
Sunday 9 March 2014

Behind the scenes: Life Book 2014 and me

Few months ago I was posting my BIG NEWS - I was invited by Tam from Willowing Arts to join as a teacher her on-going online class - Life Book 2014.
I seriously couldn't believe my eyes when I saw 22 names listed on Life Book website - wow, so many great artists in one place! Lucky me!
Of course in the beginning I was overexcited, hyperventilating and a bit panicked in one - I guess this is my usual reaction to new big and scary challenge I want to try. And then I said to myself - Oh, what the hell... - I closed my eyes and jumped into the big rabbit hole.
And that's how it all started! I've created my first Full Online Mixed-Media Collage Class - and although I had to fight with some technical difficulties (as always - I wanted to try something new...) I'm very happy about the final results: videos, pdf files and the project... you can see a small peek below :)

I cant reveal everything about it (sorry!)- you need to join us and experience it yourself - but I'll share photos from my studio from the time my Collage Class was created - ready?

This may give you a hint what kind of supplies we will be using in this class...

... and a bit about the techniques!

It is all supported by pdf files and videos :)

And now - good news! If you want o join Life Book 2014 - you still can! 
Registration is open till September, but the weekly classes by tam and all the talented teachers already started - so why not starting now? My class will be launched in the next couple of days - so if you want to try it, it is perfect time:)
How does it work?
Easier than you think - you will find all the information here, on the Life Book website,
but in short words: for 70 GBP/about 85 EUR/109 $ you get:
- 10 In depth Mixed Media Art Lessons by Tam 
- 22 In depth Mixed Media Art Lessons by Guest Teachers (me included!)
- 20 (Smaller) Bonus Activities like: extra PDF prompts, step by steps/ artist interviews/ ATC swaps/ give aways/ audio meditations/ writing prompts etc by Tam and Guest Teachers
- access to forums and company of lovely people who are passionate about creating :)

 To register simply follow the link below (Just one little note: this is an affiliate ink and this is how the teachers get paid. When you register through this link I get a small percentage. Thank you!)

I'm sure it will be an incredible journey and I hope I will see you there!


  1. Looks fantastic Finn as always ..I am sure it will be a great success x

  2. Looks great! I can hardly wait for your lesson. One more week...

  3. Will have to save my pennies as this is as close as I will ever get to seeing you live. Thanks for rising to the challenge.

  4. Great! Great collage! I love it)
    Good like in your creation)

  5. I am so excited, you teaching is the deciding factor in me joining lifebook. I have always wanted to take a class from the famous Finnabair (yes, Im alittle starstruck) and the reason I 1st tried mixed media waz your canvas using computer parts that was posted on youtube about a year ago. I live in the southern part of Louisiana so actual in person classes are an impossible dream of mine, (for now) so this is definitely the next best thing. Did I say I was excited, LOL!

  6. It's a beauty. Wonderful warm colors. Have a nice sunday Anneke.

  7. It's beautiful collage !!!

  8. I am so excited for this. Life book is an amazing experience and so inexpensive for the not only the quantity of lessons but the QUALITY of the teachers. I would encourage anyone who Loves mixed media and or art journaling to join. I CANNOT say enough good things about Life glad for this sneak peek of the project, gonna go scrounge my lace basket:)

  9. This class was one of the major factors that brought me back to Lifebook. I am so entralled with your work - the use of color and texture. And as I doubt you will be travelling to Alaska any time soon, I'm searching out ways to learn the techniques. Literally beyond excited for next Monday!!!!

  10. Już się nie mogę doczekać :) Fantastycznie będzie Cię spotkać w tegorocznej edycji LB!

  11. I am looking forward to this lesson!

  12. Hi Annette from Texas here, I am so glad to come across you. Like a treasure in the world. Love love your art and you are so sweet to share it with us. I have known art teachers who area not teachers. Girl you are awesome. xooxoxox Yea for Lifebook for me to find you.


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