
Saturday 27 April 2013

Journal galore! (and Sizzix Friday!)

Hi, it's me again.
I relised there weren't many journal pages shown lately here on my blog. It doesn't mean I don't create them, oh no... it is all because my life gone totally crazy now - and it is going to be even worse (or at least similar) until Summer CHA... or maybe longer? There is something really BIG and important happening now behind the scenes for me - and it takes a lot of my attention. When the time will come - I will share as much as I can, but so far... let's focus on the journal pages, lol!

First one called "Dead tongue" (or dead language - it sounds the same in Polish) was inspired by one of the poems. It was made in one of my friend's travelling journal.

martwy jezyk - journal

Next travelling journal - next topic: this time "Macabre". What can suit better than "Danse Macabre" then?

danse macabre - journal

And finally - my "Journey Notebook" - new project I started to document some of my journeys. The base is an old book, the range of mediums - very limited... you can say it is something between a notebook and a journal in one. I like it so far. It is somehow special to me, really.

Journey 02

Journey 01

Both pages above were made with Sizzix products - to learn more, see detailed photos and product list - visit blog here!
See you soon...


  1. What great pages!! All so different and so interesting.

  2. Fabulous pages and very excited to hear about the new project! Maybe another trip to New Zealand! Your March class was so much fun xx Michelle

  3. I love seeing what you've been creating, just fabulous.

  4. stunning pages! especially I love black one =)

  5. Pierwsza strona, moja ulubiona i to zdjęcie, cudowne!

  6. Każdy inny...i każdy zachwyca, to kolorem, to tekstem..."Martwy język" podoba mi się najbardziej-jako myśli mi najbliższe, natomiast "Dance Macabre" podziwiam za piękną kompozycję!

  7. amazing pages Anna......... your work is so inspiring and i look forward to attending your workshop in November.

    crafty Hugs

    annie x

  8. Love the new Journey Notebook, inspired idea uaing an old book. Every good wish for your exciting new venture xx

  9. Świetne!!!Serdecznie i ciepło pozdrawiam oraz posyłam promyki słonka*

  10. I love these pages. They're so full of energy.

  11. Such fabulous pages, Anna - your work travels so far in just a few pages - so much variety and creativity!
    Alison x

  12. Je trouve ça vraiment super beau ce que tu as fait, tes fonds de pages sont d'une technicité et ces couleurs extra !!!
    Continue à nous montrer de si belles choses, c'est toujours un régal pour nos yeux :))


  13. These journal pages are lovely, too. Great color choices and arrangement of elements.


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