried a word in all honesty haven't plucked up the courage but i love what you have done and i think it might even give the courage to have a go..... So beautiful and i live the colours xx

  7. I love the cover! The colors and texture are great! The pages are brilliant, amazing & WOW!
    Super cool recycling you've done here!
    Thanks for sharing!

  8. This is the most amazing work! Fantastic - thank you for sharing. The video was super helpful as well!

  9. Amazing! Love the colours and texture effects with the mica and the inside is stunning


    Jools x

  10. Wow!!! I love love the cover and I'm amazed at the folding of the pages to make a word!

  11. I love it all I could not pick a favorite part
    susan s

  12. Love this, but have to agree with DD, I spent a lot of time rewinding and then lost the thread thought.
    Also. I know that you want to sell your products, but could you give the Liquidtex or Golden equivalents as I have loads of those.

  13. This is beyond beautiful!!

  14. Beautiful piece of work - it was fascinating to see how the cover came together, thanks for all the tips and inspiration - I'm off to check out some book-folding instrctions now! :o)

  15. Bonjour,

    Très belle couverture qui n'est pas sans me rappeler celle que je viens juste de faire - Grand cadran d'horloge et papillon. Les grands esprits se rencontrent.

    J'adore le pliage... Y a t'il un tutoriel ? Car c'est vraiment sublime.
    Bravo à Rebecca.

    Bises de France.


  16. Wow, I never heard of book folding before, that is amazing and love the colours.

  17. I can't believe this is the first time I have seen this video!!!! It's all very beautiful, great job:))


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