
Wednesday 1 May 2013

On the Islands: August-September classes information!

Hi again friends.
You probably suspect I'm planning something for the end of Summer and beginning of Autumn - and you are right! August and September are booked for the events in UK (OMG, first time for me!) and my special place in the world - Ireland. Have a look below - maybe you will find something for you? I'd love to see you in my classroom... let's get messy together!

I start my mni-tour in the UK and Ireland in Glasgow, UK on 24-25th August.
I'm happy to visit Damselfly Crafts. You can find contact information in this link!

My next stop is in England - Snazzy Stamping and Scrapbooking on 30th August and 1st September.
I've met some their wonderful DT before - they are amazing girls! I'm so excited to visit them and see their "home" :) You can find the contact info on their website...
but you have to be very fast - the classes are almost booked out already!

Finally on 22nd September I'm happy to visit Cork again - wonderful, friendly people from Cardz'n'Scrapz store invited me again to teach classes in Ireland. I couldn't say no. I simply couldn't! Here is contact info - we've got 2 classes planned, but it may change ;)

I hope to see you there - and THANK YOU for all the support and love I get from you.
You make my heart soar...


  1. Whoot, whoot, can't wait to meet again!!!

  2. Oh be still my beating heart, cannot wait to see you again lovely lady:) and share in your amazing creativity. xx

  3. I think I have to fly to the UK and do these classes...Or can I invite you to come to Cape Town South Africa? Please?

  4. I'm another Snazzy DT member and can't wait to meet you and learn. Gillian and Astrid were buzzing when they came back from your classes in Ireland last year. Soooooo exciting :D!

    Lesley Xx

  5. I'm coming to play at Snazzys... I'm SO excited about it!!
    Alison xx

  6. I only wish I had been able to attend in Australia so for now I have to find YouTube with you demonstrating, your work is so exciting.


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