
Wednesday 20 June 2012

March 2013 - CreARTe tour in Australia nad NZ!

Hi there - more exciting news is coming right now!
I'd like to announce for all my Australian and New Zealand friends that we're planning a big tour in March 2013 :)

If you arte interested in having a class - tell your favorite craft store about he event:)
If you are interested in hosting the classes - just email : for more details!
I hope to see you all soon v on "the other side" :)
Sending warm hugs!


  1. Everything you do is jaw-dropping gorgeous! Wish I could be in a class. Hope you'll teach in the US!


  2. I wish you'd teach a class in New York City...

  3. OMG I am so excited as I couldn't make it to Darwin for classes when you were in Australia recently!! Yay! Can't wait!

  4. OHHH totally keen on this! would be able to use my very limited Polish and chat about Warsaw and things whilst doing awesome art!

  5. That is so exciting. My birthday is in March and I will be nagging the local stores here in Wellington, New Zealand. Hope to see you in 2013!! What a Fabulous b'day present that will be! xx Michelle

  6. this is fabulous my dear
    xoxo BA

  7. I hope you want to checkout the whole countryside this time! LOL You didnt spread you gift as wide as we wanted last time. PLEASE PLEASE do all captital cities that would be awesome but I am definately finding you where ever you teach this trip! I have loved your work for years and think your amazing!!! :)

  8. Told the store I work with - now just to wait and see if all the stars align. Fingers crossed because I really NEED to take a class with the amazing Finn :)

  9. Looks interesting, there are quite a few visiting overseas tutors coming to NZ in 2013, in April, May and August, so you need to get organised with venues etc now or you will be up against some stiff competition for the tiny NZ papercraft market. email me
    Fiona Caldwell
    SENZ organiser and Create Auckland

  10. awsome news, im in auckland nz,im comeing :) woohooo


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