
Monday 17 February 2014

Black Beauty

Hi, everyone!
Some people say that black is an absence of color.
Well...I have to disagree. ;)
And so I thought I would encourage my students to find the beauty in black...

This is a sample from my new 2014 Black Beauty class during which we create the cover of a journal.
I will never get tired of playing with gels, inks and paints to get some texture magic going on.. I designed this journal having this particular idea in mind - it just had to be sturdy enough to endure all the mixed-media action I'm so passionate about.

Obviously, there are lots of heavy embellishments involved and during this class we end up with one-of-a-kind creations to prove that black can be beautiful, too.
Never flat, never dull!  Amazingly deep and iridescent!

You can find the journals of my design (large & small) in our shop, there's also a wide variety of Mechanicals - my metal embellishments and all sorts of media to create the feeling of depth: my favorite Silks acrylic paints, Primary Elements pigments, inks of all different kinds and many more!

So...have I convinced you that black can be exciting...?! ;)


  1. Definitely. Loved your samples at stitches. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work. X

  2. I love it and no Black is not boring!! Awesome colours used!!!

  3. Miss Anna!! I'm seriously adoring that nice copper/brass color of the rings and closure on top of all the dark colors and black. YUM.

  4. I love black and totally love your journal cover!

  5. Black is beautiful! This is gorgeous!!

  6. I love it ! And booked this workshop at Scrapheap in May. Can't wait !!

  7. Aniu- taką jedną rzecz od Ciebie poproszę (podaj po ile i dane na meila do przelewu)Mój apetyt na którąś z Twoich prac wzrasta z każdym następnym postem [a obserwuję Twoje poczynania z paska bocznego na moim blogu, więc mam stały "podgląd"]
    Pozdrawiam cieplutko

  8. Hello Anna. I now have 2 of your beautiful journals, but I have to confess I still have not done a thing to them. I think this just might be the colours to make me start. It's Absolutely Stunning. You are such an inspiration and I hope you come back to Scotland and I get another chance to work with you. Hugs Rita xxxx

  9. Your projects are always amazing!

  10. I made this Black Beauty at the Prima Artventure in California and it is my most Favorite thing I have ever made in a class! And I made an autograph/memory book from the event out of mine. It is a memory I will cherish forever!

  11. This is FABULOUS! Gorgeous with the colours over!
    Love black... I wear it and create with it.
    Would so love to attend one of your classes. Please advise if New Zealand on your itinerary... :)

  12. Black Beauty...Black beautiful indeed , love it

  13. So beautiful!!! xxx

  14. I love black, find it so dramatic-this is fabulous and definitely not boring!!

  15. It's so beautiful! Full of depth and drama...
    Alison x

  16. Fabulous cover and love your black! Looking forward to attend your class again!

  17. I love see your projects, there are so amazing!

  18. I love black, and this is a stunning journal cover. Maybe you will be doing this in a class in Ireland sometime?

  19. Just stunning. I love black and white and black and yellow colour combinations but rarely use them in my crafting. I think I'll start now.

  20. Absolutely Finn - this is fantastic! Hopefully I'll get to take this class when you come to the US this summer!

  21. Love it Finn. Rich and sumptuous!

  22. I don't think I will ever understand how you create so many tones in your backgrounds! It's fascinating to look at.


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