
Wednesday 10 April 2013

Classes in Russia (April 2013) - official information

Hi, friends.
I'm writing with deepest sadness to inform that classes which were planned for the last weekend of April (26-28 April 2013) in Moscow, Russia are cancelled, due to reasons are beyond my reach.
I've received the information from my partner in Russia, that all items needed are still in process of ordering. I can't risk and wait until last minute and learn that the supplies didn't arrive on time, it would be irresponsible in front of my students, who booked the classes and are waiting for the event to happen.  I had to make this very hard decision hoping people who are planning to come will have the possibility to cancel their travels without too big inconvenience and save you all very possible disappointment.
As soon as I will get the bank information I'm sending back all the downpayment I received from people in charge of the event.
I'm very sorry for this situation - I was looking forward to meet you all and I still hope it will happen in the future.
Sending warmest hugs


  1. Я тоже в шоке!
    Так мастер класс отменен из за того, что сорвалась поставка материалов, не из-за визы!?

  2. Hi ladies. I'm shocked too, but more sad and disappointed. Visa issues are other story, if I were lucky i could get it last minute, just before the travel... my application from last week was rejected because information missing on the voucher. I got a scan of the new one today afternoon. The eraliest i can get the visa is 22 nd April.

  3. Terrible news... Visit your classes was a big dream of many russian scrap-girls...

  4. Очень жаль!!!! Но, буду надеяться, что наша встреча когда-нибудь состоится!



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