
Wednesday 30 May 2012

Wędrowiec - Wanderer - industrial mixed media collage

Skończyłam. Wyszło nieco inaczej niż początkowo widziałam w planach, ale to naturalna ewolucja. Kilka ładnych godzin pracy, sporo materiałów i mnóstwo radości - i jest. Wędrowiec to robocza nazwa - być może ktoś z Was znajdzie trafniejsze skojarzenie? Nie chciałabym psuć Wam zabawy i od razu wyjaśniać "co autor miał na myśli" - bardzo jestem ciekawa Waszych interpretacji. Nazwijmy to moim kolejnym "eksperymentem":) Bardzo się ucieszę, jeśli podzielicie się ze mną swoim odbiorem tego kolażu, naprawdę!
I'm done. The final effect is  - as always - a bit different from the vision I had in my mind, but it is a natural evolution and I'm used to that. Few hours of work, loads of stuff and pure happines - and here it is! "The Wanderer" is just a first name that came to my mind, but i hope that maybe you will find a better name for it? I don't want to be a spoiler and tell you what were my intentions creating that: I'd love to hear your own ideas, impressions, associations and feelings about it. Can you share it with me please? Let's name it my next "experiment!" I'd be happy to hear you, really!

Wanderer - Wędrowiec - collage

Dla ciekawych zbliżenia poszczególnych części:
For interested - close ups of the collage:

A teraz technicznie: format to 50x70 cm - płótno malarskie, techniki mieszane czyli mixed-media z zahaczające o upcycling, industrial i cyberpunk (zapewne). Materiały to głownie części komputerowe (takie jak twarde dyski, płyty główne, procesory, karty pamięci i pokrewne), metalowe dodatki, papier i kwiaty od Primy. Kolor zawdzięczam mieszance wybuchowej uwzględniającej miedzy innymi akryle, spraye Rangera oraz farby Luminarte. Czas wykonania zliczany łącznie to około 15 godzin, nie licząc schnięcia.
Pracę fotografuje się koszmarnie, niestety nie jestem w stanie oddać ani dokładnej kolorystyki z pogranicza bieli, niebieskości, zieleni i złota ani wszystkich trójwymiarowych niuansów.
Now some technical data: size is 50x70 cm (20x27,5''), made on stretched canvas. It is a mixed media collage I'd name as industrial art, cyberpunk art or artistic upcycling. The main materials are paper, lace, computer parts (motherboards, memory chips, USB plugs, hard drives etc.), some random metal and glass objects and Prima flowers. Color is made with a huge selection of acrylic paint, Ranger sprays and Luminarte pigments. Time: about 15h + drying. 
It is so hard to make a good shot if it: the color palette is between whites, blues, greens and golds and al the dimensional details are just hard to focus on.

Jeżeli jesteście ciekawi podejrzenia kilku fotek zrobionych "w trakcie tworzenia" zapraszam tutaj!
Jednocześnie składam serdeczne podziękowania wszystkim, bez których ta praca by nie powstała - moim przyjaciołom i znajomym, którzy ze szczerego serca przynoszą mi co jakiś czas kolejne skarby! Ta praca zawdzięcza wiele firmie Prima Marketing, Lindzie Brun, Dryszce, Bettinie oraz kilku wspaniałym kobietom które na ostatnim Zlocie Warszawskim podarowały mi siatkę pełną komputerowych skarbów. Bez Was byłoby mi o niebo trudniej - dziękuję!!!
If you want to see some photos done "in progress" - take a peek here:)
In this moment I'd like also to say thank you to all my friends and students who witch their support and generosity made this collage real. All the "junk treasures" you give me are priceless to me, really!!! This project is dedicated especially to Prima Marketing, Linda Brun, Drycha, Bettina and the sweet friends who on the last Scrapbooking Convention in Warsaw gave me a huge bag of loose computer parts. Without you my work would be so much harder to do! Thank you!!!


  1. невероятно! просто невероятно красиво!!!

  2. It's just gorgeous!! Gee a's so hard with something as personal as art.
    Natural Beauty or
    Mother Nature-
    all the flowers and the dress and the organic leaves make me feel like there should be something natural in the name.
    Nature Lover?
    Just some thoughts that come to mind...none of which really equal the beauty of the piece!

  3. Creative Evolution!

    Incredible work Ania...actually genius!

  4. brak mi słów! jesteś niesamowita!!!

  5. przepiękne! nie mogę się napatrzeć na Twoje cudo...!

  6. Бесподобно!!! Невероятно красиво! Фантастика!!!

  7. Dear Anna
    What an amazing piece of art work, lots of talent.

  8. Finn, dla mnie to cala opowieść; o złożoności tego świata, o wychodzeniu z mroków, o wchodzeniu w jasną przyszłość. Piękne! Głębokie.

  9. nie wiem co powiedzieć, niesamowite, to jedna z najpiękniejszych rzeczy, jakie w życiu widziałam; dzieło sztuki

  10. Ooooh là là mais c'est magnifique !! Je reste en admiration devant cette réa, que de détails ! Bravoooooo

  11. OOOHHH my God! Name it "Fucking Beautiful" Beacuse it really is !! I totally love your work ! Amazing !! Thank you for sharing <3

  12. Im in shock!!! Its geourgeous!!! Unreal!!! I cant believe that human can do this. Are you alien??___ joke really perfect!!!!

  13. Thank you for the pleasure of watching a collage created.

  14. wonderful, beautiful. what amazing creative brain you have

  15. It's beautiful... whimsical.. fantasy scifi-ish. It's enveloping in that I could sit and stare for hours at all the fine intricate details. Just astounding Anna!

  16. Nie potrafię jej zinterpretować. Na pewno nie teraz. Teraz czuję tylko zachwyt i brak dopływu powietrza... Może do tego wrócę i "coś mi zaświta"!

  17. It is stunning Ania! Imagine 15hours drying :-))) Love the colors, texture and yes all of it actually. And thank you for thinking of me.. Love you!

  18. Jak dla mnie jak zwykle mistrzostwo świata i kolorystycznie i kompozycyjnie!

  19. Anna, Anna, Anna...... I´m speechless! It's SO amazing and SO you. A name for it.... hmmm..... Golden Junk Prima Donna, maybe?

  20. O ja Cieee... Przepiękne!

    Gdybym miała zinterpretować, nadałabym tytuł "Dusza", bo jest niejednoznacznie, ale jednak najjaśniej jest blisko serducha ;)

  21. This is just stunning!! So many details and layers, love the color tones and all the findings!

  22. I cannot tell you how much i love your projects/creations. One is more beautiful than the next. How you layer your embellishments..... the paper, metal, everthing is so so impressive. When I first look at this creation I see a tree, maybe a christmas tree and you are the angel-topper. I am sure if i studied it for a prolong period of time, I am sure I would see many many more incredible ideas. Please never stop .... i would be so disappointed. You are my inspiration and i hope one day I will be able to produce a project as creative and perfect as yours. I know this all sounds mushy mushy but I mean every word. Sue
    ever coming to the East Coast of the USA to teach?

  23. Amazing! With all these parts coming out from the body it reminds me an explosion of our internal world coming out. Bringing out our interior thoughts, ideas, expressing ourselves. What about a name related to this? like "alive" :-D

  24. Gorgeous as always! I'm so excited that you're coming to Scrapbook Island in San Jose to teach in July - I can't wait!

  25. This is an amazing piece of art. The first thing that came to my mind is The Chakras specifically the Solar Plexus, like a window to the soul. that would be a title I would choose for that. that yellow circle in the middle looks like its emminating light from the solar plexus so that's why I felt that way. Another title could be The light of my Soul.

    I don't know if you got my email a few weeks ago but I'm really looking fwd to your class in July.

  26. Wahou! Wahou! Wahou! I can't find my words in front of such a beautiful layout! It is really ART, and I'm really impressed by your creative spirit. All these little parts placed where they have to be, the colours, etc... I love it!

  27. c'est fantastique ! moi je dirais : supernatural

    votre réalisation est féérique, spirituelle ...

    Corinne de france

  28. This is fabulous. I love this golden style ! It looks like a sun bursting out of your body. Perhaps it means the light you give to us with your Art ! Thank you, Finn !

  29. Thank you so much friends for all your sweet comments and the ideas you share with me! I feel so happy reading them :***

  30. This is just amazing Finnabair!!! Love it

  31. Wspaniałe, jak wszystko, co robisz. Dla mnie to takie sacrum kontra profanum, aureolę widzę i ten gorejący promień przy sercu. Czapki z głów!

  32. Howdy,
    This piece is fantastically exquisite!

    Your sculpural detail and dimensional qualities are intriguing - so interesting.

    The composition and colors are just right. The textures and contrasts are remarkable.

    Truly inspiring! You've inspired me to use more dimensional objects in my work. Many thanks for sharing this beautiful piece.

    Would love for you to visit my blog when you have a moment or 2!


  33. Absolutnie breath-taking :) Widziałam go na żywo - nie ma najmniejszego porównania między zdjęciami w necie a rzeczywistością. Jest nieziemsko piękny!

  34. Once again - amazing work. Truly a piece of art.
    I somehow get very motherlike feeling of the work. Like there's a secret that the lady doesn't want to tell.

    Beautiful mix of nature and technology.

  35. TURKUSOWY SOLARIS, nie wiem dlaczego, to pierwsze co przyszlo mi na mysla, buziaki!

  36. Jest zachwycający!! jak z pogranicza jawy i snu...Zadziwia mnie niezwykła umiejętność z jaką wydobywasz lekkość z tego 'żelastwa'...

  37. Nieziemskie...brak słów żeby opisać co mam w głowie jak patrzę na te zdjęcia.... zachwyt, podziw, zaskoczenie, szok, niedowierzanie...Jesteś jedyna w swoim rodzaju...niezmiennie chylę czoła dla twojego talentu i oczywiście dla Ciebie :) Wracam zachwycać się kolejny raz...

  38. Your so called "little madness" is beautiful genius! I enjoy stopping by your blog to see what you are creating in your own unique style.

  39. I would have called it "A light in the dark".

    The golden light is kind of surrounded by a darkness.

    It's beautiful!

  40. This is thee most amazing piece I have seen of yours. I talk about your work all the time to my husband, but he didn't 'get' it until I showed him this piece. His eyes got really big and he said; "Whoa, She is the Picasso of the scrapbooking world." This coming from him is huge compliment as he never has an opinion about anything scrappy! LOL! It just goes to show that you ARE the best!!!!!!

  41. Oż w mordę jeża!!!! Niezwykły kolaż!!!

  42. thanks for the details anna!!! I want to live with you for a month, ok, i will clean your work table just to sit beside you and watch as you create!!!!

  43. It's so great - I like it so much - thanks - Conny

  44. powinnaś na blogu umieścić jakieś ostrzeżenie, warning czy cuś, bo ja ataku hiperwentylacji właśnie dostałam!!!

  45. Ohh my good one.. This is realy amazing!!:-) I belive I could look at it for three days and still se more details..:-)

    Thanks for sharing:-)


  46. Steampunk Princess :D

    I just love this. I have a canvas lying around and I am inspired to try and make a piece of art. I love your blog and your work :D

  47. "Luna"

    You probably have named this beauty already. I love it!



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